“In the monotony and routine of everyday life even persons of significance seem just like the others and do not rise beyond the average level of their fellow-men. But as soon as such men find themselves in a special situation which disconcerts and unbalances the others, the humble person of apparently common qualities reveals traits of genius, often to the amazement of those who have hitherto known him in the small things of everyday life. … The sledge-hammer of Fate which strikes down the one so easily suddenly finds the counter-impact of steel when it strikes at the other. And, after the common shell of everyday life is broken, the core that lay hidden in it is displayed to the eyes of an astonished world. This surrounding world then grows obstinate and will not believe that what had seemed so like itself is really of that different quality so suddenly displayed. This is a process which is repeated probably every time a man of outstanding significance appears.” - Adolf Hitler
We - Aryanists and other genuine anti-Zionists of the 21st century - navigate the apocalypse. We expect major upheavals in society all over the world in the near future from a combination of economic collapse, political chaos and environmental catastrophe, behind which will be Jews carefully pushing the dominoes and Gentiles wildly knocking them over. Some regions will be affected far more than others, but we must never underestimate how quickly and how completely infrastructure can fail once the first domino is pushed. We should hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
The main decision to make when disaster strikes is whether to stay where you are, or to move elsewhere. If you decide to stay, how long can you hold out without aid? Whom are you counting on to bring aid? Will they do so, under the circumstances? If you decide to move, where to? Will it be possible to move at once, or will you have to wait? Are you capable of waiting that long?
Operation Barbarossa ended in tragedy due to inadequate preparation. As the successors of the swastika, we are responsible for not repeating this mistake.
Physical Health
“Bodily efficiency would develop in the individual a conviction of his superiority and would give him that confidence which is always based only on the consciousness of one’s own powers. They must also develop that athletic agility which can be employed as a defensive weapon in the service of the Movement.” - Adolf Hitler
A healthy body lasts better under adverse conditions. In this we distinguish between fitness and health. A healthy body can withstand considerable biorhythmic changes (e.g. different climate, nutritional shortage, stress and fatigue) and still function without significant loss in efficiency. By contrast, a fit body, while highly efficient as long as conditions remain optimal, can be hit hard when conditions turn against it.
Health, more so than fitness, depends on heredity. The most health-conscious lifestyle cannot compensate for low-quality genes. On the other hand, a degenerate lifestyle can easily negate the advantage of high-quality genes. Therefore avoid activities that obviously damage our health, but do not be distracted by health-enhancing gimmicks.
To allow our innate health to be expressed, live a simple life with integrated physical activity. Housework, gardening, DIY and carrying practical loads (e.g. food shopping) over long distances on foot are preferable to mechanical gym workouts, and subconsciously connect us to our prehistoric Aryan roots. Other good integrated exercises include climbing stairs and cycling. Do not overeat or become intoxicated. Sleep early and wake early.
Better than going to the gym
A good indicator of physical health is the accuracy of your body-clock. If you are healthy, you should be able to estimate the time of day or night at any moment to a relatively small error (<15 minutes) without the need to refer to external clues.
In addition, acquire at least basic competence in hand-to-hand combat. As an amateur, you should aim at sufficient prowess to feel confident about defeating an average IDF reservist (who will be a Krav Maga practitioner) in a one-on-one unarmed fight. If you consider yourself a martial arts specialist, your hypothetical opponent should be upgraded to a Yamam or Kidon operative instead. If you do not feel sure you can even take out an EDL street thug, you need to get training!
Mental Health
“When I sit near the ocean in the morning and write my verses and breathe the salty wind which is coming from the water, I rejoice in God and I am blissful, like I was as a child.” - Joseph Goebbels
While it is difficult not to be worried by the condition of the world and what the near future may hold, maintaining morale is very important. This can be done by refreshing ourselves with the emotions that mean the most to us. Nostalgia (root “nostos” meaning “homecoming”) is a uniquely Aryan emotion, as it is not applicable to those who led nomadic lifestyles with no permanent homes in the first place. (For comparison, Jews are motivated by the idea of a “Promised Land” (ie. Zion); Gentiles by endless outward prospection.) I recommend nostalgia as our main healing emotion. During your leisure time, read books, listen to music, watch TV shows and play games from earlier decades in your life, and try to recapture those states of mind. If possible, revisit old locations where you used to spend time during childhood, and try to remember yourself as you were. (This exercise will literally reconnect disconnected neural pathways, thereby rejuvenating the brain.)
