Statue removal etc.

I am glad to see that the calls for removing statues of colonial-era villains is expanding in scope beyond the initially narrow focus on Confederate figures only. For example, a statue of Columbus (Jew) is currently under consideration for removal (by no coincidence, Mayor Bill de Blasio is also a sanctuary city suppporter):

critics note [Columbus'] cruel treatment of the native inhabitants of the Caribbean and South America and his active participation in the slave trade.

Miecz previously posted a good documentary about Columbus:

which I recommend everyone check out and share widely (especially in relation to the Columbus statue issue).

The trend is also spreading beyond the US:

[Nelson] used his seat in the House of Lords and his position of huge influence to perpetuate the tyranny, serial rape and exploitation organised by West Indian planters, some of whom he counted among his closest friends.

Britain has committed unquantifiable acts of cultural terrorism – tearing down statues and palaces, and erasing the historical memory of other great civilisations during an imperial era whose supposed greatness we are now, so ironically, very precious about preserving intact.

And we knew what we were doing at the time. One detail that has always struck me is how, when the British destroyed the centuries-old Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860 and gave a little dog they’d stolen as a gift to Queen Victoria, she humorously named it “Looty”. This is one of the long list of things we are content to forget while sucking on the opium of “historical integrity” we claim our colonial statues represent.

Speaking of opium:

As usual, rightists ridiculously claim that leftists want statues removed as a way to somehow ”erase history”. Quite the opposite is true: far from wanting to erase history, we want to positively generate public interest in history. By bringing up this topic here, did I not just create an extra chance to share the documentary that Miecz posted earlier, as well as the Opium Wars links? To stress the point, let me also link again to JJ’s essay on the correct way to view the Confederacy, originally written in response to the Dylan Roof massacre:

In calling for removing statues of Columbus, Nelson and hopefully many more others to follow, we are not trying to make people forget that these historical figures ever existed; on the contrary, such highly publicized events would surely draw more attention to their names and get more laypeople finding out that Columbus was a Jew studying their significance in history (and, by extension, reading up on the horrors of the colonial era as a whole) than would otherwise have been the case. And this is the whole point. Moreover, in taking down monuments from their intended pedestals where they celebrate enemy greatness, we effectively transform them into ready-made symbols of our side’s ideological triumph.

Then I found this:

in June 1940 — during Nazi Germany’s attempted invasion of Britain — Hitler personally ordered the column’s transfer to Berlin along with its statue of Lord Horatio Nelson, the British admiral who defeated the French and the Spanish at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. ”The Nelson Column represents for the English a symbol of British naval might and world dominion,” the book quotes Hitler as saying. ”It would be an impressive way of underlining the German victory if the Nelson Column were to be transferred to Berlin.”

This is consistent with Hitler’s famous quote:

“The Englishman can only respect someone who has first knocked him out.” – Adolf Hitler

There remain to this day many monuments to colonialists all over the world, particularly in former colonial possessions:


Now would be a good time for anti-colonialists (ie. nationalists in the true sense) everywhere to take joint action to remove every last one of these monuments, and through mutual support re-acknowledge our common struggle against oppression at the hands of of post-Renaissance Western civilization, as has already begun here:

Rhodes Must Fall (#RhodesMustFall) is a protest movement that began on 9 March 2015, originally directed against a statue at the University of Cape Town (UCT) that commemorates Cecil Rhodes.

On 25 April 2015, Mcebo Dlamini, then president of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of Wits University (a South African public research university), stated in a Facebook post that he “loves Adolf Hitler” … Dlamini later declared during a radio interview on PowerFM that “Jews are devils,” a remark which led the South African Jewish Board of Deputies to lay criminal charges of hate speech against him.

The correct question is not: why must these monuments be removed? The correct question should be: why were these monuments not removed immediately after colonial rule officially ended (whenever that might have been in each case)?

A positive additional question should be: what new statues and other monuments should be built to replace the removed ones? (Suggestions are welcome in the comments.) Remember our most important message to the Alt-Right: WE WILL REPLACE YOU. Today, statues. Tomorrow, Western civilization.

