The essayist Emerson once famously said consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. If this is so, then our judaic enemies must have very little minds indeed. Our ZC Juden foe is nothing if not boorishly predictable in his monomaniacal National Marxist neo-conservative/neo-liberal sophist historicist solipcism. Whether in the arts and sciences, politics or history, the underlying pattern of their Yahwist Death Wish is much the same.

A key technique used by the Juden to divide and destroy non-Juden is to take an important Aryan truth, leave about nine-tenths of it intact and slyly proceed to change a critical tenth of the truth in question and thereby completely transform that given truth into a similitude of its former self designed to target and annihilate its true Aryan original. Thus most of the confusion that presently reigns among the human race at this end of Kali Yuga.

The prevailing Marxist pseudo-science begins by granting honor to the fathers of lies. In biology there is the false biology of Darwin that mimicks the true biology of Mendel. In psychology there is the false psychology of Freud that mimicks the true psychology of Jung. In political philosophy Rousseau’s pseudo-democratic sovereignty of the general will mimicks the true political philosophy of the Fuhrer-prinzip and (federal) Aryan kingship. In economics the false materialist economics of Adam Smith mimicks the true economics of corporatism (as seen in John Ruskin, Pope Leo XIII, Leon Bloy, Georges Sorel, Ezra Pound, William Cookson, Eustace Mullins and N.S. economics). In education the false theory of John Dewey has for generations mimicked the true educational philosophy of Aryan classical education (such as in the writings of Abbot Hugh of Cluny and Abbé Jean-Joseph Gaume). In philosophy Marxism mimicks the true Aryan philosophy of Heidegger’s Ariosophia and in religion the radical subjectivism or solipsism of Judeo-Christianity mimicks the true objectivity of Aryan multiform monotheism, whether Catholic, Protestant or the Paganism of Wotan/Apollo/Mars, all of which harmonize in the divine manhood of Lucifer Kristos. In the arts the Aryan romance of classicism is mimicked and attacked by judaic mass commercialism, in ethics triune monotheist morality is at war with its similitude of Talmudic unitary self-righteous self-satisfaction and in rhetoric the Aryan logic of a Kurt Gödel is at war with the sophism of mass media.

And Judah introduces a third element to wage a kind of “good cop Gentiles/bad cop Juden” Talmudic strategy of divide and exterminate that serves to crowd out Aryan objectivity. Instead of Nobility we are advertised into a bogus necessity to accept shreds and tatters of Nobility as a lesser of evils. If Adam Smith is too brutal, then our “kindly friend” Karl Marx will help us achieve what (allegedly!) is the only possible economic justice, with what is (allegedly) a more “sustainable” economic justice. If Darwin is too stark, then the “kinder, gentler” biology of Lamarck is adopted as a more sentimental way to reject the true Aryan biology of Mendel, Louis Agassiz, Baron de Cuvier and Linnaeus. Always a less painful Gentile alternative is made available as a seemingly pleasant anodyne for cowardly suicide.

In religion as an allegedly lesser evil we are offered the sugar-coated Gentile version of religious modernism known as fundamentalism and in politics there is the Gentile Marxism of White Nationalism. The former offers us shreds and tatters of the ancient Christian/Pagan Aryan Creeds and the latter shreds and tatters of the constructive European and American Christian/Pagan Nationalism of our ancestors. If we will but accept some seemingly small morsel of judaic falsehood, then we will (allegedly) be allowed to survive and be left in peace by our new-found judaic allies. Yet more judaic lies!

This is nothing other than the ancient siren song of cowardice that is as old as the hills and at least twice as dusty. It is another instance of being sold that famous bridge in Brooklyn and every Aryan should have no doubt that the Juden have no more regard for traitors than Gentiles or Aryans would. Probably less regard, in fact.

The hard reality of manhood is, has been and ever shall be instead the fact of masculine solitude. Noble men are, as we Catholic Aryans have often put it, forever alone with the Alone, and, if we are fortunate, with our one counterpart in life. Our essential joy must come from within and we must learn that we shall never find our own happiness in others. Nobility means being helpful to others more than being helped by others; the others are there more to be helped by us than to be helpful to us. Such is Aryan Loyalty!

