Overview of the Mystical Death of the Church

(not a Divine Revelation, just my take on it)


Brother Francis of the Immaculate

Forget the Da Vinci Code. That’s much too tame. History is larger and wilder than that. The true history of human civilization is the history of the struggle of the rival Royal Houses of ancient Israel, those of Kings David and Herod. Everything is from the Old Testament “Jews,” whether their good Aryan wing of the Davidids or their evil Edomite/Jew wing of the Herodians.

Down the years the partisans of these two Royal Houses of Israel have fought through each generation something like two scorpions in a bottle. The very strange fact is that the Davidids, the followers of the legitimist Aryan King of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth, always win. The Judaic Herodians are just the Bad News Bears of history. They always end up in the sewer. As for the Davidids or Aryan Roman Catholics, in truth, resistance to them is futile. The only wise course of action towards them is to give up and surrender. As the Apostate Emperor Julian used to say, “O Pale Galilean, Thou hast conquered!

As to the origins of the present mystical Death of the Catholic Church, we should with our minds return to the time when the ancient two sides of Holy Church first began to unite and merge into one seamless garment. Earlier on the Pope’s men were the Church of the Gallicans or Guelphs and the Emperor’s men were the Church of the Ghibellines, in mysticism often called Israel/Joseph and Judah respectively. Gradually these factions’ Papal/Imperial roles reversed; history is filled with such ironies. These two wings of Holy Mother Church finally drew together in the forge of Fortress Europe during the Second World War. By the spring of 1944 the Axis Powers had completely consolidated their power over Fortress Europe.

Within the then victorious Axis Establishment there was a Rightwing and a Leftwing. This Leftwing were the National Bolsheviks, a National Marxism, the farthest right faction of Reform Marxism. Those among them who survived the mass executions following the failed Putsch of July 1944 went over to the Allies in 1944 and 1945 and were ensconced at the Pentagon from August 1945 with the dramatic arrival there by helicopter of several German generals and their American military theoretician Andrew Marshall. Andrew Marshall was the teacher and mentor of Donald Rumsfeld who was in turn the mentor of Vice President Dick Cheney and of President Bush the Younger. The Bush family, especially through their Union Bank, had been and continued to be the chief guardians in the United States of the interests first of the Third Reich and then later of its widely scattered German exiles.

The Axis Rightwing were typified by General Franco of Spain and President Eamon De Valera of Ireland. Other prominent Catholic leaders were Marshall Petain of France and Chancellor Hitler of the Greater German Reich. In Italy Mussolini converted back to the Catholic faith of his childhood in 1944 when he was President of the Republic of Salo that then comprised northern Italy. From the commencement of the Eastern Front in June 1941 the Catholic Establishment was progressively integrated into the Rightwing of the Axis Establishment with Hitler acting as the elected Roman Dictator of the Holy Roman Empire and the temporal arm of the Papacy. The spiritual director of the Axis leadership was the personal confessor of General Franco, Saint Josemaria de Balaguer, the holy Founder of Opus Dei. St. Pope Pius XII acted as though he were Hitler’s superior because in fact so he was. And that is also why Hitler ended up executed rather than the Holy Father, himself a man at that time much too powerful for anyone to execute.

Among the victorious Allies in May 1945 much the strongest Marxist faction, the one that best survived the anti-Bolshevik mass executions of the Axis and the collapse of Fabian Socialism soon after the death of President Roosevelt, was that of the Bukarin/Gramsci “Right” Communists in the U.S.S.R. These were able to seize power with the rise of Nikita Khrushchev. They consolidated their power with the purge of the Soviet Communist Party leadership in 1958. Their most powerful sympathizer in the Church was the flagrant male prostitute Cardinal Spellman of New York. It is widely believed that Cardinal Spellman’s doctor had St. Pope Pius XII murdered in the autumn of 1958. In the Conclave of 1958 a two-thirds majority of the College of Cardinals did favor the choice of St. Pope Pius XII as his successor, Cardinal Joseph Siri of Genoa. Cardinal Siri appears to have declined his election for fear of what Khrushchev’s KGB would do in Italy if Siri became Pope and the official Church condemnation of Jacques Maritain were allowed to proceed as St. Pope Pius XII had scheduled his Curia officials to do very soon after his quite unexpected death.

