The essayist Emerson once famously said consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. If this is so, then our judaic enemies must have very little minds indeed. Our ZC Juden foe is nothing if not boorishly predictable in his monomaniacal National Marxist neo-conservative/neo-liberal sophist historicist solipcism. Whether in the arts and sciences, politics or history, the underlying pattern of their Yahwist Death Wish is much the same.

A key technique used by the Juden to divide and destroy non-Juden is to take an important Aryan truth, leave about nine-tenths of it intact and slyly proceed to change a critical tenth of the truth in question and thereby completely transform that given truth into a similitude of its former self designed to target and annihilate its true Aryan original. Thus most of the confusion that presently reigns among the human race at this end of Kali Yuga.

The prevailing Marxist pseudo-science begins by granting honor to the fathers of lies. In biology there is the false biology of Darwin that mimicks the true biology of Mendel. In psychology there is the false psychology of Freud that mimicks the true psychology of Jung. In political philosophy Rousseau’s pseudo-democratic sovereignty of the general will mimicks the true political philosophy of the Fuhrer-prinzip and (federal) Aryan kingship. In economics the false materialist economics of Adam Smith mimicks the true economics of corporatism (as seen in John Ruskin, Pope Leo XIII, Leon Bloy, Georges Sorel, Ezra Pound, William Cookson, Eustace Mullins and N.S. economics). In education the false theory of John Dewey has for generations mimicked the true educational philosophy of Aryan classical education (such as in the writings of Abbot Hugh of Cluny and Abbé Jean-Joseph Gaume). In philosophy Marxism mimicks the true Aryan philosophy of Heidegger’s Ariosophia and in religion the radical subjectivism or solipsism of Judeo-Christianity mimicks the true objectivity of Aryan multiform monotheism, whether Catholic, Protestant or the Paganism of Wotan/Apollo/Mars, all of which harmonize in the divine manhood of Lucifer Kristos. In the arts the Aryan romance of classicism is mimicked and attacked by judaic mass commercialism, in ethics triune monotheist morality is at war with its similitude of Talmudic unitary self-righteous self-satisfaction and in rhetoric the Aryan logic of a Kurt Gödel is at war with the sophism of mass media.

And Judah introduces a third element to wage a kind of “good cop Gentiles/bad cop Juden” Talmudic strategy of divide and exterminate that serves to crowd out Aryan objectivity. Instead of Nobility we are advertised into a bogus necessity to accept shreds and tatters of Nobility as a lesser of evils. If Adam Smith is too brutal, then our “kindly friend” Karl Marx will help us achieve what (allegedly!) is the only possible economic justice, with what is (allegedly) a more “sustainable” economic justice. If Darwin is too stark, then the “kinder, gentler” biology of Lamarck is adopted as a more sentimental way to reject the true Aryan biology of Mendel, Louis Agassiz, Baron de Cuvier and Linnaeus. Always a less painful Gentile alternative is made available as a seemingly pleasant anodyne for cowardly suicide.

In religion as an allegedly lesser evil we are offered the sugar-coated Gentile version of religious modernism known as fundamentalism and in politics there is the Gentile Marxism of White Nationalism. The former offers us shreds and tatters of the ancient Christian/Pagan Aryan Creeds and the latter shreds and tatters of the constructive European and American Christian/Pagan Nationalism of our ancestors. If we will but accept some seemingly small morsel of judaic falsehood, then we will (allegedly) be allowed to survive and be left in peace by our new-found judaic allies. Yet more judaic lies!

This is nothing other than the ancient siren song of cowardice that is as old as the hills and at least twice as dusty. It is another instance of being sold that famous bridge in Brooklyn and every Aryan should have no doubt that the Juden have no more regard for traitors than Gentiles or Aryans would. Probably less regard, in fact.

The hard reality of manhood is, has been and ever shall be instead the fact of masculine solitude. Noble men are, as we Catholic Aryans have often put it, forever alone with the Alone, and, if we are fortunate, with our one counterpart in life. Our essential joy must come from within and we must learn that we shall never find our own happiness in others. Nobility means being helpful to others more than being helped by others; the others are there more to be helped by us than to be helpful to us. Such is Aryan Loyalty!

