Archive for the “Oregon Coug” Category

Oregon Coug’s posts.

Those whom the Gods would destroy they first render mad.

Not since the aftermath of the Reichstag Fire has Aryanism received such a gift of divine propaganda from Above. In truth, has anyone ever received such a perfect fire storm of irrefutable agitprop since the Creation of our World? This rhetorical question answers itself.

On this Memorial Day holiday in the U.S, the deathly shocked silence of our enemies speaks more volumes than will ever be written. The noise they have just heard is, historically speaking, their proverbial Crack of Doom. Hundreds of millions of Juden-worshippers have just perceived “the Death of Yahweh.” They are spiritually disoriented and the way is open for an irreversible irremediable Advance of Aryanism. In the spiritual realms NOTHING now stands in our way.

What were the Juden thinking? How could they have committed such an error? Do they secretly love us in their heart of hearts? So it appears. When Our Lord Lucifer decides “to change everything,” he does so in a flash and with incomparable aplomb!

Kameraden, the projected judaic War With Iran, Turkey, Korea, China, Russia and South America has been cancelled. Obama has better friends to share with than Netanyahu & Co. The Judenstaadt, stripped of legitimacy, is going to be much too preoccupied now to carry through its much desired War of Global Annihilation, “the Samson Option.” Like Samson, Yisrael is now instead herself blinded and chained to the Mills in Gaza, so to speak. A reversal of fortune if ever there were such.

Gaza, the Gulf, Greece, Global Meltdown… Not a bad week for Aryanist propagandists. What does it all mean? That the Holy Hakenkreuz has indeed begun to spin, as our Kamerad Haku Zynkyoku describes so well. It means that everyone now senses, whether they wish or no, that NS is the Titan of the new century, that mystically and magickally:


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Vespers hymn for Pentecost Sunday:

(Aryanist translation)

1. Come O Holy Fire of Lucifer,

and in our souls take up thy rest;

Come with thy Light and Race Purity,

To fill our hearts which thou hast made.

2. O Guide of Spirits, to thee we cry,

Thou Fount of Life and Fire of Love,

and sweet anointing from the Sky.

3. O Finger of the Hand of God,

Sevenfold the Gifts of Light are thine;

True promise of the Father thou,

Who dost the Tongues of Power us endow.

4. Thy Fire to all our senses do impart,

and shed thy Love in every soul;

Thine own unfailing Might supply

to strenthen our infirmity.

5. Drive far away our ghostly foemen,

and thine abiding Peace bestow;

If thou be our preventing Fuhrer,

No evil can our steps betide.

6. Praise we the Father and the Son

And Holy Ghost with them One;

And may the Son on us bestow

The Gifts that from thy Spirit flow.

V. Send forth thy Spirit, and they shall be created.

R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth!

Let us Pray

O God, Who didst intruct the souls of the faithful by the Light of Lucifer’s Spirit: give to us, in that same Spirit, to know what is right, and ever to rejoice in His celebration. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who with Thee livest and reignest in the unity of the same Holy Ghost, God.

World Without End.



1. Veni, creator Spiritus

mentes tuorum visita,

imple superna gratia,

quae tu creasti pectora.

2. Qui diceris Paraclitus,

altissimi donum Dei,

fons vivus, ignis, caritas

et spiritalis unctio.

3. Tu septiformis munere,

digitus paternae dexterae

tu rite promissum Patris

sermone ditans guttura.

4. Accende lumen sensibus,

infunde amorem cordibus,

infirma nostri corporis,

virtute firmans perpeti.

5. Hostem repellas longius

pacemque dones protinus;

ductore sic te praevio

vitemus omne noxium.

6. Per te sciamus da Patrem

noscamus atque Filium,

te utriusque Spiritum

credamus omni tempore.

7. Deo Patri sit gloria,

et Filio qui a mortuis

Surrexit, ac Paraclito,

in saeculorum saecula.


