
“The work that everybody is called on to supply cannot be judged by its objective value. Everyone has only one duty: to take trouble. Whoever does this duty becomes, by doing so, indispensable to the community — whether it is something that only he can do, or that’s within the capacities of anyone. Otherwise the man who achieves something important, the effect of which can be felt for decades, or even for centuries, would have a right to puff himself up and despise the man who sweeps the streets.” - Adolf Hitler

To understand National Socialist economics, it is first necessary to realize that communism has the same goal as capitalism, and that it is this goal which is morally unacceptable. Believing in the primacy of the consumer, these economies are based around the economic problem of maximizing human wants attained by the exploitation of limited resources. The only disagreement between these and various other non-Aryan economic theories regards how better to accomplish their shared goal, usually based on whether a top-down or bottom-up feedback circuit is more effective. National Socialist economics differs fundamentally from all of these by refusing to treat consumption, and hence productivity, as valuable in itself.

Instead, we view economic activity as remedial in character. Production is justified on the grounds that it provides unwanted but necessary material remedies to problems that if left unattended will prevent us from fulfilling our purpose. For example, we do not want to be hungry, yet hunger is an unfortunate biological reality, therefore we quite literally take the trouble to produce food in order to remedy the problem of hunger (that we nonetheless would prefer never existed in the first place). But the moment we forget that food is a remedy to hunger and start thinking of hunger as a mechanism that allows us to enjoy food, we fall back into the consumerist mindset.

Economics is about satisfying demand, not about stimulating it.

Directed Economy

“It is the high task of our national economy to direct the consumption power of our people along lines which can be satisfied out of the resources of our own national production.” - Adolf Hitler

A National Socialist economy is not centrally planned, but centrally directed. Central planning involves taking demand for granted and then using the state to regulate supply. Central direction involves determining adequate supply and then using the state to limit demand. Hence a National Socialist economy should not be confused with a mixed-market economy, which is a fundamentally capitalist economy with state intervention in subservience to implicitly capitalist values. Hitler himself had no role in micromanaging the economy of National Socialist Germany, but rather was responsible for preventing the economy (and hence those who would seek to manipulate it by investments) from leading astray the state.

A National Socialist government guarantees zero unemployment by making it duty of the state to assign a living-wage job to anyone and everyone who wants one. Private businesses, whose task is not to put people to work but to be a reliable provider of their professed products/services, are justified in not hiring more employees than they need to provide their product/service in the required quantity (and no more than this quantity). It therefore falls upon the state to create public works projects - typically in infrastructure, community service or any other field that passively benefits the country as a whole - capable of absorbing all the workers that the private sector cannot absorb, as demonstrated in the Reichsarbeitsdienst and related programs of National Socialist Germany. Note that such assignment should never be compulsory upon anyone, but merely be an offer that is always open. This is not to say that community-minded private businesses cannot also help absorb the unemployed - they could readily do so (and would be actively encouraged to do so by a National Socialist government) by splitting each full-time job into two or more part-time jobs for corresponding fractions of full-time wages until all competent workers have been absorbed. It is mindblowingly simple when you think about it.

Hitler warned that: “The basis of Jewish commercial policy is to make matters incomprehensible for a normal brain.” Certainly, Jewish collective success throughout history has consistently correlated with the economic complexity of the society involved, hence the ZC propaganda throughout the colonial era to convince the complex economic societies of their “superiority” over the more economically simple (so-called “Third World”) societies that they colonized, in order to discourage the former from learning from the latter. In opposition to this, a National Socialist economy consciously aims to be as simple as possible, both in production and in trade. An economy that is too complex to be understood by non-experts is too complex, and it is the responsibility of the state not only to prevent the national economy from becoming more complex than is necessary, but moreover to constantly seek ways to simplify it further.

Simple economics that everyone understands

The importance of an encompassing state policy is highlighted by our insistence on viewing economy and demography as two elements of the same issue. The state’s economic role is not merely to divert non-Aryan instincts and urges of the existing population in the required direction, but to feed a demographic policy to improve the Aryan quality of the population. Therefore, the National Socialist economy is best viewed as a means towards an end - a life-support system to keep the patient’s body running while the doctor operates on it.