It is only within this bracing context that we can see the Aryan truth of politics and history. The White Nationalists, in harsh fact, are the Republicans, the Tories, the Gaullists, the Christian Democrats and the existing political Right generally. They are the very Gentile traitors and apostates who have betrayed us to Yisrael and Yahweh in the first place, no doubt for an appropriate amount of money. And they are the smiling face of Jewry always ready with a “helping hand” to stab us in the back.

If we seriously desire Indo-European Aryan victory and success we must beware of small compromises that would enable us to come to terms with the tyrannical status quo of our ZC New World Disorder. “Think not that I am come to bring peace to the earth; I have come not to bring peace but the sword!” (Matthew 10:34)

In particular, White Nationalist organizations such as the BNP, the Reform Party of Canada, the Tea Party, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the so-called mainstream media in general and their ZC echoes on “the White Right” are merely scams by which our judaic establishment seduces and integrates post-Aryans into their Yahwist orgy of death. If an Aryan were bent on suicide then old-fashioned cyanide would work better at much less cost and trouble to everyone.

We Aryans should suffer no illusions about the wildly popular Viennese Juden economist Ludwig von Mises. He is not our friend, but rather he was Usurer-in-Chief of the late Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was, more than anyone, to blame for the corruption and fall of our late great Imperial Family, the House of Habsburg. His judaic traitor disciples have played the same role in recent decades in bringing down the entire Western World. What we owe them is not gratitude. Oh, shades of Auschwitz!

We should also beware of ways by which to render the Juden into harmless risible gypsies. In our Aryan education there is perhaps no subject so important to our future prospects as Aryan history. In our study of history the great danger at present is to allow a double-standard, one for Gentiles and the other for Jews. Gentiles are permitted to entertain a false tepid history in which no reality threatens their comfortable moderate sustainability. Except that a comfortable life without reality is in reality another name for cowardly suicide and very soon anything but comfortable.

Instead we should accept our objective history, the well-known History of Western Civilization, in which the Juden were once upon a time long long ago themselves Indo-European Aryans. Their degenerate transformation from ancient Mittanian Syrian Hebrews into contemporary Juden is history’s most ghastly betrayal and anything but a harmless story of amusing gypsies.

Hence the danger of denying the existence of Aryan Biblical characters, of the Crusades and of an extinguished Aryan potential in the Juden that is objective Aryan history’s greatest might-have-been, along with what Europe and the American Republic might have been if the Juden had not destroyed them in recent times. In our Aryanist history tragedy must not be denied. (And, mein Gott, what tragedy!!)

We can never glimpse the true dimensions of judaic evil unless we have the severe courage to see the Aryan greatness and nobility of what the Jews have shamelessly betrayed and murdered. Yisrael and Jerusalem are not the Heart of Evil because they are unimportant or best forgotten. But that is, of course, the exact agenda of so-called White Nationalism: If we would but erase from our history and memory that the Juden are, have always been and will forever remain THE singular incomparable enemy of all humankind, animalkind and sentient beings whomsoever.

Lest we forget, a man can only sell his soul to Yahweh one time. After that it is too late because cowardice is habit-forming. Once a noble man cowers before the Juden there is no turning back. The bogus White Nationalist Right has made its deal with Yisrael, Jew York and the City of London. They have sold out to Yahweh and will reap the whirlwind for their reward.

May Lucifer Kristos have mercy upon them. No one else will.

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The ideal Aryanist state leadership structure – at least in its infancy – is relatively rare in history. As we have only written a limited amount on leadership and government, I think it is important to develop this further. I will compare Augustan Rome and Hitlerian Germany for the commonalities which highlight the characteristics of Aryanist political leadership. The comparisons are not perfect, especially since the quantity and quality of records from the latter period surpass that of the former considerably. Nevertheless, the comparison should assist in comparing the basic outlines of Aryanist with non-Aryanist leadership.