If you lament that life may soon change for the worse, then appreciate the simple and ordinary things around you in daily life that one disaster could sweep away. Learn to feel the constant nearness of death. Life can end at any moment; tomorrow is never guaranteed. Once you cease to take each day for granted, each successive day you find yourself alive and able-bodied, with a roof over your head and food on the table will feel like a blessing.
“There were arms practically everywhere in those days: in monasteries, on farms, amongst groups of civic guards. It was to the citizens’ credit that they thus assembled arms that had been thrown away by soldiers.” - Adolf Hitler
Contrary to Zionist distortion of history, it was actually more legally difficult for civilians to own a firearm in Weimar Germany than in National Socialist Germany. The Werewolf strategy ordered towards the end of WWII as part of the last stand of the Third Reich against the Zionist Allies depended on armed civilians to fight on their own initiative.
With all equipment, one guideline cannot be too strongly stressed: the more complicated its design, the more ways it can potentially malfunction. For the same basic function, always go with the simpler design when a choice is available. In particular, avoid equipment with electronic components wherever purely mechanical alternatives are available, otherwise you put your plans at the mercy of an EMP blast or a water flood. Additionally, portable electric devices powered by manual wind-up are preferable to those powered by batteries.
Do not throw away instruction manuals for your equipment! Keep them all together in one place for easy reference.
1) General:
Start by getting a backpack or duffel bag. Make sure it is comfortable even when loaded to full capacity. This is the bag you can easily take with you in a sudden evacuation scenario that leaves you no time to pack. Be sure to include among its contents a gas mask, a rudimentary first-aid kit, a sewing kit, stationery, spare clothes, spare cash, bottled water, non-perishable biscuits, practical documents (e.g. passport), and relevant maps, such as a street atlas of your local town and a road map of your country. Never mark important locations on your maps; you never know who else might read them. (However, feel free to put in some fake marks if you wish.)
In your home, keep a general toolkit containing the tools and electronic components required for domestic repairs, a flashlight, candles, matches/lighters, a camping stove and any other equipment that would be useful during a power cut. Also keep plenty of spare batteries. Duct tape has many uses, so keep several rolls around. Reusable containers of all sizes and materials may come in handy, so keep as many spare glass jars, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, biscuit tins, etc. as you have room for.
If you drive an automobile, keep a spare tank of petrol in the garage, as well as a spare vehicle battery and spare tyres.
2) Communication:
While our current communication mostly occurs online, it is never too early to plan alternative means of communication at least for your local group (which is whom you will be working with during any emergency) in a scenario when not only internet access but also phone services are disabled.
On a separate note, most mobile phones can be used as tracking devices, therefore situations may arise when you would be better off leaving them behind. This would also bring about the need for alternative means of communication thereafter.
Two-way radios provide a relatively disaster-resistant method of long-distance communication which may be worth acquiring and learning to use. At the very least you should have a radio receiver so as to be able to receive transmissions from others.
Choose a predetermined physical meeting location and time for your group in the event that all long-distance communication becomes impossible.
If you are planning for situations in which you may have to be rescued, make sure you have some means of attracting visual attention to your location, such as flares or banners.
3) Combat:
We are not in a zombie movie. In a disaster scenario, we may have to defend ourselves from attackers who are at least as well armed as we are. If you believe the predictions of Sophia Stewart (the true author of the Terminator and the Matrix, whose work was plagiarized by Warner Bros.), we could conceivably have to fight robots, or - at the very least - remote-piloted mech units.
If firearms are legal in your country, keep a practical arsenal in your home. (If firearms are illegal, consider mechanical alternatives.) The contents of your arsenal are a matter of personal preference; besides cost, the main considerations should be ease of handling, practicality relative to your local habitat and availability of compatible ammunition. Become as familiar with the mechanics, maintenance and safety precautions of your arsenal as possible.
Can you put this back together blindfolded?
In addition to projectile weapons, you may wish to consider hand-to-hand weapons, but with the awareness that they can potentially be taken off you during close-quarter combat and then used against you. Again it is up to you as an individual to determine what best suits yourself. (I personally do not recommend pepper sprays or tasers since far too many things can go wrong or get in the way.) If you own bladed weapons such as swords or knives, ensure you also have compatible sharpening tools.