It is only within this bracing context that we can see the Aryan truth of politics and history. The White Nationalists, in harsh fact, are the Republicans, the Tories, the Gaullists, the Christian Democrats and the existing political Right generally. They are the very Gentile traitors and apostates who have betrayed us to Yisrael and Yahweh in the first place, no doubt for an appropriate amount of money. And they are the smiling face of Jewry always ready with a “helping hand” to stab us in the back.

If we seriously desire Indo-European Aryan victory and success we must beware of small compromises that would enable us to come to terms with the tyrannical status quo of our ZC New World Disorder. “Think not that I am come to bring peace to the earth; I have come not to bring peace but the sword!” (Matthew 10:34)

In particular, White Nationalist organizations such as the BNP, the Reform Party of Canada, the Tea Party, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the so-called mainstream media in general and their ZC echoes on “the White Right” are merely scams by which our judaic establishment seduces and integrates post-Aryans into their Yahwist orgy of death. If an Aryan were bent on suicide then old-fashioned cyanide would work better at much less cost and trouble to everyone.

We Aryans should suffer no illusions about the wildly popular Viennese Juden economist Ludwig von Mises. He is not our friend, but rather he was Usurer-in-Chief of the late Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was, more than anyone, to blame for the corruption and fall of our late great Imperial Family, the House of Habsburg. His judaic traitor disciples have played the same role in recent decades in bringing down the entire Western World. What we owe them is not gratitude. Oh, shades of Auschwitz!

We should also beware of ways by which to render the Juden into harmless risible gypsies. In our Aryan education there is perhaps no subject so important to our future prospects as Aryan history. In our study of history the great danger at present is to allow a double-standard, one for Gentiles and the other for Jews. Gentiles are permitted to entertain a false tepid history in which no reality threatens their comfortable moderate sustainability. Except that a comfortable life without reality is in reality another name for cowardly suicide and very soon anything but comfortable.

Instead we should accept our objective history, the well-known History of Western Civilization, in which the Juden were once upon a time long long ago themselves Indo-European Aryans. Their degenerate transformation from ancient Mittanian Syrian Hebrews into contemporary Juden is history’s most ghastly betrayal and anything but a harmless story of amusing gypsies.

Hence the danger of denying the existence of Aryan Biblical characters, of the Crusades and of an extinguished Aryan potential in the Juden that is objective Aryan history’s greatest might-have-been, along with what Europe and the American Republic might have been if the Juden had not destroyed them in recent times. In our Aryanist history tragedy must not be denied. (And, mein Gott, what tragedy!!)

We can never glimpse the true dimensions of judaic evil unless we have the severe courage to see the Aryan greatness and nobility of what the Jews have shamelessly betrayed and murdered. Yisrael and Jerusalem are not the Heart of Evil because they are unimportant or best forgotten. But that is, of course, the exact agenda of so-called White Nationalism: If we would but erase from our history and memory that the Juden are, have always been and will forever remain THE singular incomparable enemy of all humankind, animalkind and sentient beings whomsoever.

Lest we forget, a man can only sell his soul to Yahweh one time. After that it is too late because cowardice is habit-forming. Once a noble man cowers before the Juden there is no turning back. The bogus White Nationalist Right has made its deal with Yisrael, Jew York and the City of London. They have sold out to Yahweh and will reap the whirlwind for their reward.

May Lucifer Kristos have mercy upon them. No one else will.

9 Responses to “White Nationalism as a Jewish Strategy”
  1. Colin says:

    When I look out of my window in this democratic-capitalist country of mine, I see nothing but pointless self gratification, idleness and perpetual suffering. Thankfully, I am constantly reminded of the Furher’s warning against half measures and easy fixes! I look forward to the days of hard work and toil and thank god for my youth!