Aryanist governance requires a visionary leader who guides the state and thus the destiny of that realm over which he has power. The use of ‘guide’ is important, as it reveals the difference between a leader and merely an administrator. Quite obviously there is great difference between ‘Fuehrer’ and ‘President’, with the latter tending much more towards the managerial notion of libertarian governance. Thus, it isn’t the role of the Aryanist leader to personally formulate policy or to bother himself with its implementation and micromanaging. Obviously this has historical significance; in terms of the misperceptions of Hitler as either the ‘sort-of-dictator’ of the Structuralists, or as the omniscient devil of popular culture (to whom anything involving Germany between 1933-45 can be directly attributed).

Rather, Aryanist leadership derives from authority. Giorgio Agamben has gone into considerable depth on the link between the Roman auctoritas and the National Socialist Fuehrertum, as well as Weber’s “Charismatic authority”. Essentially, for those unaware of the Roman political and cultural text, auctoritas is ‘authority’ and potestas is actual ‘power’. An important example from Weber would be the comparison with the auctoritas of a figure like Christ or Gandhi, compared with the potestas of, for example, a legislator.

After firmly establishing himself as the dominant force in Rome through successive consulships, Caesar Augustus abandoned this post and became the princeps (first citizen). Essentially, his leadership was enabled only by his ability to “make people do what he wanted, just by being who he was”. While still maintaining executive powers (imperium), Augustus’ power derived fundamentally from his authority as the central leader of Rome.

Something similar is true with Hitler, who was called ‘leader’, as opposed to the embodiments of potestas – President and Chancellor. This allowed Hitler to set Germany along a National Socialist path, while at the same time playing almost no rule in administration. He primarily relied upon the willingness of the bureaucracy and people to “work towards the Fuehrer” – interpreting his desires and innovating and administering the practicalities of its implementation.

The benefits of this form of leadership are perhaps less evident to those accustomed to modern, Western politics, than the drawbacks. With the latter comes the obvious problem of interpretation; with considerable power falling to a chaotic network of competing individuals who may misinterpret the words of the leader, thus resulting in unintended policies. Similarly, the lack of explicit instruction can prevent the desired policies from being implemented. This is why both leaders also possessed executive power (essentially absolute power) to intervene where required.

However, the benefits are immense for an Aryanist state. The leader is able to avoid micromanaging the territories under his control, and instead devote himself to the role of a leader – that is, forming, developing and communicating a vision for the rest to follow. Additionally, it allows for the development of a real leadership in possession of the initiative which the modern state lacks. I fear that a proper appreciation of the significance of this alone is incredibly difficult for those of us who have never witnessed in our lifetimes the potential of personal leadership, as opposed to the continuity of unchanging democratic governments.

Nevertheless, the reason I started with the qualification “at least in its infancy” is because I believe that this form of government is the most applicable for our age. In the west, it should be able to bind the mainstream parties into a coalition under the authority of an Aryan leader. The delegation of tasks from the leader downwards will also lead to what we now call “grassroots activism” which will most rapidly and properly communicate Aryanism from the top downwards, quickly becoming culturally and socially engrained.

I sought with this post only to develop further on an Aryanist state leadership. This is by no means extensive, conclusive nor authoritative. I suspect that this topic will require further elaboration in the future.

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Don’t forget to check out some of 91177info’s other videos:

Everyone is talking about the recent behaviour of the French police towards people sleeping on the street since being evicted from their council housing. In other words, Nicolas Sarkozy (Jew) apparently thinks it is time to test the ZC conditioning of the French public. The online response seems mixed so far. Many condemn the police brutality, but many others express pleasure in watching the video.

Among other points I have noticed from reading comments is how many people automatically (and incorrectly) assumed that the victims are illegal immigrants. This indicates that people are reaching the stage where they stop caring about getting the story straight. Facts are no longer as powerful a tool in the propaganda war as they were a few years ago. Rhetoric is becoming more important. I recommend that everyone on our side develop our rhetorical arsenal at least as much as our factual arsenal. This begins with use of streamlined vocabulary, which is what I have been suggesting all along.