John Kennedy had been St. Pope Pius’ choice to be U.S. President so Khrushchev wanted Kennedy dead as well and had President Kennedy murdered in November 1963. Khrushchev’s choice for Pope had all along been Cardinal Montini of Milan, son of one of Italy’s leading Left Liberal Catholics from the early 20th Century. Although again at the Conclave of 1963 the majority of the Cardinals favored the election of Cardinal Siri to be Pope, they were again prevented from doing so by the influence in Italy of Comrade Khrushchev and his KGB secret police. Under Antipope Paul VI the power in the Church was turned over to the National Bishop’s Conferences, most of which militantly supported Comrade Khrushchev and his Gramscian “Right” Communism.

President Johnson shared Khrushchev’s Gramscian politics, but unfortunately for him in October 1964 his ally Khrushchev was overthrown by the chosen heir of Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev. Brezhnev and President Ford were both allies (of very different quality) of General Franco of Catholic Spain and of the old Rightwing Axis Establishment. With the favor of Franco, Ford and Brezhnev the Conservative Aryan Catholics were victorious in the election of Cardinal Luciani of Venice as Pope John Paul I. Pope John Paul I swiftly approved the Statutes of Opus Dei which has ever since then (September 1978) enabled Opus Dei to rule the Vatican City State. In revenge for this the enemies of Opus Dei then murdered the good Pope John Paul I. This marked the end of our Aryan Roman Papacy. May it Rest In Peace.

In the 1980’s the Reform Marxists or Zionists succeeded the now devastated Gramscians (the “New Left”) as the penultimate surviving faction of Marxism. The rise of the Zionists to dominance in the 1980’s was in large measure due to the fractures and general damage Khrushchev had managed to inflict on the conservatives during his years of total power throughout the Soviet Empire. Conservatives such as Reagan and President Bush the Elder allied with President Ford and Pope John Paul I and had broken the onslaught of the New Left Gramscians or “Right” Communists, but were unable to control the Reform Marxists or Zionists who became steadily stronger with the political and military incompetence and lack of discipline among the Conservatives generally during the 1980s. Antipope John Paul II was a Commsymp Jew who succeded in corrupting generally everything.

The Marxist Zionists finally triumphed in 1993 with the victory of Bill Clinton who had converted to Zionism when he visited Oxford and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Happily the Zionists had been so savaged by the Anti-Bolshevik purges of the Second World War and the Stalin Purges of the early 1950s that they proved much weaker in power than they had appeared to be in opposition. (Thank Helios for Auschwitz!!!). They were unable to survive the bursting of the Dotcom Bubble in March 2000.

Ford’s Conservatives returned (greatly corrupted) with President Bush the Younger in January 2001. In conformity with the usual historic character of Good and Evil fighting it out like two scorpions in a bottle, they were almost immediately politically devastated by the victory of Ariel Sharon in Israel in February 2001. Sharon (with Andrew Marshall and Donald Rumsfeld) was the premier National Bolshevik heir to the Leftwing of the Axis. The blood drenched Jew Sharon’s mentor in military doctrine was none other than the pious and most Aryan Catholic Otto Skorzeny, chosen heir of Chancellor Hitler and global Ace of Spies for General Franco, not to mention the last lover of Eva Peron. (Do Catholics have Roman panache or what?)

Hence since 9-11 (a pretty weird event) the world has been sundered by a global civil war between the Left and Right wings of the Axis Establishment as the Old and New Lefts, the old-style mainstream Zionists and the Wilsonian Conservatives (political heirs of the Roman Republic and Aryan Cicero) have all faded away into the sunset (i.e., been politically and militarily persecuted and slaughtered or exiled in their millions into eternal oblivion).

The timely combination of Obama (a feeble cipher) and the Great Collapse opens another political era like that of the German Weimar Republic in 1919. The Leftwing of the Axis is politically and economically gone. Only the Aryanist Rightwing of the Axis survives as the last power remaining on earth, alongside Islam of course. Aryanism isn’t popular but it’s about all the human race has got; they will just have to like it or lump it. Prime Minister Netanyahu of the Jewish State is a bad joke; he is a feeble coward. For us Aryans he’s a lot like a loathsome rat in a barrel (sounds like fun to me!).

The millennial struggles of the two Royal Houses of Israel end at last! Now there are only Aryan Roman Catholic wolves and Judaic Marxist sheep (and these Aryan Catholics are strong, wronged and generally pissed as hell). It’s springtime for Romans and winter for Reds. Welcome to the Age of King Arthur and the Sixth Century! The greatest German Catholic writer of the last century, Ernst Junger, said the 21st Century would be the Age of the Titans and the 22nd Century would be the Age of the Gods.

Tomorrow belongs to us.

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