“If social activity signifies private enterprise for the purpose of individual salvation from spiritual and material collapse, then socialism signifies the safeguarding of the individual essence carried through by a collective, or in entire communities, from every exploitation of their work.” - Alfred Rosenberg

The idea that a national economy needs to constantly grow in order to be healthy is insane. Economic growth implies more consumption, which in turn implies either increasing indulgence by the same number of people or an increasing number of people (or both), neither of which are positives. A healthy national economy from the National Socialist perspective is simply an economy where nobody is hungry or homeless or otherwise in fear over their imminent future, and where nobody is in debt to anybody else.

“The richest people are the least reasonable, and some are so stupid that they become misers! This tendency is generally corrected by the sons, who fling the money away with both hands.” - Adolf Hitler

As such, a National Socialist economy is not dependent upon an ever-expanding population to keep it running, and indeed is one of the few economic forms equipped to work with a population that reduces over time, so long as such reduction occurs in a controlled way under absolute state supervision. Whereas labour surplus forces employees to compete for jobs, which leads to lower wages and worse working conditions, labour scarcity forces employers to compete for employees, which means higher wages and better working conditions, therefore it is our aim to actively promote labour scarcity. Specifically, a National Socialist economy would focus on reducing new births more steeply than the rate at which natural resources are running out, thereby maintaining quality of life by ensuring that there is enough to go around for everyone. This makes it the best response to impending crises such as Peak Oil. Our current economic hardship is not due to reduction in economic activity, but due to the failure - indeed the absence of any state-directed plan - to synchronize it with reduction in economic complexity, such as via compulsory termination of unnecessary industries. If we have a heavily loaded car short on fuel, do we use up the remaining fuel to search for more fuel, or do we lighten the load?

In a National Socialist economy, phenomena such as deflation and recession would be celebrated as positive events, because falling prices would only imply that products are being produced more cheaply than before, and reduction in economic activity would only imply that products are bring produced with greater labour-efficiency than before, or that demand for certain products has decreased. These would then permit either greater leisure, or (better yet) faster depopulation, all without lessening quality of life.

Class Cooperation

“All work which is necessary ennobles him who performs it.” - Adolf Hitler

The economy should be viewed in a light no different than any other of our means to accomplishing a purpose. Our motto, UNITY THROUGH NOBILITY, is based on the same spirit of cooperation in pursuit of a final goal, as a prerequisite to which the folk must have total unity, including economic unity. Under such a worldview, class becomes merely a differentiation of occupational skills, with no social status or egotistical prestige pertaining to it. The steering wheel of a car is not higher or lower in status than the road wheels; nor is the engine more or less prestigious than the fuel tank; what matters is the ability of the car to complete its journey, which depends on the cooperation of all mechanical parts essential for this function. Thus the very notion of “class conflict” becomes as absurd as the notion of the different parts of the same vehicle declaring war on one another - all it would accomplish is disabling the entire vehicle and preventing arrival at our destination.

An end to class prestige is reflected in practice by minimizing the gap between profit margins of the various occupations, so that profit becomes solely a function of the quality of work, and not of the genre of work. For example, an excellent doctor deserves to earn more than a mediocre doctor, but there is no reason why an excellent doctor should earn more than an equivalently excellent plumber.

“The folkish state will have to arrive at a basically different attitude toward the concept of labor. It will, if necessary, even by education extending over centuries, have to break with the mischief of despising physical activity. On principle it will have to evaluate the individual man not according to the type of work he does but according to the form and quality of his achievement. This may appear positively monstrous to an era in which the most brainless columnist, just because he works with the pen, seems superior to the most intelligent precision mechanic. This false estimation, as has been said, does not lie in the nature of things, but is artificially cultivated and formerly did not exist.” –Adolf Hitler

“There has been a tendency to try and identify the SS as the most important ‘esoteric-type’ organization of the Reich - as some sort of ‘mystical’ organization which embodied the principles of National-Socialism in a higher form. This tendency shows a basic mis-understanding of National-Socialism, the SS itself, and in particular what National-Socialist Germany was. The SS was a warrior organization, with an Aryan warrior ethos, and as such exemplified some of the highest Aryan ideals. … But other organizations embodied other Aryan ideals, and all of them together were necessary and vital for a healthy, balanced society to be achieved. The SS was a vital and necessary part of the practical organic whole that was National-Socialist Germany.” - David Myatt

Only the parts altogether superfluous to the purpose need be phased out, and it is the responsibility of the state to direct this. We can broadly distinguish between jobs aimed at satisfying demand and jobs aimed at stimulating demand, of which the latter have no place in a National Socialist economy.