But the real issue is our attitude regarding the police. There seem to be two schools of thought even among anti-Zionists. Some believe that the police are not to be trusted at all. Others believe that our propaganda should target the police to get them on our side.

I personally do not have much hope that the police will start arresting Zionist war criminals any time soon. Having said that, I think the best approach to this issue is to look at what our propaganda enemies are doing. We know for a fact that racist/Islamophobic groups ARE aiming their propaganda at the police (not to mention that many police departments receive their actual training from the IDF). This means that we HAVE TO do the same, not to get the police on our side, but just with the hope of keeping them neutral! Spreading information to the police does not imply trusting them to sort everything out. We are not at that stage yet. Our immediate aim is simply to prevent chaos. This is especially important in countries where civilians are not armed.

I personally have communicated with only one police officer, who was completely pro-Israel, pro-Jewish, implicitly racist and just plain unreceptive to anything I had to say. Hope you guys have better luck.

“To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair. THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.” - Protocols of Zion

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OK, let’s clear this up, hopefully for the last time. I actually wrote about the issue fairly recently:

but let this post be the definitive one.

1) “Zionist” is not a code-word for “Jew”. Anyone who has been around this site knows that we do not shy away from saying “Jew” when appropriate. But just because we use “Jew” in our discussion doesn’t mean “Zionist” is obsolete. When we say “Jew”, we mean Jew. When we say “Zionist”, we mean Zionist.

2) There is no such thing as an ‘anti-Zionist Jew’, because Zionism is a fundamental consequence of Jewish identity, therefore to claim opposition to Zionism while retaining Jewish identity is hypocrisy. (A person of Jewish ancestry who is on our side should declare apostasy from Judaism and voluntarily not reproduce.) (“The good Jew does not exist, for one such as that would cease to be a Jew.” - John Alan Martinson Jr.)

3) There are, however, non-Jewish Zionists. Therefore, the word “Zionist” does not exclude any Jews, but includes their non-Jewish helpers, commonly referred to as Shabbos Goys.

4) Zionism refers not only to events after the founding of the Zionist Movement in 1897 by Theodor Herzl (Jew). The term “Zion” appears in the Tanakh, therefore Zionism has actually existed for as long as the idea of Zion - a ‘promised land’ from which Jews will subjugate all other peoples - has existed and motivated Jewish behaviour. (“Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion.” - Tanakh (Some believe the moon refers to Islam and the sun to National Socialism.))

Zion is not to be understood as a “Jewish homeland”, but as a strategic headquarters for the international Jewish diaspora.

“When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish state in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign state, this cannot be controlled by other states. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a school for the training of other swindlers.” - Adolf Hitler

Now really pay attention:

5) “Zionism” ultimately refers to the broad plan outlined in the Protocols of Zion and its possible unfoldings in reality, which is what anti-Zionists are specifically dedicated to countering. However, there are many people aware of Jewish machination who yet believe that Jews have an agenda other than Zionism. In particular, Gentiles (depending on their ethnicity) believe that the agenda is “black genocide” or “white genocide” or similar paranoid drivel in which Jews have forged a mysterious alliance with all other groups against their own. These people may be anti-Jewish, but they are not anti-Zionists. In fact they are Zionist useful idiots, because Zionism is precisely about fooling non-Jews into fighting each other by whatever means possible.

Jews know that they cannot stop more and more people from seeing their bad behaviour. Their last line of propaganda defense is to mislead us into seeing the WRONG AGENDA behind their bad behaviour. This is why they themselves promote Jew-blaming racist groups: the ones who, if we mistake them for our allies just on account of their anti-Jewish (but not anti-Zionist) rhetoric, would lead us all into the abyss.

So here is how it is: we use “Jew” to rally agreement on who the enemy is; we use “Zionist” to rally agreement on what the enemy is trying to do to us. Allies can only be found based on agreement on BOTH these points.

And finally we use “Aryan” to rally agreement on what we stand for: Unity Through Nobility.

