Alex Jones is undoubtedly the leader of the “truth movement”. The truth movement, covering 9/11 to fractional-reserve banking, is inclusive of almost every alternative outlook there can be on any subject. For this reason, Alex Jones stands as the most important figurehead and is representative of these alternative opinions. There is no denying that we should make a strong attempt at targeting the truth movement in a broad sense, due to the similarities in basic beliefs. Alex Jones himself must eventually be targeted, which will be the topic of this post.
As has been mentioned in previous posts, namely “Aryanism’s Future” and “Building a Movement”, Aryanism as a revolutionary movement must become the only option for the masses seeking an alternative to the current status-quo. At the moment, of course, Aryanism is only a fraction of the alternative movement, with the bulk of people finding their alternative in the truth movement, irrespective of their favourite leader (David Icke, Alex Jones, etc.). However, with Aryanism’s expansion as a movement, there will necessarily be an absorption of other “alternativists” in order to come closer towards our goal of dominance of the alternative. To accomplish this requires that the Aryanist movement either absorbs or opposes other alternatives. The case for both will be briefly discussed in terms of Alex Jones, but is applicable on all levels; even on a person-to-person basis as one person will generally have influence and authority over other people.
Absorbing the truth movement will be one of the most difficult actions which a revolutionary movement must undertake. Alex Jones is the self-styled leader of all dissent, as is fitting for either an agent or a fool. Alex Jones has shown a large degree of resistance to identifying the “Elitists”, especially steering clear of criticism of Zionism. His unwillingness to expose International Jewry has been proven to be due to his intimate relationship with his supposed enemy. However, to a revolutionary movement this is largely irrelevant as long as Alex Jones remains the figurehead of the truth movement. Whether or not this remains the case is dependent upon the decisions the Aryanist movement takes: whether to absorb the truth movement; or oppose it.
Absorbing the truth movement would require Alex Jones being subordinated to the leader of the Aryanist movement, otherwise Aryanism would be absorbed by the truth movement. Total absorption would cause the truth movement as a whole to be Aryanised (similar to the NSDAP’s absorption of the Nationalists). Absorbing the truth movement would obviously require Jones’ personal acceptance of this subordination and of Aryanism. This is highly unlikely since he has already spoken ill of anti-Zionism and would probably continue to do so with the popularising of anti-Zionism. If we believe he is an agent, it is likely that his rhetoric against anti-Zionism would increase with its popularisation, making absorption impossible. If, however, he continues to avoid the subject, absorption would prove quite easy. On top of this is the consideration of Alex Jones the figurehead. Due to his popularity, it is unlikely that the masses that follow him religiously would eagerly replace him with the leader of an Aryanist movement. Therefore, it seems overall that Alex Jones could be absorbed, at least fully.
Opposing the truth movement is troublesome since it would mean the ostracism of a large number of people with whom we have little disagreements. Not only would this created a large and more unified bloc that will constantly oppose Aryanism but it will constantly drain our recruits, some of which will inevitably be drawn to Alex Jones. This division could be deadly if Alex Jones is able to improve his propaganda (through extra funds and exposure), which seems likely due to his connections with Jewry. This blunder could have significant repercussions on the image of Aryanism as a revolutionary movement with momentum. Therefore, opposition would; at best, result in a constant threat to an Aryanist movement, and at worst, would undermine the movement’s drive towards dominating alternatives and cause its decline.
Therefore, it seems that neither will solve this dilemma. The situation will undoubtedly change by the time this becomes an issue. The movement’s decision should be based upon lifting Aryanism to the position of the sole alternative to the status-quo. This goal should be kept in mind for all matters of political persuasion and conversion. At the moment, the best option would appear to be making Alex Jones an affiliate of the broader Aryanist movement. Therefore, while he would still remain the leader of the truth movement; he would, in some way, be subordinate to the Aryanist movement.