

This article is posted as a response to many genuine and sincere Aryanists (and others) who believe that our economic policies should be similar to those of currently-established powers. Although not adopting a neoliberal economic perspective, they still adopt an overly “orthodox” economic outlook for an Aryanist State.

Much of this discussion as to the economics of an Aryanist State is well-founded. Information about National Socialist Germany’s economy is scarce in comparison to the data that we have today. Furthermore, the methods used by the National Socialists are “unorthodox” in the sense that it is outside of normal economic practice for all modern economies and those running them. While it isn’t necessary to devise an economic alternative in all its details, as the situation will have changed when the chance comes to implement them, considerable effort should be made to construct a solid economic philosophy and, in this article, the means by which this philosophy will be fulfilled.

The discussion mentioned above of economics comes primarily from those who have been influenced by Anarchism or its many variations. Anarchism, in either its political or economic form, is not relevant to Aryanism. The compulsion for orthodoxy and acceptability, I think, is what drives many to anarchism as it is a revolt and not revolution. An Aryanist State must necessarily be authoritarian, both politically and economically. The age of granting rights for this or that activity, group or belief must end. The current situation we find ourselves in with an unstable geopolitical climate, environmental disaster and a demographic nightmare is a direct result of the beliefs still held by Libertarians, Anarchists, Conservatives and others. The reaction to these issues by these groups confirms this, with some downplaying the issues, some providing small quick-fixes (fluorescent light bulbs, hybrid cars, education for the poor to decrease birth rates, etc.), and some even completely denying their existence or relevance. All those beliefs born in 1789 are irrelevant to Aryanism.

Aryan economics must redefine economics as it must redefine the fundamentals of existence. This does not mean that the theories accumulated by economists should be ignored, but that the bad and irrelevant separated from the good. Aryan economics must shift towards centrally planned economies that are self-sufficient (German: autarkic) in order for large scale reforms, instead of the mere influence that governments have over market economies, to take place. And unless we wish to continue the present capitalist-socialist rivalry, class-rivalry and all its implications, reforms are required. Therefore, in order to redefine economics we must redefine its purpose, namely, the “fundamental economic problem”. The purpose of the economy must be redefined in an Aryan manner as to shift the focus from consumption and profit-obsession to a socially-based efficient economy.

Most people who were educated in the West are aware of the fundamentals of economics (supply and demand). Just as the economic problem must be redefined (and thus the purpose of economics), so must an economy’s basic functioning. Modern economists enjoy faith in the “invisible hand” and the relation between supply and demand. For a theory to be exercised, its fundamentals must be well-founded, and both the fundamentals of modern economics are filled with holes if not totally irrelevant.

Additionally, the tendency to dismiss economics as unimportant to an Aryan State is an illusion. Those who promote this and care not whether an Aryanist State operates by a barter-system or by fiat money, are not paying enough attention to the value of economics. Economics is undeniably linked with the social, cultural and political aspects of man. Failure to associate these factors with a functioning economy will cause an abrupt end to an Aryanist State. For the pragmatic, a functioning and powerful economy will be needed at the very least to arm the state for an inevitable war.

Initially, economic growth and full employment should be the main aims of an Aryanist state. A mostly self-sufficient economy (not an export economy) with imports coming only from allies or from close neighbours to avoid the impacts of a blockade during war. Most Aryanists will be aware of the barter trade system of Germany with its neighbours which will be pursued by a modern Aryanist State in order to keep money in the country in question as well as to stop the accumulation of debt. Also, reliable credit must be created for the expansion of the economy (particularly if the Aryanist State inherits an economy contracted by recession). This credit mustn’t come from overseas, particularly America, as that necessarily leads to foreign debt and subservience to the USA. Price and wage controls will be a necessity on at least the most basic goods to prevent inflation. As you can see, the policies will be different from those of all countries today, although slightly similar to those of centrally-planned Communist countries of the past.

As most Aryanist policies will differ before and after a war is fought, as will the economic policy. Leading up to the war a focus on production, particularly of armaments must be stressed more than it will be after this war. Furthermore, the state may have to enact policies that will be repealed after the war in order to increase production or any other war priority. However, if the war is pursued in its totality and is concluded with the defeat of hostile neighbours, the freedom to reform the state and its economy will present itself now that foreign threats are less drastic. Without doubt, the first to go will be those policies which were enacted reluctantly as preparation for war. Following this will likely go the stress of full employment over productivity growth. This must be pursued gradually and with caution in order not to cause structural unemployment. Similar services like the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), while already created, may have to be expanded in order to offer retraining for those made redundant by the increase in productivity following further mechanisation of industry. At this moment, one will notice the need for demographic policies to reduce the population to suit the needs of the economy, which will likely follow from the reduction of inferior births.

This represents the technicalities of an Aryanist economics policy. Much has already been discussed about its philosophy which follow the themes of agrarianism, “beauty of work”, “strength through joy”, which require no revision but should be discussed later in more depth.

Update (21st September, 2009): 1939 German Economic Policy

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