“That is the mightiest thing which our Movement must create: for these widespread, seeking and straying masses a new Faith which will not fail them in this hour of confusion, to which they can pledge themselves, on which they can build so that they may at least find once again a place which may bring calm to their hearts.” - Adolf Hitler

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(To the music of E Nomine)

A Terrible Beauty is Born:

I burn without end… Demons spare me. Racing I fear the eye,

I freeze, my heart turns to stone. My life is broken,

Thrown away and lost,

You shine darker than night. You are older than light.

You are invisible… You have no face…

And you have been hiding gauntly since the beginning of time,

Black Sun…

You penetrate and numb the mind, you illuminate my mind,

You Tempt and you steal,

You are cold and your glow died long ago,

And you have warmed me mentally since the beginning of time,

Black Sun…

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly,

In the course of bright shining hell.

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood,

Is Cerberus!

You appear in my dream, you caress my black heart,

You contribute to the light of the life tree, you free me from pain,

And you have actually been frightening me for all of time,

Black Sun…

You fly faster than light,

You are over everything at the same time,

Background. The Carnivore. The Cerberus.

They burn with hunger for flesh,

You are not mother or father and not the Kingdom of Heaven,

You are kept here in the underworld,

But without you I am nothing for all of time,

Black Sun…

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly,

In the course of bright shining hell.

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood,

Is Cerberus!

I burn without end…

Demons spare me.

Racing I fear the eye,

The Carnivore,

The Cerberus.

Are kept here in the underworld,

They burn with hunger for flesh,

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly,

In the course of bright shining hell.

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood,

Is Cerberus!

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly,

In the course of bright shining hell.

Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood,

Is Cerberus!

Die Schwarze Sonne!

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Regarding the condition of Israel and Jewish power in America, I see a need to distinguish between positivity and optimism. Yes, we must be positive, in that we must believe that we can make a difference through activism to win the argument over our enemies. This is not the same, however, as the kind of optimism that leads people to believe that we can just sit back and wait for the victory to show up by itself.

Elysium wrote:

anti-Zionists should cease grouping Obama in Israel’s camp, and instead urge that he and America cease supporting Israel.

My reading of this suggestion is quite different to OC’s. I agree that, for propaganda purposes, it might be a good idea to demand that Obama cease supporting Israel. I disagree with internally holding any expectation that Obama - who is nothing more than a Shabbos Goy for Rahm Emanuel (Jew) - would actually pay attention to such demands. Rather, the only purpose of such demands would merely be to make the continuing American support of Israel a more polarizing issue than Obama’s domestic policies. Obama is already unpopular; our aim should be to make him unpopular for the right reasons. The most we can hope for is an anti-Israel version of the Tea Party Movement being formed. This would then be a realistic population pool for promotion to full anti-Zionism, from which in turn people like John Alan Martinson and Adam Austin might finally get the required numbers and funding for their revolutionary militia.

And while the economic collapse is indeed an opportunity for the emergence of new government, let us be realistic: the Gentiles are currently ahead of us in the ideological queue. We have to overtake them first to have a chance. I absolutely believe this can be done with enough effort, because in the final analysis our ideology is far superior to any of theirs, but I do not assume the Gentiles are going to give up of their own accord. And I guarantee that Jews, if forced to choose between supporting Gentiles or supporting us, will support Gentiles. Remember: this is a three-way conflict, and should always be described as such.

I do anticipate dramatic and even apparently miraculous events in the next few years. We should at least consider the possibility that these could be engineered events designed to put us off-guard, for Jews would surely rather give us an illusory victory than wait for us to achieve genuine victory. My warning is this: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. (Have we not been warned that the Antichrist/Dajjal will perform miracles to gain followers, and make people believe that he is their saviour?)

The future is not set. We must believe we can win. We must not assume we cannot lose.

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Kamerad Elysium’s On Israel is a superb insight into the actual driving forces of our world this summer of 2010. It reminds me of the 1970s, as the powers of good and evil once more duke it out across the planet. In a big picture overview there is an advancing coalescence of Islam with the historic Catholicism now centered in Latin America along with their allies against a reborn Talmudic ghetto in the Holy Land suffering a loosening grip over its slave empire of American Globalism. In short, Monotheism and Marxism are presently fighting over the fate of this Kosmos.