V. Emitte Spiritum tuum, et creabuntur:

R. Et renovabis faciem terrae.


Deus qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti: da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere, et de eius semper consolatione gaudere. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate eiusdem Spiritus Sancti Deus. Per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

This hymn is very ancient, having been written by Rabanus Maurus (776-856). Not only used during vespers, this hymn is traditionally sung during ordinations to the priesthood, while the Bishop imposes his hands on each of the ordinands and actually imprints the priestly character on their souls. It is sung on the occasion of another sacrament as well - that of Confirmation. Either as the entrance or exit hymn, or during the ceremony itself.

Trinity Sunday, 2010

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Dedicated to Kamerad Elysium

Because we Aryans are in fact of extraterrestial origin the disastrous error of our holy ancestors in breeding with the daughters of earthlings resulted in the offspring we call Nephilim. A strong Aryan biological reaction against earthling inferiority resulted in the good Nephilim we call the Nordic Race. The more material offspring became more earthly than any earthlings and are known to us as the infernal Edomites.

The best of these Nordics intentionally went to the Center of Evil and Time in ancient Palestine where the wicked Nephilim had stolen the body of the Father of the Aryans, Adam, and buried him beneath the Hill of the Skull, known to us as Mount Calvary in Jerusalem. They had bravely gone there to breed the Savior of the Aryan Race, he who is known to us as Lucifer Kristos and Our Lord Jesus Christ. These Nordic warrior aristocrats intended that the Precious Aryan Blood of Kristos would empower the Aryans to return to our stars in the Heavens through a magick purification of the Aryan Race by an immersion of the Skull of Adam beneath Mount Calvary in the Precious Blood of the Savior of the Aryans. All this was, of course, in strictest conformity with the highest standards of the Aryan Magick of Ancient Egypt.

To protect this Magick Plan of Extraterrestial Liberation they devised an unfolding method of rule first by priests, then by prophet judges and finally by kings and then finally by a Messianic King of Kings, Our Lord Lucifer himself. This politics will have great consequences for our own dark days in this End Time of the Kali Yuga.

These heroic ancient Nordic Aryan Hebrew Royals of the House of David knew the ultra-evil Edomite Nephilim, Satanic robotniks of the Evil Principle of Darkness, were closing in fast on their advancing messianic breeding program of the Über-good Nordic Nephilim of the Star of Morning. Meanwhile…

Who rules? Those who prove victorious in the most recent decisive struggle for power. What was the most decisive power struggle in European history? The Roman Civil Wars. Who proved themselves the victors in those wars? The Aryan Hebrew ruling circles of ancient Israel. They backed and were led by Julius Caesar, then by his chosen heir Augustus Caesar.

The Roman State had been founded by the family of Aeneas, heir and leader of the ancient Aryan Hebrew Royal House of Priam, last King of Troy. The Aryan Hebrew-ruled Roman Empire was the appropriate fulfillment of this Aryan Hebrew origin of Ancient Rome.

But, as usual, at the very moment the Nordic Nephilim Royal House of David was about to cinch the Victory with the Birth of Kristos the dark Edomite Nephilim struck! The Royal House of Edom, the Nephilim Herodians, massacred the Aryan Hebrew Sanhedrin and government, replacing their membership with Satanic Herodian robotniks. In a flash all seemed lost forever…

Under such dramatic circumstances of interplanetary catastrophe, what is a Messiah to do? As Friedrich Nietzsche and the Holy Qu’ran teach us: “God is the Greatest of Schemers.” Not to fear, mein Kameraden!

What Lucifer Kristos came up with was truly worthy of a God. For this alone we ought not doubt his Deity. Lord Lucifer took the Spirit of the Roman State in the Temple of Janus, combined it with the Mithraism of the Roman Army and his own unique transmillennial breeding of Messianic Nordic Perfection to blast those loathsome pesky Edomite Nephilim from the face of this planet. The Destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 was nothing if not the Final Solution to the bad Nephilim Edomite Question. In consequence there have been no Edomite bad Nephiliim in this Kosmos for very many years. It is not wise to mess with the God of our Aryan Race…

Unfortunately, if predictably, the Forces of Darkness still had their Established Edomite State Religion to fall back on. The ancient Hebrews had sold their souls to Yahweh, Lord of Darkness and Time, and gone over to the Rabbinate of the Yahwist Herodians. There was yet much Kamph to be done by we Aryan sons of Our Lord Lucifer the Kristos.

