This page lists open positions for activism that our movement is currently in particular need of. Please contact us stating in the subject line which of these positions you wish to volunteer for. All prospective candidates must at least be non-racist, non-Islamophobic anti-Zionists not eligible for Israeli citizenship, and preferably be Aryanists with some fluency in authentic National Socialism.
Do not be discouraged from contacting us if you do not feel suited to any of the particular positions listed below; as long as you sincerely want to help, just tell us what skills/knowledge you have to offer and we will always be able to find something for you to do!
This page is constantly under construction.
New party founders
Requires permanent residence in any country in the world except Israel (we do not intend our movement to apply here).
Requires ability to efficiently demolish ZC, BS and any other enemy ideas using Aryanist ideology (instruction will be provided if required) and ability to blog/vlog/podcast at least semi-regularly.
Single-issue propagandists
Requires specialist familiarity with relevant issue and ability to blog/vlog/podcast at least semi-regularly.
Single-issue entryists
Requires specialist familiarity with relevant issue and membership of relevant activist organization.
Neighbourhood patrol leaders
Requires familiarity with paramilitary discipline, local volunteering and preferably some combat skills.
Intentional community founders
Requires resources necessary for starting an Aryanist intentional community, ideally capable of economic self-sufficiency.
A West Papuan state was, and still is, a neo-colonialist project anyway.
Indonesia annexed West Papua in 1963, as per Lebensraum:
Like what I said, if we control the government, prepare our military to defend our southern region/invade Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji Island
Who started the conflict between jews and germans `?
Der Stürmer in 1924 or judea declare war on germany 1933 ?
The Treaty of Versailles, in 1919.
Jews, being a tribalist group, were at war with all out-group members since the very day they created the in-group/out-group distinction between Jews and non-Jews, thousands of years ago.
“A key lie concerning tribalism told by present-day racists – Jews as well as Gentiles - attempting to portray themselves as harmless people is: “We can be for our own group without being against other groups.” In a world of finite (never mind diminishing!) resources, it should be obvious why this is absolute nonsense.
It would be delusional to believe that only Jews are capable of such attitudes, as history is replete with non-Jews behaving in exactly the same way. The oppression of countless Native American societies by Anglo, Spanish and other Western colonialist settlers, for example, was no less brutal than that of the Palestinians by Israeli settlers. (The popular ethnoseparatist lie that “good fences make good neighbours” is best refuted by pointing out that even a fence as good as the Atlantic Ocean did not keep the Native Americans safe from colonization.) Similarly, the worst massacres committed by Jews against the Ukrainians and the Armenians or the worst tortures masterminded by Jews in communist gulags cannot even begin to compare in either scale or cruelty with the daily routines of abbatoirs, dairy/egg/fur/silk factories and vivisection labs worldwide, all economically supported by ordinary humans. The very moment one decides to view others as Goys rather than as fellow victims of existence, no cruelty is off-limits.“
Watch this
Has the Aryanist movement decided to dispense with involvement with various separatist movements that were once listed on this page? (i.e. Occitania, Kashmir, Wales, Ryukyu, Catalonia, etc.)
We still support these movements in principle, but they are currently low-priority objectives due to the rate at which society is breaking down forcing us to concentrate on more pressing issues such as maximizing firearm ownership and paramilitary organization among leftists. If individual activists wish to concentrate on pursuing secession, we still wish them luck. (This is except in the case of Hawaii, which (being the most reliable Blue state in the entire US) we need to tip the scales for a few more elections, at least until we turn a few more other states Blue, thus Hawaii secession is on hold for now. Indeed we are very grateful to Hawaii for its disproportionate effort in blocking Trump’s executive orders since 2017.)
Concerning Ryukyu independence, which I recall was your project, my advice right now is to do whatever seems to you most likely to get the US military bases there shut down ASAP. If you think Ryukyu secession can get US troops out faster, then support Ryukyu secession. If you think staying part of Japan can get them out faster, then support staying part of Japan (for now).
Please read this article:
Why is it obligatory to be vegetarian to National Socialist? In fact, this subject of vegetarian Hitler is quite insignificant. For me it has no relevance whether a person eats meat or not, to simplify vegetarianism a lot, nor do I give any merit to eating meat or not trying it. I have it as a matter of taste, that’s all.
“Why is it obligatory to be vegetarian to National Socialist? In fact, this subject of vegetarian Hitler is quite insignificant. For me it has no relevance whether a person eats meat or not, to simplify vegetarianism a lot, nor do I give any merit to eating meat or not trying it. I have it as a matter of taste, that’s all.”
With-out appealing to compassion for non-humans, simply put, meat consumption is the biggest polluter and cause of greenhouse gases. It cannot continue indefinitely. If you live long enough, you probably will no-longer even have the choice to consume meat, even if you wanted to. With constant rise in population and all included in that equation.
Hitler stated that if he could predict one-thing is that the future would not see meat consumption, and by the looks of it he was probably correct in that prediction.
“One may regret living in a period when it is impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there is one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian.” – Adolf Hitler
You won’t have a choice sooner than later….
“In November 2017, 15,364 world scientists signed a Warning to Humanity calling for, among other things, drastically diminishing our per capita consumption of meat.”