History since the Ragnorok of ’45 can be seen as a tightening gyre towards this spiritually all-important Battle for Jerusalem now crashing through the streets of the Holy City. The strong Indo-European reaction against the judaics that followed the twinned death of Franklin Roosevelt and apotheosis of the Fuhrer during the Ragnorok failed to prevent the establishment of a diabolical Judenstaat in the Holy Land in 1948, from whence all our woes. Nevertheless the initial Zionist plans to make an end run around the then anti-Marxist American Empire using their then still surviving judaic power structures in the Anglo-French Empires of the West and in the Reform Marxist Zionist ghettoes of the Soviet Union went down in flames as their well-established Masonic Marxist imperial bureaucracies in London and Paris were utterly shattered by their defeat in the First Arab-Israeli War of 1956 and as the postwar rally of the main power-base of Zionism was annihilated by Stalin in the final Anti-Zionist Great Purge of the Stalinist Empire in the East.

Then the Gramscian Marxist Khrushchev managed, until 1964, to outmaneuver Stalin’s heirs in the East, so that Khrushchev could ruthlessly promote a Gramscian upsurge in the West that culmnated in the Seven Day War of 1967 which saw the judaics gain possession of the Holy City, with all the vast spiritual power that must accrue from the mastery of that geopolitical center around which revolves the entire Old World. He who controls Jerusalem controls the very inner mechanism of time as such. Thereby the stage was set for the final apocalyptic onslaught of Time Against Eternity with all the unspeakable sufferings that has caused us.

The Fuhrer’s heir, Otto Skorzeny, lived to see the fruits of his vast labors with the stunning Indo-European Aryan victory of the flourishing Nasserist Freies Arabien over Zionism in the Yom Kippur War of 1973. It was no coincidence that this was soon followed by the collapse of then-existing Marxism world wide! The masterful brilliance of Skorzeny had placed the leadership of the world firmly into the Aryan hands of Francisco Franco and Gerald Ford. The final Apocalypse soon began.

Ours is in truth the Age of judaic sorcerers and Aryan magick. The age-old productive tension, highlighted by Julius Evola, between priests and warriors that has fueled the advance of Aryan civilization has reached its culmination in the rise of a radically new elite of warrior-priests who, unlike all past elites, aims not merely to achieve power for some higher purpose but rather to abolish elitism by nothing less than the replacement of our existing failed human race by a new species of free citizens, the Aryans of Esoteric Hitlerism.

It has been precisely since 1978, when the great achievement of Otto Skorzeny, Francisco Franco and Gerald Ford actually began to fall apart, that the foundations of Aryanism have been laid and that the human race has at last become ready for its long-awaited transformation into a new extraterrestial race prepared to explore the heavens and return to our true origins above. It was only in the 1970s that the mystical genius of our spiritual forebears such as Richard Wagner, Alfred Rosenberg, Carl Jung, Ezra Pound, Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano reached maturity and began to form a vast following (before the ’70s material prosperity and success had been too easily accessible for that to occur). It was only in the 1980s that our great impediment, the priestly power, truly collapsed with the essential corruption of both the Roman Papacy and its previously all-powerful clericalism. Now that our exoteric knighthood was ready to ascend to its higher esoteric spiritual level, the historic Roman Catholic Papacy had served its purpose and quickly faded away. What remains of the Papacy, or of the Imperial House of Hapsburg for that matter, is scarcely worthy of the name. Only the meek Aryanist knighthood and their priests shall remain to inherit the earth.

In the 1990s the pitiful remnant of post-Stalin/Brezhnev mainstream Reform Marxism and Zionism achieved power in America with President Clinton, only to fade into oblivion when the thoroughness of Stalin’s Anti-Zionist Purge made itself apparent. The ruling reform wing of Marxism in the 1990s did not lack for enthusiastic followers or tremendous popularity; its leadership had long since ceased to exist in the efficient gulags of Stalin and Brezhnev who, knowingly or not, had in the end served the purposes of Adolf Hitler and Otto Skorzeny respectively rather well.

