
As the engineered economic crisis morphs into a recession the anti-Government elements will now receive an increasing amount of popular support. The masses will be more likely to believe the theories of what were considered in the economic-boom “extreme” groups. As we know, dissent is controlled where necessary. This economic crisis should not be considered a re-run of the Great Depression. This time, they wield far more influence and power over the structures of the governments of the world, but unlike before they also have a firm grasp on the hearts and minds of the masses. They expect this to change with the material losses of the middle and lower classes. Machiavelli said:

People are quicker to forgive the death of a loved one than the confiscation of their property.

Therefore, they have set up numerous diversions and saviours ready for such an occasion. Popular interpretations of these diversions and saviours include Alex Jones and Barack Obama respectively. This is the ideal time to build a movement which will quickly gain a measure of popular support.

As the masses have not been dealt unbearable economic hardship we will not receive any increase in popular appeal. This is the period we should use in order to form the Elite of the movement that will become a party in a single country. The main countries on which to focus should be the nations of Western Europe as it is quite evident that their power is too deeply entrenched in the structure of the United States government as well as its remarkably docile inhabitants. In the USA we will not be able to build a movement that is precise and bears an accurate message. The best we can do is to disrupt the foothold the Jewish bankers have in the USA. It is highly doubtful that the USA will soon have a regime or administration that will deal a decisive blow to overall Jewish power from the bankers to congressmen and bureaucrats. This not to say that the USA should be abandoned. A determined effort should be made, but not for power in the USA but for certain political aims and reforms.

In the early stages of a movement it must be able to form a cohesive and unified Elite. Their beliefs may differ in opinion on minor matters, but differences of opinion mustn’t approach the possibility of disunity and factions in the movement. This Elite must include primarily men who are university-educated and who have the necessary qualifications for their positions. In the beginning this is not a realistic aim, therefore the Elite will be made up of primarily “intellectuals” and will later incorporate the educated men through whom the beliefs of the intellectuals will be carried out. Nevertheless, this Elite must be disciplined and must all have the same core beliefs. Most importantly, very few exceptions and compromises must be made to include people who do not fit this criteria. Once this movement structure is formed a gradual expansion, particularly in positions associated with Propaganda, should occur in a hierarchical fashion. I may post an article in the future with all the positions that are required for the initial phase of this movement.

This Elite must decide on the ends and means of the movement. It must create short and long term goals. A platform must be devised and perhaps a manifesto written, if only for reference amongst the members of the Elite. Positions according to merit must be assigned to members of the Elite and communication between the various sections of the Elite must be developed. Many people of like mind insist that we should all take our signs and “protest” in front of Synagogues or confront congressmen despite the impracticality of it. It is stupidity alone that would dictate a man with a degree in history who is of the same mindset as is compatible with this movement is encouraged to use his time and effort performing unimportant tasks. Such tasks should be the responsibility of those most adept with Propaganda and their staff.

Once this Elite is formed it should expand by targeting those already involved in the affiliated groups, parties and movements. Again, nothing short of a fundamental agreement should be reached before assimilation of these figures or groups into this movement. From here, previously exposed groups such as “truthers”, anti-NWO groups, Tribalists and the like should be targeted for suitable individuals to incorporate into the movement. It must be stressed again that major compromises only result in disunity and that the initial benefits of such an incorporation will be outweighed by the inevitable creation of factions that will occur. It is much better to keep this Elite small and unified than vice versa. For this reason, groups led by the likes of Alex Jones will be easy targets because of their lack of unity.

Without the formation of this Elite any efforts at Propaganda are pointless as they do not bring the frustrations of the masses, nor the skills of intellectuals and the educated, into the movement.

3 Responses to “Building a Movement”
  1. Soldier says:

    Great article my friend, but we must avoid, in many peoples’ opinion other than my own, the term “movement”. This puts us, at least on a superficial plane, on the same level as communist or bourgeoisie “movements”, and makes us not our own unique entity, but in essence just another to choose from.

    We should strive for an Order, more than anything else. As Feudal as this may sound, the idea behind it is a sound one, lacking in such negative connotations as “movement”.

    Also, I am confused as to why the Elite of such a group would need to be university-educated. While this is necessary to some degree in understanding modern academia and using this to our advantage, no degree of leadership or knowledge is given by merely attending a modern university. Many have indeed realized the futility in this, as it only takes up one’s time and only provides (eventually) for an unabashedly materialistic lifestyle, which is the goal in all modern academia.

  2. Elysium says:


    I agree with the use of Order or other words of similar connotation. We could promote the use of movement, order, or a multitude of other terms to whatever suits the audience. For the theorists amongst us (the Elite) connotations should not bother us.

    University-education removes the types who are unintelligent despite being knowledgeable on Arya, history, etc.. It also provides a larger skill base for us to use, compared with the plebeian types of Nationalist parties. On a superficial level, it also removes any “uneducated” image.

    I agree that leadership is not taught in universities. However, the Elite would only be composed of those who are naturally inclined towards Aryanism, not students with a list of degrees who have no practical skills at all. Think of it as the Elite being made up of Aryanists who have degrees. Thus, degrees will not be at the expense of character, leadership or commitment.

  3. [...] has been mentioned in previous posts, namely “Aryanism’s Future” and “Building a Movement”, Aryanism as a revolutionary movement must become the only option for the masses seeking an [...]

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