I almost forget to mention that all of these will have to be demolished one day:

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175 Responses to Statue removal etc.

  1. Gallery Guy says:

    I’ve noticed that there are people calling to remove celebratory-monuments of presidents, like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt. I’m not too sure how to feel about the ones related to Washington and Lincoln, especially since even Hitler reportedly had praise for him.

    On a side note, I think VP Aaron Burr needs more praise over Hamilton in this country. He was hated by both Jefferson (a slave for the ethnocentric, chattel slave-owners) and Alexander Hamilton (a slave for the bankers).

  2. Gallery Guy says:

    had praise for Lincoln.*

  3. Gallery Guy says:

    Aaron Burr actually reminds me of Cronos from Greek mythology as presented by this site; his daughter reminds me of Athena; and his parents and maternal grandfather remind me of Uranus.

  4. Dragon_Bishop says:


    “I’ve noticed that there are people calling to remove celebratory-monuments of presidents, like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt. I’m not too sure how to feel about the ones related to Washington and Lincoln, especially since even Hitler reportedly had praise for him.

    On a side note, I think VP Aaron Burr needs more praise over Hamilton in this country. He was hated by both Jefferson (a slave for the ethnocentric, chattel slave-owners) and Alexander Hamilton (a slave for the bankers).”

    Certainly all had their flaws, Jackson probably being the worst. A Westerner in the true sense. If Hamilton did alter the dueling pistols when he dueled Burr, it would certainly be in keeping with the sort of character who would be in the pocket of Bankers, lol! What a piece of work.

    If I’m not mistaken Jefferson did denounce slavery ultimately before he died.

    Let’s be honest though, ‘settling’ on another person’s land, and then claiming that land for yourself is pretty dishonorable to begin with, especially if you were originally invited in as a guest. Had it not been for the Chinese invention of gunpowder, and the Mongrel invasion of Europe from the East that most likely brought the bubonic plague to Europe, who knows what America would have been? The often superior culture of the Native Americans may have survived the diseases and gunpowder of the European colonialists…

    (Think the measles were used by the Pilgrims as a biological weapon against the Native Americans, were they not? Smallpox infected blankets? Either-way, I do believe European diseases killed most of the Indians, and the Europeans that made it to America were genetic descendants of bubonic plague survivors).

  5. Dragon_Bishop says:

    Let me re-word this:

    “Had it not been for the Chinese invention of gunpowder, and the Mongrel invasion of Europe from the East that most likely brought the bubonic plague to Europe, who knows what America would have been? The often superior culture of the Native Americans may have survived the diseases and gunpowder of the European colonialists…”

    Had it not been for the Chinese invention of gunpowder, and the Mongrel invasion of Europe from the East that most likely brought the bubonic plague to Europe, the often superior culture of the Native Americans may have survived the diseases and gunpowder of the European colonialists…

  6. Dragon_Bishop says:


    Had it not been for the Chinese invention of gunpowder, and the Mongrel invasion of Europe from the East that most likely brought the bubonic plague to Europe, the often superior culture of the Native Americans may have survived the European colonialists…

    You know what I meant…

  7. Gallery Guy says:


    Burr shot first; Burr regretted that duel with Hamilton and even quoted one of Schopenhauer’s favorite writers to express his regret; and Hamilton intentionally broke dueling-protocol by aiming to the sky, just like how he told his oldest son Philip to do so (and Philip was essentially a slave of Alexander Hamilton much like Adam was to his own father). With all that said tho, Hamilton didn’t mess around with the dueling pistols before the duel; both Burr and Hamilton were well aware that the pistols they were using had very sensitive triggers.

    Jefferson also tried to hang Burr when Burr tried to become emperor of Mexico, or at least a part of it at the time. Burr’s actions in Mexico were similar to the events that proceeded the “Texas Revolution”, except that Burr was very much so against slavery than the average rebel during the “Texas Revolution”.