Then with the new millennium it was time for the last Marxist faction to rise to power, for only after each strand of judaic Phariseeism rises to power can it gain the finite solidity that then enables Aryan heroes to conquer and destroy each one of them in turn. National Market Boshevism (aka Neo-Liberalism or Neo-Conservatism) emerged triumphantly in 2001 into its brief day under the sun. Here the underlying problem for our judaic foes was the strength in Washington D.C. of the remaining remnant of the Skorzeny-Franco-Ford elite within the corridors of power of their Judeo-American Empire. Specifically, Gerald Ford, as leader of the Masonic lodges in the American capital, exercised an iron grip over the entire membership of Freemasonry in that then all-important city (the American Lodges had surrendered to the Papacy in 1920). To defy the reality-based neo-Hitlerian politics of the former President was to invite the combined wrath of every Masonic lodge in Washington, not a pleasant prospect. On the other side, the forces of Yahwist darkness were led by Skorzeny’s evil protégé, the brave and brilliant lately almost-dead Ariel Sharon of Yisrael. By 2005 Ford and Sharon were engaged in a power struggle through the offices and backstreets of Washington that would have satiated the will to power of any Imperial aristocrat in the corridors of ancient Rome.

The corridors of both Rome and Washington are thoroughly marbled in the same dazzling Aryan white and gold light of justice. Fortunately for us the skies over Washington soon began to fall onto the heads of our Yahwist enemies. At the most dramatic moment possible, when final victory seemed securely within his grasp, Ariel Sharon, Anti-Fuhrer of the Juden, was felled by a massive stroke in Jerusalem as if by a bolt of lightening from on high. From that day, January 4th, 2006, to this our judaic foes have at last reached the end of their transmillennial sorcery. For Yahweh 2006 was a very bad year, the beginning of the end. Ex-President Ford seized the time and quickly proceeded to make political mince meat of Sharon’s domination of the Empire. The last strand of the Phariseeism that had murdered Lucifer Kristos was severed. Then when President Ford died at the end of 2006 the old Roman priestly power was buried with him. Only our selfless Aryanist knighthood remained: “Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’s sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:10).

The practical upshot of all this is that the confident optimism of Kamerad Elysium concerning our Aryanist prospects is not misplaced. Obama is not beholden to the judaic White Nationalist Market Bolsheviks of the ex-regime. Their boundless fury against him is powerful evidence of this and they have missed the time of their window of opportunity to assassinate him. Instead he is beholden to the “Progressive” or Reform Juden, the most assimilated and weakest fringe of Jewry who, like the followers of Abbé Sieyès in the French Revolution or Boris Yeltsin in the Russian, only come to power when a Revolution is utterly spent.

The true condition of the armies of Yahweh is well-illustrated by the vegetable state of Ariel Sharon in Jerusalem and by their present American leader, Richard Cheney, a pallid monster without a pulse who creeps around Washington like the heartless vampire ghoul he has become. Even the hardhearted American public has begun, for the first time, to clearly distance itself from the mindless terrorism of Yahweh’s senile Judenstaat. A global Weimar Republic is ready to ripen into a Fourth Reich, the thousand-year Reich of Arya. This year the Aryanists pace in internal exile with tensed nerves like young Napoleons in Paris ready to burst upon the scene.

A cry is beginning to rise from the hills and valleys of our world, the cry of Aryan victory, a cry that shall have no end forever. Eternity is within our grasp and the turn of the Great Year in 2012 awaits us.

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When Netanyahu assumed office it was fairly evident to all that Israeli policy and attitude would strengthen. It was thought by many that this increased strength would be exerted both diplomatically and militarily, primarily against the Palestinians and Iran. Thus, for a number of reasons, the new government was feared by anti-Zionists.