Weapons of any kind should be locked away when not in use. Do not keep all your arsenal - weapons as well as ammunition - in one location (which might become inacessible during emergency).
Lastly, make sure you obtain and are able to immediately produce on demand legal permits as required for all weapons you own and wish to carry!
Hitler’s weapons permit
External link: Two of Hitler’s Soldiers Proved How Deadly a Sniper Can Be in Any War
“With sword and plough! For honour and freedom! So runs the battlecry of a generation which wishes to erect a new Reich and which seeks standards of value by which it can judge its actions and its fruitful strivings.” - Alfred Rosenberg
With no air, we die in minutes. Supplying breathable air is what the gas mask (see above) is for.
Water is the next most important supply you will need. Have at least several days’ ration (preferably more) of bottled water ready for immediate use, and also consider from where you could get water on a longer-term timescale if the mains supply stays cut off.
Water is useful not only for drinking and cooking our dry food (see below), but also for growing food. The Neolithic Aryans built all their settlements near river basins for easy access to abundant water with which crops could be grown. A field is not necessary for growing food; pots, boxes or other containers filled with soil work just as well for moderate quantities, and are in many ways easier to manage. An additional advantage is that they can be moved indoors as necessary to prevent theft.
External link: Container Garden
Since our aim is preparedness rather than hobbyism, we should concentrate on energy-dense vegetables (e.g. potatoes, marrows, etc.) rather than herbs and other rubbish that will not keep us fed.
If you cannot grow food, you will be relying on stored food. Many people with armed forces backgrounds are in the habit of storing a year’s ration of food in their homes anyway. Because we live in extraordinary times, I suggest storing more than this just to be on the safe side.
The bulk of your food stockpile will probably consist of dry cereals (rice, pasta, oats, etc.) and legumes (lentils, beans, etc.). Kept dry, these can be stored for many years, therefore are worth buying in large quantities. The Neolithic development of long-term food storage goes hand in hand with farming in distinguishing Aryan from non-Aryan societies during prehistory. In smaller quantities, raisins or other dried fruit are a good addition to your reserves. Vegetable stock cubes are also recommended.
Frozen food (TV dinners, pizzas, etc.) are nice when you have electricity, but will not last long if the power goes down. As such, unless your home has independent electricity generation, you should be relying primarily on canned food to supplement or backup your dry food. Being able to can your own food is a bonus, but buying ready-made cans is fine also. Focus on simple, energy-dense foods like soup, pasta, beans and so on.
“We stopped once, as the Sun descended on that travelling day, to drink from our canteen of water and open the tin of beans I carried which we ate, cold (being even then of a practical nature, I had ensured I had a can opener).” - David Myatt
Do not worry too much about “Best Before” dates for canned, frozen or dry food; they are put there mainly to dupe us into suffering as much inflation as possible. Worry more about dented cans; do not eat from a dented can other than as a last resort.
Learn to spot by taste foods soon to go bad; for Aryans, this simple skill should be in our blood memory.
Community Service
“Remain strong in your faith, as you were in former years. In this faith, in its close-knit unity, our people today goes straight forward on its way, and no power on earth will avail to stop it.” – Adolf Hitler
Once you are prepared yourself, your work is not done yet. The next stage is to encourage preparedness in your local neighbourhood. The more people prepared for disaster, the lower the chances of chaos when disaster strikes. For example, the higher the proportion of people with adequate food supplies, the lower the chances that anyone will turn to looting. The more even the distribution of firearms, the less likely anyone will use one offensively. Local bartering, carpooling and neighbourhood agreements on what to do in the event of emergency should be encouraged.
Above all, preparedness and cooperation must be promoted to all non-Jewish groups inhabiting the same neighbourhood, in order to minimize the danger of inter-group clashes in the wake of disaster. As Rudolf Hess warned: “If one people is defenceless among heavily armed peoples, it is all too easy for glory-hungry men to earn cheap laurels.” It is becoming increasingly evident that Gentiles - both ZC and BS varieties - have plans to ignite such clashes, and that Jews support such plans from behind the scenes while pretending to condemn it on the media. It is up to us to prevent these plans from succeeding.
External link: How Muslims Helped Ireland During the Great Famine
Remove the blindfold…
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