    Heck, Jefferson could’ve felt threatened by Burr infuriating the southern slave-owners at the time and may have tried to hang Burr for treason to avoid any fury from those group of people, despite the fact that Jefferson was totally ‘okay’ with nullification and secession before he became president (Virginia and Kentucky resolutions). Jefferson was a racist and a coward in a lot of ways (like with slavery), even if he had moral qualms with the system of slavery at the time.

    Another thing that’s related, too:, Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and George Lincoln Rockwell, were in favor of giving land to African-Americans to live in, separate from the USA. However, Jefferson got into conflict with souther, aristocratic slave-owners with that plan, much like Lincoln with his contemporary abolitionists, and Rockwell with his own contemporaries.

    Also, I agree with you on everything else you said.

  8. Gallery Guy says:

    Also, Burr is said to have shot Hamilton because he got infuriated that Hamilton was only pretending to be a “gentleman” in public life, and that Hamilton accused him of committing incest with his daughter, Theodosia, when Theodosia was 9 (and age of consent for Burr and Hamilton’s time was the age of 10). Keep in mind, Burr usually hated duels, but dueled both hamilton and Hamilton’s brother-in-law, John Church, when they both are said to have accused him of committing a capital crime (Church accused Burr of embezzlement when Burr dared to take on Manhattan’s banking establishment in a rather decent way). Burr would later regret the duel with Hamilton tho.

  9. Gallery Guy says:

    Keep in mind tho, Jeremy Bentham’s testimony on Burr is what I’m using to describe Burr’s personality and history to a point, so take it with a grain of salt

  10. Gallery Guy says:


    Actually, I misread ‘pilgrim’ as ‘puritan’, which is what Burr’s parents and maternal grandfather were, so I can’t agree with you there.

    John Johnson actually has a great article on the subject of pilgrims that I highly recommend:

  11. Gallery Guy says:

    (They were puritans, not pilgrims. Apologies for the confusion).

  12. SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Daniel says:

    I hate the white supremacists who love some of these monumental figures

  13. SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Daniel says:

    Have any of you every watched ThuleProductions on YouTube?

  14. Dragon_Bishop says:


    “Actually, I misread ‘pilgrim’ as ‘puritan’, which is what Burr’s parents and maternal grandfather were, so I can’t agree with you there.”

    Indeed, there is quite a bit of evidence that goes against the “smallpox blankets” as well.

    I think it was bubonic plague personally:

    “Fiction vs Fact

    1. Fiction: The Pilgrims gave the Indians smallpox-infected blankets, wiping out 90% of the indigenous people of New England.

    Fact: The Mayflower landed in November 1620, several years after the war and epidemic that decimated the New England tribes in 1616-1618. There is no historical evidence of smallpox aboard the Mayflower. The first recorded smallpox epidemic in New England occurred in Boston in 1633.

    The epidemic that decimated the New England coastal tribes in 1616-1618 was almost certainly not smallpox. It was most likely either measles or bubonic plague from French fur traders in Nova Scotia and present-day Maine. The epidemic was probably brought from the north by seafaring Tarratine (Mi’kMaq) warriors, who destroyed a large percentage of the coastal native communities from Maine to Cape Cod during the Tarratines War (1615-1619.)”

  15. Dragon_Bishop says:


    “Have any of you every watched ThuleProductions on YouTube?”

    I have seen some before, not a fan!

  16. Dragon_Bishop says:


    “Burr shot first; Burr regretted that duel with Hamilton and even quoted one of Schopenhauer’s favorite writers to express his regret; and Hamilton intentionally broke dueling-protocol by aiming to the sky, just like how he told his oldest son Philip to do so (and Philip was essentially a slave of Alexander Hamilton much like Adam was to his own father). With all that said tho, Hamilton didn’t mess around with the dueling pistols before the duel; both Burr and Hamilton were well aware that the pistols they were using had very sensitive triggers.