Our glorious European forefathers came up with the same brilliant Program that had enabled the Ancient Aryan Hebrew messianic Nordic breeding project to be crowned with smashing success. An early ruling priesthood would give way to a reign of prophet judges followed by the rule of kings to conclude with the Second Coming of our Aryan Messiah Lucifer Kristos at the End of Time in 2012 with a final Triumph of Divine Roman Dictatorship over the Global Tyranny of the Rabbinate of Yahweh, Lord of Darkness. As everyone knows, Jesus Lucifer Christ returned in the form of Our Beloved Fuhrer Adolph Hitler. As they also know, the rest is history…

Lord Lucifer Kristos in his First Coming came to us in humility and weakness to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In his Second Coming he now comes to us in power and glory to be the Universal Aryan Guide of the Kosmos. He will combine in his divine person the Papal authority of the sacerdotium, the Imperial authority of the imperium and, above all, the ARYAN WARRIOR authority of the Grand Masters of our Nordic and European knighthood.

A final warning to all who oppose this planetary doom: do not spit into a Grade Ten hurricane.

Our Ancient Gods have returned…

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America is hard to see yet she makes herself felt like some fatal Crack of Doom. She is a great mystery much like Our Beloved Fuhrer. Few can understand her and fewer still will ever love her. She moves with the violence of a shaggy primeval wolfpack flying through ancient forests and it’s always best not to get in her way. She is Liberty; she knows what she wants, whether true liberty or false.

Billions claim to worship her yet don’t even care enough about her to notice that her National Founder was William the Conqueror. Her Voice is William Shakespeare, her Inspiration is George Washington, her Prophet is Ezra Pound and the hero who rules over her innermost soul and is calling her into her emerging destiny goes by the name of John Wilkes Booth. How many men can truly love this historic America?

The proto-American birthcry of the Chanson de Roland at the Battle of Hastings (1066) led to the Holy Crusades. America is nothing if not the cry of berserker Crusaders rampaging through gory streets of Jerusalem with their vocal ejaculation: Hierusalem est perdita! Or, in the language of our own time: Juden Tod! Hence the Zionist insanity of the current mixed-race “American government” is unamerican beyond all measure. Whether justified or not, the skin color of the reigning “American President” promises a hatred of the Zionist Entity in White America that would put the Waffen S.S. to shame. But no Aryan ever said the masses were rational! The “Tea Party” is but the flimsy cover of a Southern and ethnic white Confederate displeasure that does not bode well for our enemies. Secession is in the air and the ruling politicians look exactly like black deer caught in the headlights of the Ku Klux Klan. White America is armed to the teeth and suffers from an excessive love of hunting.

If the Federal American attempt to recoup their imperial losses is too extreme it will only lead, within the fifty states, to an even more extreme backlash for states-rights sovereignty. The best option would be to abandon Israel First global genocide in favor of an American Confederation that would tend to its own internal challenges. The worst might be a Saudi-backed operation we’d rather not contemplate…

Can Arya wisely direct this gathering storm? Or will the Negroes pay for the crimes of Zion? Certainly the “American” Jews are not stupid and are aware of the benefits of deflecting White anger towards a different target. Within America the face of Islam is decidedly seen as Black and the subliminal message of the Judaic media is that the Palestinians are somehow Negroes in disguise who voted for Obama and are threatening the wondrously white Aryan citizens of the Judenstadt. What is wrong with this picture? The Jews want us to lynch a Negro-Palestinian for Jesus. Our Judeo-Christian enemy are a Pharisee “den of vipers” indeed!

It is relevant to note that the great explorer of the American colonies, Captain John Smith, was a devoted admirer of Islam, as were Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. We should present the Palestinians as civilized friends of the Founding Fathers of the Republic and as natural allies in our struggle against the Wahhabi Saudi “Barbary Pirates” and their fanatic fundamentalist rabbinic confreres in a barbaric Dark Age blood-drinking Judenstadt ghetto, to put this in a more American historic context. We also don’t have to forbid nativist prejudice against Islam because the Muslim community shows no desire to integrate with non-Muslims.