  2. Delendaestziobot says:

    It’s just one of those crucial points, the difference between Mendel and Darwin; on one hand we have the clean clear logic of inheritence laws discovered by the Moravian monk Gregor Mendel, a brilliant scientist, what Mendel discovered was exactly what Darwin could not see, Darwin just lacked the physics, biology, statistical application skills of Mendel, and thus what was made so clear and concise by Medel was obscured into an illogical mess by Darwin, Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’, should be renamed ‘Observations of Nature by dull and boring Tourist’!

    Of course this is why the Rabbi’s jumped on it for their propaganda departments, the Gentile masses would recieve the illogical mess of Darwin, and the logic of Mendel was to be forgotten. How many WN’s have fallen for the Darwin trap?

    I could spend all day commentating on this article.

  3. Colin says:

    I shall read up on Mendel as I am completely unversed. Any other material you can suggest for a budding student? I just finished Gold in the Furnace but was thinking it is time to broaden my horizon as National Socialist material has been my main focus thus far.

  4. Delendaestziobot says:

    Komerad Colin,

    I’ve seen Creationists and Evolutionists debating endlessly and getting nowhere lost in a maze of misinformation, try to stay away from their endless speculations and pontificating would be my advise, there is a third path, and that is the path we need to take and we don’t know the final destination, Mendel’s Inheritence Laws along with the Laws of Thermodynamics will help Aryans to get their bearings and orientation, control points on this third path (In exile all the compasses they give you are broken).

    First law you need to know is that heat cannot be created or destroyed. That’s all, very simple, the first law of thermodynamics, the philosophical implications of this will settle over time in your mind, but all one needs to know is that heat can only flow from one point to another, it changes position and form but it is never created or destroyed, heat is energy, kinetic energy of molecules.

    When you understand this, then move to the Zero Law, then to 2 & 3, four laws total; 0,1,2,3.

    Here is a summary of the Inheritence Laws. G. Mendel discovered that when he crossed a giant variety of peas with a dwarf variety of peas, the offspring or first generation were all tall giants, the giants were called “dominant”, the disappeared dwarfs, “recessive”. But the second generation of peas dwarf peas appeared once again - dwarfs in a proportion of 3 to 1, dwarfs reappeared in the second generation! if the these dwarfs were self-fetilized i.e. dwarf with dwarf, successive generations would all be dwarfs. Therefore the recessive character of the pea was not lost, but reappeared, recessive traits are not lost. Again the disappearing variety will appear again, and that is what we need to know, example; When grey rabbits mate with black rabbits, their children are all grey rabbits, the black colour seemingly disappears, but in the second generation the black rabbits reappear (this would be the same for flowers or plants), the second generation progeny produce both black and grey again, the recessive character always reappears, always!

    Its the hybrids that don’t last, the original traits and characteristic reappear, both dominant and recessive, and establish themselves once again over time.

    Now its easy to get completely lost again if you don’t keep on following these laws, and trust me its easy to get lost again, I have spent years at a time lost with a broken compass unable to get a true reference point, sometimes getting good reference points only to lose them again and subsequently becoming hopelessly lost once more. Remember the laws.

  5. oregoncoug says:

    Some key names in the true/Aryan science of biology in the 20th Century are William Bateson, Thomas Hunt Morgan, Erwin Baur and Hans Friedrich Karl Günther. Günther’s writings are available in English and German through “External links” on the Wikipedia article for him. After ’45 our education was abandoned first to Bukharinist/Gramscian Reds, later to “reform” Zionist Reds and finally to National Marxist Zionist Reds. Scientific biology was equated with Nuremburg “war crimes” and savagely suppressed by the usual suspects. In recent decades “the scientific community” is synonymous with “Marxist pseudo-science” so they’re time-servers, not serious people. Don’t waste your time on them. Their “great synthesis of Mendel and Darwin” is a judaic shell-game invented by Juden exiles from the true science of the Third Reich.

    Some contemporary fine Aryan writers on scientific matters are the Argentine Catholic Aryan Jacques de Mahieu and the East Indian Baptist Aryan Babu G. Ranganathan. The latter (in spite of his Judeo-Christian associations) has several excellent articles on biology at including one entitled “Mendel was true scientist, not Darwin” from February 13, 2009. Enjoy.