    Jefferson also tried to hang Burr when Burr tried to become emperor of Mexico, or at least a part of it at the time. Burr’s actions in Mexico were similar to the events that proceeded the “Texas Revolution”, except that Burr was very much so against slavery than the average rebel during the “Texas Revolution”.

    Heck, Jefferson could’ve felt threatened by Burr infuriating the southern slave-owners at the time and may have tried to hang Burr for treason to avoid any fury from those group of people, despite the fact that Jefferson was totally ‘okay’ with nullification and secession before he became president (Virginia and Kentucky resolutions). Jefferson was a racist and a coward in a lot of ways (like with slavery), even if he had moral qualms with the system of slavery at the time.

    Another thing that’s related, too:, Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and George Lincoln Rockwell, were in favor of giving land to African-Americans to live in, separate from the USA. However, Jefferson got into conflict with souther, aristocratic slave-owners with that plan, much like Lincoln with his contemporary abolitionists, and Rockwell with his own contemporaries.”

    Interesting, thanks!

  17. Dragon_Bishop says:

    Didn’t one of Hamilton’s other sons also die in a duel?

  18. Gallery Guy says:


    Yeah, I’m actually fine with Pilgrims, and I think more people should read John Johnson’s blog post on them; it’s great! Puritans, like Aaron Burr’s parents and maternal grandfather Jonathan Edwards (the founder of modern-day, USA-based evangelicalism) are a different story tho.

    Also, it is possible that any one of Alexander Hamilton’s other children were involved with at least one duel in his or her life, but none them died from any sort of duel. Hamilton’s oldest daughter Angelica was heavily affected by her brother’s death from the duel tho, and she never mentally recovered from her brother’s death.

    One last thing: when debating somebody about those repulsive monuments here in the West, make sure to brush up on your history on any of those figures that those monuments are dedicated to.

  19. SS-Oberst-Gruppenfuhrer says:

    Has anyone year been active in spreading the aryan ideology on this channel yet?

  20. Gallery Guy says:


    “Have any of you every watched ThuleProductions on YouTube?”

    Honestly, whoever is running that YouTube channel reminds me of a lot of individuals I directly know. Only difference between ‘whoever’ they are and the individuals I know directly, is that the former comes off as more open and honest than the latter. Granted, still a despicable tribalist at the end of the day.

  21. Dragon_Bishop says:


    “One last thing: when debating somebody about those repulsive monuments here in the West, make sure to brush up on your history on any of those figures that those monuments are dedicated to.”

    There’s a few statues in Germany I can think of, and several gravestones that deserve to be pissed on at the least….

    As far as American presidents go, that’s ultimately up to Americans….

  22. Gallery Guy says:


    “There’s a few statues in Germany I can think of, and several gravestones that deserve to be pissed on at the least….”

    Like which?

    “As far as American presidents go, that’s ultimately up to Americans….”

    Monuments dedicated to Donald Trump, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR definitely need to be demolished.

  23. Dragon_Bishop says:

    Well, more like monuments and such to be honest…. lol.

  24. Gallery Guy says:

    Actually, one area that I disagree with John Johnson with is Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was a cowardly hypocrite who tried to persecute his former VP, Aaron Burr, in court (only to be essentially stopped by his political nemesis, Chief Justice John Marshall) and was even despised by President Abraham Lincoln (as William Henry Herndon, Lincoln’s former law partner, reported). One area with Lincoln that I disagree with is his praise for Alexander Hamilton though.

    Also, while I don’t hate Washington for many of the things he did, his resentment towards Burr was repulsive and his conduct during the 7-year war and the American Revolution is, at the very least, questionable in regards to his competence.

    Final thing to note: I highly recommend Gore Vidal’s “Burr”. It’s a great book.

  25. Gallery Guy says:

    Forgot to note:

    From what I can tell, Lincoln was an admirer of Burr and Hamilton, but always hated Jefferson except when necessary to use him for political expedience. He was also close to some of Burr and Hamilton’s own children, even forming a political alliance with Aaron Columbus Burr to provide African Americans with their own land.