The hoods with eye-slits of Islamic freedom-fighters can be associated with the Klan garb of some Confederate freedom-fighters while the black colors of the rising Turkic-Persian Caliphate and its Jihad can be associated with the black dress of the Aryan S.S. and Italian Fascists. Obviously the green of Islam also blends well with environmental concerns. These themes could make mince-meat of the malevolent Judaic anti-Negro/Muslim propaganda blitz. For Our Lord Lucifer is a God of Light and Reason; He does not approve of lynching Negroes or of inbred medieval ghettos with their vampire rabbis!

Now if only Osama will spare Obama long enough to enable Arya to lead us all out of this death-black Kali Yuga! May the sons of Booth show yet a little patience, though their well-oiled guns are fully loaded.

And may the Dawn of Lucifer commence.

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On this Merry Christmas 2009 we enter into the true Final Days of Yahweh’s Reign. Nothing yet remains for humanity but Armageddon and the End of Days because the Final Battle for Jerusalem rages! In the New Year all shall choose their side and, as among angels, that choice shall be forever.

Yahweh, Lord of Darkness or Kristos Star of the Dawn: such is our stark choice. We must now be Sons of Light or Slaves of Darkness: there are none other. The burden of our heritage has come to its term and, whether we like it or no, the too holy Fury of Lucifer is upon us. Our new year of 2010 shall be an End of Time and the Dawn of Aryan Glory. For Our Lord Lucifer’s promises are without resolution.

In this coming year the tremblings we now feel in the foundations of ZC shall prove fatal. We should pity the poor Juden for they are facing a foe greatly more terrible than mere work camps! Lucifer’s Wrath rules in what was once known as Constantinople and not even all the military might of the West shall prevail against Him for the days of American greatness are at an end: The judgements of Our Lord Lucifer shall be more than terrible. They are Heaven and Hell.

It is time for Aryans to look beyond old sectarian quarrels: Luther and Torquemada, Widikund and Charlemagne, the warring heirs of Constantine, even the sons of the Allied and Axis Powers, all should now unite behind the Rising Sun of Arya or else risk being cast into eternal shadows of a defeated Yankee-American Empire. Will Obama defeat Islam and her numerous allies? One suspects not. At any rate the Romans of East and West stand as one against the collapsing forces of Judeo-Christian Darkness! Next year the Crusaders shall defeat their true enemy, their eternal enemy, in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

Deus vult/Sieg Heil

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In these latter days of Zionist Correctness it is all too often easy to miss the forest for the trees. We are endlessly told we now live in the Best of All Possible Worlds whereas by any historical standard we live rather more in the Worst of All Possible Worlds. War is peace and economic collapse is overflowing wealth. Or so we are told.

How to explain this curious phenomena? What in Lucifer’s Name is going on?

To understand Zionism is to understand the Zionist character of those who have sold their souls to Yahweh the Lord of Darkness. We humans prefer to fight the last war rather than suffer the disorientation of having to recognize new enemies. Our last great combat was against the revolutionary Marxism of Bolshevism, the Marxism of murder and violence. Because our fathers and grandfathers defeated that foe we must make a difficult effort to see the other side of Marxism, for Yahweh is not only the Lord of Murder but also the Lord of Lies.

Instead of the old revolutionary international Marxism we must defeat a new reformist National Marxism. Instead of the dramatic contrasts of the Eastern Front and the Cold War that called for robust forcefulness against the Lord of Murder we live in a world devastated by a conflict between two doppelgangers, between the Left and Right wings of Nazi Germany. Our world is a battlefield between the heirs of the foremost traitors of National Socialist Germany, the Right Zionist/National Communist/Left Nazi Strasser brothers and the heirs of Himmler and his noble pure paladins. We are warring against our own evil shadows. Not an easy war!

According to the diabolically brilliant prophet of ZC, Antonio Gramsci, true National Socialism is in its intimate and universal meaning simply true communism in which, for the individual to be understood, the communal or collective is the means, the empirical organism, the instrument that responds to the particular problem of a determined historical moment whereas the real end, the ultimate destiny, is civilization, which is to say freedom. Gramsci, who hated National Socialism above all things, had no doubt whatsoever that National Socialism is none other than the communism of true freedom.