This illustrates the two streams of anti-Zionism that are bound together only by similar rhetoric and by the sheer weakness of our position. Those who feared the new government did so because of the increased likelihood of war with Iran as well as because over sensitivities of the suffering of the Palestinians. Not wanting the situation to worsen, these anti-Zionists essentially preferred the status-quo to that which they had predicted for the future.

However, the other stream saw the stronger government as simply less restrained. Lacking the acumen that has made Jewry the disproportionately powerful force that it has proven to be, Netanyahu’s government provided an opportunity for the enemy to make the mistakes; and for anti-Zionists to respond, shifting the initiative from Israel and Jewry to the anti-Zionist movement. This stream accepts that the masses are more profoundly affected by an Intifada than a prolonged siege. After all, the 9 deaths of the Gaza flotilla raid were far more newsworthy in the eyes of the masses than the lengthy Gaza siege that it brought to light. Not only would a cessation of this violence be undesirable for propaganda purposes, but it would likely cause a major split in the anti-Zionist movement between the two streams mentioned. Is a cessation of violence issue, or is it merely a symptom of a much greater problem, transcending even Israel’s existence?

The difference between the two streams is fundamentally whether squeamishness over the physical sufferings of Israeli’s victims or ‘principle’ is the fundamental component of anti-Zionism. If you would consider it a solution for Israel to end the siege permanently, be more inclusive of the Palestinians and to cease targeting civilians, then you belong to the first stream of anti-Zionism.

Trying their best

However, America and Israel have demonstrated tremendous cooperation in managing this bad hand. Obama couldn’t risk his progressive reputation by openly supporting the repressive measures of Israel; which would certainly be preferred by the more brutish government in Israel. Additionally, Netanyahu couldn’t justify a revolutionary policy towards the Palestinians and the region when he was elected almost solely on a reactionary, security platform. However, it would be next to impossible for Israel to hold themselves back, which has been proven by their chaotic actions.

The plethora of Israeli positions on the Jewish settlements demonstrates that they are on the back-foot. They are seemingly adjusting their policies based on international pressure, while also pleasing Israeli opinion. The rift between Obama and Israel is again illustrated as he has been forced to publicly call for the cessation of further settlement construction.

The Gaza siege too has had to be relaxed as a result of the Gaza flotilla raid. The raid was incredibly embarrassing and proves with clarity the nature of Netanyahu and his government’s aggressive nature. The relaxation of the blockade is another humiliating rout of Netanyahu, if not Israel.

Where Israel has been most successful at preventing major loss of ground is with Iran’s nuclear programme. However, this hasn’t been due to any efforts of Netanyahu at all, but due to the take-over of the Iranian nuclear concerns by international institutions seemingly removed from Israel’s stained reputation. Additionally, Netanyahu’s constant likening of Iran to Nazi Germany proves that he is scraping the bottom of the barrel on Israel’s diplomatic offensive against Iran.

Finally, while negotiations; if begun, will not surprisingly progressive, Obama has also been forced to pressure Tel Aviv into negotiations with the Palestinians.

An important shift

In their retreat, Israel has lost the capability to dictate terms to its enemies. In the past, it has always been successful in remaining the aggressor while entering into negotiations as the victim, so that it seemed Hamas (or whichever entity) was the aggressor, as all Israeli aggression became responses to ‘Hamas rockets’ (a.k.a. IDF false flags). Israel is being routed.


The rift being created between Israel and America is perhaps the most significant of these developments. It is my belief that this should be the focus of our propaganda. All anti-Zionists should cease grouping Obama in Israel’s camp, and instead urge that he and America cease supporting Israel. Netanyahu will not be able to restrain Israeli desires for a reversal of this recent trend through unprecedented diplomatic and military aggression. If Israel is separated from America, they will stand no chance diplomatically and will, hopefully, permanently ruin their reputation as a “democratic bulwark against Islamofascism”.

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The full documentary ‘Who Brought the Slaves to America’ is now available here:

I missed it when it was first released (though I knew about the content), and having just watched it, I highly recommend everyone to spread it to as many people as possible. The opening and closing statements are particularly important, so I have posted the relevant parts here directly:

Unity Through Nobility.

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This will not end well.

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