  26. SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer Daniel says:

    Anybody here presently in any political party?

  27. Gallery Guy says:


    I’m not.


    Has anyone heard about the recent news that both the Daily Stormer and StormFront got booted off the internet?

  28. AS says:


    “Has anyone heard about the recent news that both the Daily Stormer and StormFront got booted off the internet?”

    Yes, this is part of the Zionist script to increase Alt-Right credibility, since it unspokenly announces to the whole world that the establishment dare not face them head-on in debate.

    This is why I am firmly opposed to deleting enemy comments here, and indeed why I even took the trouble to repost comment discussion excerpts from the now-removed BS List:

    It is better to keep enemy comments around, side by side with our responses, so as to leave no doubt to visitors that we can refute, and have refuted, head-on any argument they can come up with. This is similar to Hitler’s approach to degenerate art.

    (Speaking of which, I am somewhat disappointed that commenters are not following my suggestion made over there:

    If you have encountered enemy arguments that you have trouble dealing with, please feel welcome to post them below in case someone else might be able to suggest good counterarguments to them.

    because, to be honest, current debating skills are quite poor.)

    Another effect of booting them from the internet is to set things up such that we can no longer see them but they can still see us. This is extremely advantageous to them and extremely disadvantageous to us, as should be obvious to anyone who knows anything about tactical warfare.

    This is the best clue yet as to which side the Zionists are really supporting.

  29. Gallery Guy says:


    “Yes, this is part of the Zionist script to increase Alt-Right credibility, since it unspokenly announces to the whole world that the establishment dare not face them head-on in debate.”

    I agree.

    “[T]be honest, current debating skills are quite poor.”

    Yeah, I definitely need work. Is there some sort of way for people on this site to communicate with one and another to better our debating skills?

  30. Hypnotix says:

    @Gallery Guy

    “Is there some sort of way for people on this site to communicate with one and another to better our debating skills?”

    You can get on the Discord server, at this link:

  31. Gallery Guy says:


    “You can get on the Discord server, at this link:

    Okay, that works; thank you! I will be on it in a few hour; I just need to rest first.

  32. Gallery Guy says:

    Off topic, but if one is to talk about Abraham Lincoln, one should note that he disliked his first-name and preferred people to call him just by his last-name…

  33. AS says:


    “You can get on the Discord server”

    The whole point of my previous comment was to get people practicing HERE:

    or at least elsewhere on the blog. I want visitors to read our practice and learn from it also.

    It’s bad enough that GG failed to catch on, but for you – a swastika bearer – to get led astray by him instead of correcting him…..

  34. Hypnotix says:


    You’re right, I apologize for that.

  35. Gallery Guy says:

    I was speaking more on practing debate-skills in general rather than just focusing on counter arguments against enemies. However, I’m fine with using that link AS provided before to better debate-skills though.

  36. AS says:

    One down:

    (Friendly suggestion to statue removers: next time, please stick a note with a link to Miecz’s video onto the beheaded head.)

  37. John Johnson says:

    @DB, GG

    “(Think the measles were used by the Pilgrims as a biological weapon against the Native Americans, were they not? Smallpox infected blankets?”

    No. The British military used smallpox blankets against the natives during Pontiac’s Rebellion in the 1760s (which was in reality one of the first American wars of independence). Here is a brief history of Pontiac’s Rebellion, with discussion of the smallpox blankets:

    New Englanders, Pilgrims, and the Wampanoags maintained peace until King Phillip’s War in the 1670s, when Western settlers had far outnumbered the original Pilgrims, and their disregard for the treaties led to war.

    “Jefferson was totally ‘okay’ with nullification and secession before he became president (Virginia and Kentucky resolutions)”

    The Kentucky Resolution is about the duty of states to resist tyrannical laws/actions of the federal government. Below are the most relevant sections for leftists to read–the resolution is basically an endorsement of sanctuary states/cities!!!