There is no hierarchy between professions; there are only necessary professions and unnecessary professions.

Correspondingly, the success of a National Socialist economy is measured not by the quantity or variety of its activity, but by the labour-efficiency of its activity, and by its independence from external economic forces. If the measure of consumerist economic success is like measuring how fast a car can go or how many gadgets it has, the measure of National Socialist economic success would be like measuring how well it is moving itself towards the finish line. The fastest and most gadget-packed car is no good if the driver is lost or can be intimidated to drive in the wrong direction.


“From the deluge is born a new world, while the Pharisees whine about their miserable pennies! The liberation of humanity from the curse of gold stands before us!” - Dietrich Eckart

Money has been described variously as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, a store of value, and a method of deferred payment. However, a National Socialist economy strictly defines money as a measure of productivity. In Hitler’s words, “If a farmer should ask me what is the value of the goods that he produces, I should reply, the value of the work that they enable a town labourer to do.”

Such a definition of money necessarily rejects the backing of currency by gold, silver or any other physical material. Material-backed currency by definition submits itself to dependence on the quantity of the material in existence, and to entanglement with currencies of other economies backed by the same material. For example, a currency backed by gold would find its unit value changing as a result of a new gold mine being discovered, even if the gold mine were located in Israel another country! This is unacceptable to a National Socialist state which insists on total monetary independence, and on foreign trade by barter only. Between 1933 and 1936, National Socialist Germany’s gold reserves decreased from 937 million to 72 million Reichsmarks, the difference having gone to purchase raw materials of real economic value from a labour perspective; in that same period unemployment was wiped out.

Labour-backed currency alone precludes any shortages or excesses of money in circulation, as the quantity of money in circulation would never have any justifiable reason to be other than directly proportional to the quantity of production within the country. What happens in other countries henceforth becomes economically irrelevant to a National Socialist state. Conversely, a National Socialist state can never be plausibly blamed by other countries for manipulating their economies, as it has explicitly relinquished all means by which it could do so. Like the Neolithic Aryan subsistence farmer who grows all his own food and to whom gold coins are a meaningless idea, so a National Socialist economy that attains what Hitler called “national subsistence” can feel confident about its economic future and earn the trust of others in a way that the gold-bound states can never know.

“What each of us receives must first have been produced by another; no one can receive more than the others have produced. Thus the problem of currency is no artificial one, but merely a question of production, a question of the organization of work and of the distribution of the results of work.” - Adolf Hitler

“Your wages can only rise in proportion to the increase in your productivity.” - Adolf Hitler

Furthermore, a National Socialist economy must be one that prevents monetary gain through lease or financial speculation of any kind (including insurance and similar businesses), which is always reducible to the Jewish idea of profit by possession, the principle behind usury whose mathematically certain conclusion is concentration of all money in the economy under the ownership of the usurers. (“The reason why the Jews and their fabrications find such credence becomes apparent if you take a look at a country like Switzerland. In that country, Tom has milk interests, Dick follows the prices of the grain market, and Harry exports watches.” - Adolf Hitler) The advantage of a labour-backed currency in this case is that it prevents usurers from disguising their gains behind inflation or other temporal distortions. In a National Socialist state, identification of usurers will be a trivial matter of spotting non-producers who are able to remain solvent.

“How could money multiply itself?” - Alfred Rosenberg

“The essential cause of the stability of our currency was to be sought for in our concentration camps. The currency remains stable when the speculators are put under lock and key.” - Adolf Hitler

The principle that labour should only be employed where necessary in a National Socialist economy completes our understanding of the role of its money. This strictly rejects any use of labour in the production of unnecessary commodities or of any commodity in excessive quantities. The people’s primary concern is assisting in the ennoblement of themselves and others, not producing commodities with which to derive maximum pleasure. A National Socialist economy does not merely oppose excess and espouse moderation, but opposes the very core of consumerism, thereby espousing frugality in all aspects of daily life as an Aryan ideal in its own right.


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