  6. Colin says:

    Thank you gentlemen, I appreciate the suggested material.

  7. Delendaestziobot says:

    Great comments oregoncoug, informative, we all learn together!

  8. jeff says:

    what’s the solution then? we can’t just do nothing

  9. oregoncoug says:

    Kamerad Jeff,

    What is to be done? We must be brave enough to “Speak Truth to Power”! We should be sober and recognize the politics of this new decade are similar to the politics of the Weimar Republic. This means a message of Anti-Zionism to the Left and of Law and Order Germanist Imperialism to the Right united by the universal compassion of Romanity. It means an economics of Prussian Socialism which is evenhanded enough to be both pro-labour and pro-business. We should speak truth and say that Unity Through Nobility means a civilization of All Sentient Beings in harmony.

    The fact that we have now successfully smashed the political and spiritual power of Marxism enables us to address all our appropriate audiences. The leaders of the white nationalist Neo-Liberal Marxism of the Mount Pelerin Society, Bush and Cheney, are no longer able seriously to oppose us so Israhell now has to do its own terrorism. We are the obvious leaders in the real “War on Terror,” the one against the bomb-throwing Bolshevik blood-drinkers on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.

    In my opinion, we should structure our universal Aryanist message through Germanism and Romanism according to the various natures of our main audiences. We have both a State to empower and a ruling élite Knighthood to organize. The main message to bring our State to power is Anti-Zionism with its social message of the universal compassion of Romanity and a personal ethos of Germanist truth-speaking heroism. The main message to organize our ruling Knighthood is the Divine Beauty of Our Lord Lucifer the Christ and his Kameraden. The Anti-Zionist style should be an intensely rational plain English. The Germanic Imperial style should be an intensely beautiful embellished English.

    The nation-state has weakened greatly since the days when Mein Kamph and The Universal Avatar were written. This means that religion and law codes are much more important than they were in the time of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Therefore we should view the various racial groups in our ranks according to how they relate to Lord Lucifer. The mulattos should be respected in terms of our ancient Egyptian Aryan Wisdom which underlies the Africans. Mestizos should be appreciated in light of the White Gods of the ancient Americas. Persians can contribute to us through awareness that Lucifer is also simply Mithras gone universal with the addition of a Gothic Roman divine spark.

    For Arya the more true variety of disciplined social functions the better. We should not aim for the tyrannical uniformity of Yahweh and his Anti-Folk but for a free uniformity beyond Fate. Therefore Islam and the Neo-Confucians will probably always be separate from Arya. That should help Arya to be “too good for this world” and eventually achieve her own extraterrestial purpose. We should respect Islam’s goal of perfecting this world and the Neo-Confucian goal of making this world pleasurable. Just because they are less noble than Arya doesn’t make them ignoble and Arya’s freedom can only flourish by acknowledging that some will be too inferior to choose to be citizens of Arya. The only human equality is death and Lucifer is the Destroyer of Death. Thanks to death we are all moral and legal equals, but the more personal inequality among Aryans the more alive we will all be. It won’t affect the fact of our Aryanist moral equality.

    Our Knighthood should be Germanic or Nordic, understanding that “Nordic” doesn’t mean the existing Nordic population but the Nordic Ideal centered in Northern Europe but extending out through many nations. The essential Nordic racial purity is spiritual and aesthetic, not merely biological materialism. The Knighthood of Arya should aim to be the most beautiful and valorous of All Sentient Beings. The divine spark of Nordic Germanism should be greatly treasured wherever it is found.

    Kamerad Jeff, I hope this answer provides you with some sense of what is to be done. Only National Socialist Aryanism can enable Europe, the Americas and associated nations to flourish alongside Islam and Asia. Only our Ideal of Arya can lead workers, military and clergy into a civilized future of peace and prosperity. Only we have the Words to guide the Kosmos into the green glow of Lucifer’s Eternal Light.

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