    Draft of the Kentucky Resolutions, by Thomas Jefferson. (October 1798). (Protest against the Alien and Sedition Acts).

    * Section 4-6 (on the duty of states to protect friendly non-citizens from the tyranny of the federal government; on the opinion that non-citizens are entitled to the Constitutional rights of citizens, and that no one should be deported without legal trial and due process of law)
    * 8 (on the duty for states to nullify and resist tyrannical federal laws)

    That’s very different from promoting nullification/secession so states can continue the tyrannical practice of slavery and selfish practice of refusing to pay fair taxes, in defiance of the (reasonable) demands of the federal government.

    “Jefferson was a racist and a coward in a lot of ways (like with slavery), even if he had moral qualms with the system of slavery at the time.”

    Unfortunately, the practical reality was that Dixie states would not have joined the US if they had to give up slavery. Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration of Independence actually contained a condemnation of slavery, and as president, he banned the importation of slaves during the earliest year allowed by the Constitution.

    Yes, his personal ownership of slaves is inexcusable and he could have been much more forceful in his anti-slavery advocacy; however, we shouldn’t fall into the cynical False Leftist trap of condemning Jefferson and others with a broader brush than necessary.

    “Actually, one area that I disagree with John Johnson with is Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was a cowardly hypocrite who tried to persecute his former VP,”

    I simply advocate that we separate Jefferson’s ignoble and Western ideas/actions from his incipiently American ideas which have positive potential.

    Rightists/traditionalists have the habit of broadly praising every aspect of US history (including the ignoble parts), and as a reaction False Leftists have developed the unfortunate habit of broadly condemning every aspect of US history (including the positive and inspirational parts!!!). This ensures that rightists end up with a monopoly on US history/culture, and that American leftists are left without any idealistic narrative or mythos.

    As I pointed out previously, Jefferson’s own words are often at odds with the views rightists attempt to promote by evoking him, so we would be foolish not to provide a competing anti-rightist narrative using all the ammunition we can.

    “Yeah, I’m actually fine with Pilgrims, and I think more people should read John Johnson’s blog post on them; it’s great!”

    Thanks! I also had a second version, exploring the Pilgrims from the ‘refugees welcome’ angle, which was on the now defunct PACPO site. Maybe I’ll repost that here around Thanksgiving time.

  38. Gallery Guy says:


    “No. The British military used smallpox blankets against the natives during Pontiac’s Rebellion in the 1760s (which was in reality one of the first American wars of independence). Here is a brief history of Pontiac’s Rebellion, with discussion of the smallpox blankets:
    New Englanders, Pilgrims, and the Wampanoags maintained peace until King Phillip’s War in the 1670s, when Western settlers had far outnumbered the original Pilgrims, and their disregard for the treaties led to war.”

    Yeah, I wouldn’t think the pilgrims would do such a thing from a practical and ethical standpoint.

    “The Kentucky Resolution is about the duty of states to resist tyrannical laws/actions of the federal government. Below are the most relevant sections for leftists to read–the resolution is basically an endorsement of sanctuary states/cities!!!
    Draft of the Kentucky Resolutions, by Thomas Jefferson. (October 1798). (Protest against the Alien and Sedition Acts).
    * Section 4-6 (on the duty of states to protect friendly non-citizens from the tyranny of the federal government; on the opinion that non-citizens are entitled to the Constitutional rights of citizens, and that no one should be deported without legal trial and due process of law)?* 8 (on the duty for states to nullify and resist tyrannical federal laws)
    That’s very different from promoting nullification/secession so states can continue the tyrannical practice of slavery and selfish practice of refusing to pay fair taxes, in defiance of the (reasonable) demands of the federal government.”

    Fair to say that the Kentucky Resolution is filled with Jefferson’s own bias, such as dislike of anything that the Feds do that isn’t explicitly listed in the US constitution tho. But I get what you mean tho; it is not good too think be so concerned with Jefferson’s bias in the Kentucky Resolution and look at it with idealism. Also, sanctuary cities are a must need today.

