
Each movement, organisation and political party that relies on discipline and unity to achieves its goals must have a Code of Conduct. Codes that are lenient are used to create an image for this organisation. Codes that are strict and well-defined are used to deter potential members who do not have the desired character, as well as to establish a bond between members. Lenient Codes may simply be what to say and what not to say in public, while disciplined Codes may be as authoritarian as establishing diets, fasting periods, phenotype and physical health, formal education, combined with a general assessment of “spirit”. For Aryanism, the Code of any movement, organisation, group or order should lean towards the disciplined latter.

This is intended to be an open debate and should be interpreted as the foundations for any Aryanist organisation. An open debate will ensure that key requirements are not missed and useless requirements not included. It should also be noted that for an increase in quantity, increased leniency and decreased quality will result. The Code stipulated herein will be that of the “Elite” referred to in previous articles.

Note: 9th May, 2010 - Debate and further deliberation has precipitated some changes.


  • Vegetarian and limited or no animal product consumption
  • No addictive consumption of any substance
  • No tattoos


  • Idealistic
  • Educated on Aryanism
  • Self-Disciplined
  • Initiative and creativity
  • Potential to lead and follow
  • No sexual promiscuity, perversion or degeneracy


  • Good financial history and absence of large debts
  • Good employment and criminal record
  • No members of any enemy organisations

There are some requirements that I have left out since I am not sure whether they will be too strict. I thought that perhaps a point system may work better, where each requirement has a set point value. Each requirement fulfilled forms a final score and the applicant is graded on that.

I hope that others can contribute to this concept and list.

17 Responses to “Code of Conduct”
  1. Frai says:

    Hi Elysium,

    Well done post. I like to read your posts, even if I do not leave a comment.


  2. sorna says:

    He and his ancestors should not have raised arms against any Aryan nations in support of semitics.

    He and his ancestors must not have caused the down fall of any Aryan nation in support of semitics.

    He must repent o the Aryan gods and forgo the submission to the semitic idols (Jesus, God, Allah, etc. plagues).

    Aryan Land Under One Flag

  3. Elysium says:

    To whom are you referring?

  4. oregoncoug says:


    Like the intelligent flexible language concerning veganism, Jewish ancestry, alcohol and sexual morality. That discourages useless games of judaic hypocrisy and respects dutiful Aryan personal liberty. I’d just add the word Marxist to have “No Marxists, Freemasons or other enemy organizations…”

    In Helios

  5. Frai says:

    I would also add, “educated on enemy” under character.

  6. Elysium says:

    Educated on which enemy, or just generally?

  7. Why is “Idealistic” first on the character list?

    Pro-White activists need more REALISM and RATIONALISM now rather than too much wishy-washy idealism. Idealism is indeed very important (because it is a quintessential Nordic virtue) but Whites have real problems we are facing now that cannot be merely willed or wished or idealized away.

    Otherwise a good list…but no meat or animal products? No cheese or dairy?! (dairy and cheese is how ancient Whites survived Winter for many thousands of years, actually) No decent sex life? No beer? No tobacco? With those virtual impossibilities you’ve just disqualified about 98% of Whites right there…have you ever read Nietzsche’s take on the damage done by so called ‘ascetic ideals’ in THE GENEALOGY OF MORALITY? If not, read it.

  8. Elysium says:

    Your comment is a perfect example of why Aryanism is distinct from White Nationalism or any other tribalist ideology. Aryanists do not seek the perpetuation or domination of “Whites”. Your complaints with the consumption of drugs and the exclusion of a “decent sex life” is testament to why White Nationalists will never be assimilated into an Aryanist movement.

  9. Frai says:

    Well i would say first of all about the jewish enemy, because when a person understand what the jewish idea is then he search for his position. Aryanism is the opposite, and a person then will know which site is the right one. A person who is educated on this, will never change his Weltanschauung, and so he will always remain an aryanist.

    And in general… yes, i think it is nesesary, because if you don´t know whats “wrong” you can never know what is “right”.

    I hope you understand what i want to say.

  10. Elysium says:

    I understand you and I absolutely agree.

    An education on the Jews is integral to an education on Aryanism. Aryanism cannot exist in its proper form without this knowledge.

  11. Soldier says:

    Funny that you didn’t include any other issues with race except the 64th Jewish thing. I think it would be appropriate if you narrowed down who is Aryan and who is not, as that isn’t a point you’ve covered in-depth. Such as which European racial groups are allowable to which degrees, and so forth. Some may find Southern Europeans undesirable, whereas others might think so of Eastern Europeans. While I’m quite sure of your views on this, you leave much ambiguity.

    Also, BMI usually isn’t a good thing to follow for physical health. Muscular people are usually far over their “ideal” BMI range. That and the animal product thing are very large points of contention which would disallow a lot of people of value. That is also true of the tattoo rule, but to a much lesser degree.

  12. Elysium says:

    It depends on whether the Elite will be formed around nations or continents. I have not decided which is best yet and I have not heard any suggestions.

    I was thinking of including preferences for the Nordid phenotype, but in certain countries it will be difficult to find and in some it will be impossible. For this reason, particularly if the Elite is national-based, the phenotype should be the best (most Aryan) of whatever the nation possesses.

    Bodybuilding and other artificial muscle-building exercises are certainly not Aryan activities. The BMI requirement was included as a general rule in order for applicants to possess proportionate mass to their build.

    Limits on animal products, or at least meat, are important for an Elite since the group will only ever be small. Obviously, for the swaying of the masses, veganism will not be included.

  13. Soldier says:

    Bit confused as to body building is an artificial activity. There are plenty of ways, anyway, to gain enough muscle (other than body building) that one’s BMI index would be skewed by their muscle mass.

  14. Elysium says:

    Body building, in its conventional sense, is artificial because it has no purpose since other than for aesthetics since, if your environment required muscle you would already have it. Aryans should build muscle through manual labour.

    I will investigate the applicability of BMI and if there are any alternatives.

  15. Schwarzesonne says:

    I would be interested to learn the basis (historical or otherwise) upon which this code of conduct was built.

  16. Elysium says:

    I would hope that any Aryanist Elite would be formed along similar lines to those in this post. A lot of it one may find similar to SS requirements, which in turn we based on the criteria for chivalrous orders. Apart from that, the basis was strict self-discipline and at least a partially ascetic Elite.

  17. Former US Marine says:

    As a prior bodybuilder for 20 years, I can say with complete honesty and knowledge that most bodybuilders are too self absorbed by their reflections in mirrors of any kind or by sustaining their inferiority complexes with muscle size to be of any great use. (Once I had my awakening, all thought of bodybuilding became unimportant and rather foolish since there are much greater battles and items of importance than lifting a dumbbell over my head).

    Bodybuilding, appears to be the male version of female bulimia, whereby one’s body image is distorted to a great extent and ritualistic actions are performed in an attempt to solve the body psychosis

    Furthermore, food and in many cases drugs are gorged on to achieve the artificial results so many bodybuilders seek.

    The most important muscle in our arsenal is the BRAIN and the actions that result from healthy thought. When self defense is required, one only needs 7 lbs of pressure to pull a trigger or the brains to plan ahead. Even the military understands muscle is not as important as physical endurance and brains (strategies/following orders).

    PS. What is the worst thing you can say to a bodybuilder? Dude, you look really skinny what happened? That will send them into the same mental anguish as telling a bulimic she looks fat.

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