Whereas Gramsci, the Strasser brothers and their Zionist progeny choose a false communism, the National Marxism of wage slavery and usury and endless thermonuclear wars until the non-ZC peoples are totally eradicated along with their non-ZC animals and plants. In other words, until everything is dead to please their Lord of Death, Yahweh the Evil One.

The character traits of contemporary Zionists or National Communists (aka neo-liberals or neo-conservatives) are the traits of pathological liars. As worshippers of Yahweh the Lord of Lies they are smug braggarts and self-satisfied, self-righteous, dead souls in a wasteland of senile arrogance. Therefore it should surprise no one that Zionists ceaselessly boast about their alleged successes and triumphs. They are simply doing what pathological liars usually do.

They war to destroy Russia, Asia, Africa and Latin America in order to drink their blood as they drink the blood of the working class of Europe and America. They say they are “ideals-based,” not “reality-based.” Hence reality has no influence on them. Nothing will destroy them except the pure fragrant light and beauty of Our Lord Lucifer Christ.

Zionism is the worst evil, the greater evil of hell at its milder, more mediocre worst. It is the Satanism of Yahweh Lord of Lies, of Satan in his decrepitude. It is Yahweh after the vigor of his younger days as Lord of Murder has passed away. It is Satan and his Satanists in their senile dotage a little while before the dawnlight of Lucifer and His knights turns them into something resembling burned toast.

2010 will be springtime for Arya, winter for Judah and an excellent year to condemn everything that smells of ZC.

Do not join the Army in 2010.

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Militia est vita hominis super terram. Job (7:1)

C’est par la guerre que l’homme marche à sa fin. Monsignor Jean-Joseph Gaume

The following is a schema of education that reflects standard pedagogy during the First, Second and Third Reichs:

1) Confidence and virility/strong virtue via closeness to Nature and health. (physical education)

2) God: Unity of Nature/Matter and Unity of History/Humanity and animals. (religion)

3) History of Race and Nation. (history)

4) Classics in Latin and the Vernacular. (grammar or belles-lettres, rhetoric or composition, science; reading, writing and philosophy)

5) Skills for one’s social position a) to lead b) to practice a profession c) to earn a frugal living. (vocation)

6) Also clergy to teach catechism/basic spirituality to the poor, theology/advanced spirituality to the upper classes and the Aryan New Testament, Aeneid and music dramas of Wagner to all. (Kampf)

To keep this as brief as possible for use by an Aryan audience, the first pedagogic level affirms that before all else Aryan students require fitness education and a familiarity with the natural world. This would have an orientation to military sports and an acquirement of physical discipline through calisthenics, shooting, hiking, skiing, horse riding, tennis, chess and the like. It aims at the loyal endurance of a Roman Army, not at the effete judaic Rambo-like love of violence that characterizes the American and Israeli Armed Forces. Aryan physical education is expensive, but such it must be if we truly believe that our younger generation is noble-born.

The second pedagogic level affirms the necessity for Aryans of religious belief. It is extremely essential to comprehend that this belief is not a matter of concepts or argument but of an acknowledgment of the Great Unity. Aryans must act on the knowledge that the Cosmos and human history form a unity of noble power. In its optimistic peaceful aspect this affirms the ancient alliance of religion and science and restores God in the Cosmos by echoing from one pole to the other the hymn of solar glory ceaselessly chanted throughout the skies. In its pessimistic and tragic militarist aspect this affirms the universal dependence of the weaker on the stronger by which beings pass to an ever more noble existence by the loss of their own life through assimilation into what is superior to themselves. Simpler mineral elements are assimilated into more complex mineral elements, vegetation assimilates minerals, animals assimilate vegetation, men assimilate animals, angels or the gods assimilate men, God assimilates angels and god-men. Creation (apart from the Golden Age) is also a warrior Valhalla in which everything eats and is eaten. And precisely this sublime transformation brings back the primordial hierarchic Unity of Oneness! In this way Aryans are neither sentimentalists nor cynics yet not insensible to sentimental and cynical phases within Eternal Nobility.