    “Unfortunately, the practical reality was that Dixie states would not have joined the US if they had to give up slavery. Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration of Independence actually contained a condemnation of slavery, and as president, he banned the importation of slaves during the earliest year allowed by the Constitution.
    Yes, his personal ownership of slaves is inexcusable and he could have been much more forceful in his anti-slavery advocacy; however, we shouldn’t fall into the cynical False Leftist trap of condemning Jefferson and others with a broader brush than necessary.”

    I’m aware with the original draft of the Declaration of Independence. However, I just have a huge problem with the very language of the Declaration of Independence in general. But, like I basically said before, it’s good to be idealistic with our approaches.

    I should note though that most people in the US when Jefferson banned the slave-trade were completely fine with it for various reason, so it was easy for him to get that established.

    Also, yeah, Jefferson’s personal ownership of slave and his treatment towards them was despicable, and downright disturbing for a man who could’ve done so much more.

    “I simply advocate that we separate Jefferson’s ignoble and Western ideas/actions from his incipiently American ideas which have positive potential.
    Rightists/traditionalists have the habit of broadly praising every aspect of US history (including the ignoble parts), and as a reaction False Leftists have developed the unfortunate habit of broadly condemning every aspect of US history (including the positive and inspirational parts!!!). This ensures that rightists end up with a monopoly on US history/culture, and that American leftists are left without any idealistic narrative or mythos.

    As I pointed out previously, Jefferson’s own words are often at odds with the views rightists attempt to promote by evoking him, so we would be foolish not to provide a competing anti-rightist narrative using all the ammunition we can.

    I’m fine with what you’re advocating. Just as long we’re celebrating the various individuals who helped established the Declaration of Independence into effect. I’ll put aside my differences with Jefferson (specifically his flaws) to look at the bigger picture.

    “Thanks! I also had a second version, exploring the Pilgrims from the ‘refugees welcome’ angle, which was on the now defunct PACPO site. Maybe I’ll repost that here around Thanksgiving time.”

    I completely endorse that!

    Side note: the know-nothing-party, a nativist political party in the US, was heavily opposed by Lincoln throughout his political career and was first lead by Lewis Charles Levin (Jew); and Lincoln even had some sympathy for Grant’s ban against Jews down south, despite the fact that he rescinded the ban. It’s a shame he got shot and was replaced by Andrew Johnson…

  39. Hypnotix says:


    Great points, as always. Thanks.


    “‘Has anyone heard about the recent news that both the Daily Stormer and StormFront got booted off the internet?’

    Yes, this is part of the Zionist script to increase Alt-Right credibility, since it unspokenly announces to the whole world that the establishment dare not face them head-on in debate.”

    And surely enough, this is what I saw today:

    “There is a reason Daily Stormer and other podcast put on youtube have been taken down and banned. Too many normies started listening.”

    They’re really embracing the role of the victim (kind of like some other people…):

    “I found a great documentary series. Watch it before it is taken down:”

  40. Gallery Guy says:


    What about putting up a Nelson Mandela statue as celebratory monument, alongside with other important figures, in the USA? I know discussions about him have caused a lot of controversy on this site, but he has done a lot of good tho…

  41. AS says:


    “his personal ownership of slaves is inexcusable”

    Actually, if you lived in a time when complete abolition was not yet practically feasible, and indeed when even freed former slaves could potentially be re-enslaved, would you yourself not contemplate purchasing slaves if you could afford to do so, purely in order to prevent them from potentially falling into the hands of more cruel slave owners than yourself? Even if not (ie. you believe that setting a personal example of not owning slaves is more important than protecting individual slaves from cruel treatment), could you not sympathize with someone else who prioritized differently?

    I suggest Jefferson owning slaves could be defended from this angle, so long as you can show that he favoured abolition in principle (which you seem to be able to do) and that he treated his own slaves better than average (can you?).

    (By the way, we use the same defence for Neolithic Aryans keeping farm helper animals.)