“For me it has no relevance whether a person eats meat or not”
For the animals being killed to supply the meat, it has a lot of relevance. Perhaps it would have more relevance to you if the debate were about whether or not you should be eaten.
“I have it as a matter of taste”
Would you be OK with being killed to satisfy someone else’s taste?
Now that I’m having serious doubts about being an ethno-nationalist, thanks to you guys, I’m interested in knowing how you came to where you are now. If you would be kind enough, I would really like reassurance, as nobody I know has gone from being an ethno-nationalist to supporting the Democratic Party.
It’s coming as a shock to me - the same kind of shock I had when I became an ethno-nationalist and stopped being the anti-racist I was once proud to be.
“If you would be kind enough, I would really like reassurance, as nobody I know has gone from being an ethno-nationalist to supporting the Democratic Party.”
If you are in this for anti-Zionism, we have clearly chronicled that it is the Democratic Party which is turning anti-Zionist:
Obviously the Democratic Party requires many other policy shifts (e.g. must become pro-firearm) before we find it satisfactory, but if Trump could utterly transform the GOP, why shouldn’t we be able to transform the Democrats to a similar or even greater degree?
We are making progress on firearms too:
“It’s coming as a shock to me – the same kind of shock I had when I became an ethno-nationalist and stopped beingthe anti-racist I was once proud to be.”
The important thing is you feel you are now RETURNING to who you always used to be, in other words your true self. Would you be interested in writing n article detailing your ideological trajectory? It might help others to recover from the mass insanity of the Alt-Right.
You’re more than welcomed to join! It would be great to have you here! Leaving the curse that is the alt-right and ethno-nationalism is a great step!
Hi, anyone who read me. I want to ask something that seems important and nobody has talked about it until now: uniforms, patches of ranks and all this for me seems necessary for a militant movement, but as a vegan it is practically impossible to wear military uniforms. In today’s society 95% of uniforms are made of wool (shirts and pants, patches, peaked caps), silk (medals, yes, the ribbons are silk!), and leather (especially in peaked caps and belts), and the same with Werhmacht uniforms, which are the best and most beautiful in history, but all have at least wool.
I am a vegan and I have no problem with that, I don’t need to exploit animals to live, the only problem is that I have tried to get a Werhmacht officer uniform to use for activism and as I say is made of wool (paeaked caps wear leather too but I don’t intend to pay to have an animal killed for their skin, and I can wear old NVA hats that are similar).
So as a vegan you think it is morally acceptable once in a lifetime to wear a wool uniform? I mean it is not a whim like eat cheese but a political and moral necessity. And I just only need one tunic, because rank patchs can be changed.
If we were a large organization with millions of dollars (think Scientology) or governed a country we could make our own uniforms 100% of synthetic fibers or vegetable fibers, but being under power that is almost impossible. That’s the question.
Per example if in your Aryanist movement you have an SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer how do you identify him? ss uniforms and even just the collar patches are made of wool.
Why doesn’t anyone answer me? Doesn’t anyone care about this?
I want you to consider just relatively UNIMPORTANT and TRIVIAL things like uniforms are in this struggle compared to the much more pressing matters we face today. To get serious about any movement, you’ve got to make sure that you don’t get lost in any of the thrills and superficial decorations associated with its image. By this I am specifically referring to when [1]: People put too much thought into “basic” stuff like flags and uniforms. [2]: Get too hyped about an ideology because of a perceived notion that it’s “cool” and “hip”.
Don’t underestimate the toxicity of [2]. I am certain that most “white” supremacists only get into it to look edgy, but nonetheless kill more and more of their nobility as time rolls on. You don’t exactly strike me as a “white” supremacist, but this is phenomenon is worth noting nonetheless.
Anyhow, I speak from experience on this - I’ve fallen for the “Do-this-because-it-looks-cool” trick myself even though I was mostly unaware of it… DON’T FALL FOR IT! Focus on STRATEGY and IDEOLOGY instead. If you want to get started on that, I recommend that you go to the contact page to get started because in my experience, putting direct effort into the Struggle is the only way to keep one’s head screwed on the correct way for this kind of thing:
“So as a vegan you think it is morally acceptable once in a lifetime to wear a wool uniform? I mean it is not a whim like eat cheese but a political and moral necessity. And I just only need one tunic, because rank patchs can be changed.”
If you pay for a uniform, then it would NOT be morally acceptable to wear wool as you’d be placing a demand on wool. However, if you were to be given it, or were to buy it from a thrift shop or something, then that’d be fine even though I personally would prefer not to have something like that near me.
If I were you, I’d try making my own uniform from some kind of plant-based material (like cotton, or maybe some wool substitute if there is such a thing) if you really needed to. What’s the occasion?
“Why doesn’t anyone answer me? Doesn’t anyone care about this?”
I began writing a response before but got sidetracked (if that makes a difference.
The Aryan perspective on romantic relationships is interesting, and certainly understandable. But you say that you would see same-sex couples allowed to marry - and enjoy the same status as those who are capable of bearing children - which I find problematic. By choosing to wed someone of the same sex, wouldn’t one be relinquishing his potential for parenthood? And what place would children have? Would same-sex couples be able to adopt or perform IVF? I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on this.
You also mentioned that you would allow people to undergo sex reassignment surgery. If you could elaborate on this too I would appreciate it.