    “* Section 4-6 (on the duty of states to protect friendly non-citizens from the tyranny of the federal government; on the opinion that non-citizens are entitled to the Constitutional rights of citizens, and that no one should be deported without legal trial and due process of law)”

    I wasn’t previously aware of this (thanks for posting!), but it just goes to show that all the present-day judges blocking Trump’s executive orders on the issue are doing their duty as AMERICANS, contrary to demented rightist assertions that they are “traitors”.

    Meanwhile, it appears Trump is going after DACA now…..


    “What about putting up a Nelson Mandela statue”

    I advise for the US sticking to statues of Americans in order to emphasize American nationalism.

  42. SS-Oberst-Gruppenfuhrer Daniel says:

    Does anybody on here believe in the Blood and Soil and Heim ins Reich policy?

  43. Gallery Guy says:


    “I suggest Jefferson owning slaves could be defended from this angle, so long as you can show that he favoured abolition in principle (which you seem to be able to do) and that he treated his own slaves better than average (can you?).”

    If one could idealitically look over his constant critique of radical, anti-slavery activist (such as Burr), his endorsement of Andrew Jackson over JQ Adams for president, his support for the spread of slavery on anti-slavery grounds (such as his opposition towards the Missouri Compromise) his constant desire to renovate his Monticello that resulted in many slaves overworked, his use of his slaves as collateral when dealing with his debts (caused by his purchase of wines and other things), and Lincoln’s own negative opinions towards Jefferson in favor of both Hamilton and Burr, then yes.

    “I advise for the US sticking to statues of Americans in order to emphasize American nationalism.”

    Fair enough.

  44. Gallery Guy says:


    “I wasn’t previously aware of this (thanks for posting!), but it just goes to show that all the present-day judges blocking Trump’s executive orders on the issue are doing their duty as AMERICANS, contrary to demented rightist assertions that they are “traitors”.”

    For the record, I completely endorse what the judges are doing, even if it means they look up to Jefferson’s own words for influence, provided that they can obviously separate Jefferson’s good views from his bad ones.

  45. Gallery Guy says:


    Off topic, but John Wilkes Booth is a Jew.

  46. SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer Daniel says:

    Has anybody posted anything about the Nordic race yet?

  47. Steven says:

    Another one bites the dust… Hope you get over all the supposed damage that I’ve done to this movement, and find somebody who is willing to do more for it…

  48. AS says:

    Good effort, but several problems:

    1) There should be red paint below the mouth (vampire) as well as on the hands.

    2) “Colonialism” would have been a better word than “Hate”. Colonialism was a consequence of racism, hubris, greed, and many other attitudes, but definitely not of hate. It is anti-colonialism which is motivated by hatred of the colonialists.

    3) If something really is coming from our side, why would you alert the enemy about it ahead of time so that they can prepare countermeasures?

    Correcting problems 2) and 3) is essential to successful leftist transition from False Left to True Left.

  49. Jeff Schoep says:

    Dear Mr. AS and,

    It has come to my knowledge that this supposed NS blog makes open apology to homosexuality.

    This blog is immoral and ethically unacceptable. Homosexuals have a life expectancy 20 years lower than any normal person, are more prone to depression and heavy drug use. The recent deaths of Prince, George Michael and P. S. Hoffman prove this and serve as example.

    To make things even more remarkable, a study revealed the paradoxical and negative effects of the pro-homosexual culture and its consequences on the gay community. In their paper “Exploring a Dutch paradox: an ethnographic investigation of gay men’s mental health”, Aggarwal and Gerrets report that homosexuals living in the Netherlands (the most gay-friendly nation on the planet) display more mental health disorders.

    This is why I ask you to remove all pro-gay posts in your blog and STOP making apology to homosexuality. As a consequence of your immoral behavior I will not watch nor read anymore posts of this blog.

    Far from being an anti-gay statement, this is an openly pro-life and pro-humanitarian message that acknowledges the need of the homosexual community for therapy and healing.

    Jeff Schoep, Commander, National Socialist Movement USA

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