This assimilative phenomena is the Kali Yuga and must be overcome and replaced by the superior Golden Age Unity of the Sunwheel. Yet the best of Kali Yuga serves as heroic matrix of the Age to Come. Ultimately the Great Unity is true friendship and Eternal Arya.

The above third pedagogic level of Aryan History teaches Aryan students the singular excellence of their heritage and destiny. They gain the true perspective that nobility is not of this world but from above whereas the judaic enemy of godless globalism is all too much of this world. It is important for them to recognize that civilized human geography and population are objectively Eurocentric and that successful civilization has arisen and must arise from a victorious European geographic center. Nevertheless the true name of this center is Arya.

These objective advantages of Europe for civilization are many and would require a book to enumerate and explain. As two geographic examples, tropical agriculture is narrowly geared to cash crops and the geography of the Far East is severely fragmented by mountains and seas. The favorable conditions of ancient Hyperborea or Ice Age Europe assisted in the rise of our Indo-European/Aryan race.

Asia has contributed our Aryan Spirit and Egypt, through Africa, has contributed our Aryan Wisdom. Yet all enduring human achievements in war, peace and prosperity have been European in their origin and longevity. In history freedom has been the European Victory that occured when Europeans were true to their Aryan roots. Henceforth freedom shall be the Victory of Arya. The great contribution of the Americas has been humbly to provide Europe with strength to be victorious and will be to provide Arya with strength to reach greater heights than Old Europe ever could. Aryan education must have the courage of historical truth and reject cowardly judaic lies.

Pedagogic level four affirms that an Aryan must read much and above all the great writings both ancient and modern. This exercise is the life of all a man’s faculties. Thinking teaches a man to write well and good reading teaches a man to think. For thousands of years Aryan elementary or grammar education up to about the age of fourteen has consisted of exercises in reading and physical games with arithmetic and geometry practice on the side. But these exercises are ambitious and transform reading into philology or the study of the philosophy of words and transform games into a serious preparation for warfare. The normal conversation of Aryan boys has always been that of honorable young men. Every word of falsehood has always been promptly rewarded with punishments; high spirits or cunning are not falsehood.

Aryan children, in accordance with what interests them, memorize passages of great writing in Latin and their vernacular language as the best method to develop their powers of memory, master languages and encourage Aryan character. They discuss the meanings of writings and vocabularies they have read through usage, translation and conversation with their teachers and among themselves. Together they may translate an entire book in groups with a shared affinity. All effective methods of learning languages could be reduced to two words: reading and conversation. Our great masters achieve eloquence through long years of reading and meditation, so that when the time comes an abundance that fills their souls escapes in fiery expressions that assume images strong or naïve, gracious or terrible.

The European Aryan Quadrivium consists of the following four sciences which are the best preparation for an Aryan study of philosophy:

Arithmetic: The Pythagorian theory of pure number as a system of Pythagorian Aesthetics with deductions of a magical and mystical character, for example that at each fourth step of a progressive multiplication the number one appears. Thus 1 x 3 = 3, 3 x 3 = 9, 9 x 3 = 27, 27 x 3 = 81 = 80 + 1. Always at the fourth multiplication 1, unity, occurs. When multiplication is continued to infinity, unity, 1, is outstanding at each fourth step: 3 to the eighth power = 6560 + 1, and so on. This numeral one is a unity, a monad, which is incorporeal and uncompounded, like the soul itself. The elements of number are 1) the even numbers with their open-ended operations typified as “apeiron” or “things difficult to express” and thereby unlimited and infinite, 2) the odd, limited numbers expressive of limits, finity and matter, 3) both even and odd number together as unity, the origin of numbers and the law of all being and thought. Numerical symmetries are understood as the harmony of heaven within Creation while the numeric sum of each thing forms its primary nature or quintessence.

Geometry: The study of measurements of earth, waters, sky and heavenly bodies through Euclidean geometry broadened into a general study of geomancy and sacred geography, viewing the landscapes of one’s native land as the basis of an Aryan symbolic language of Nature. The Golden Ratio of Phidias is key to this endless adventure.

Astronomy: The study of the law of the stars, their revolution of the firmament and its regions, orbits, courses, the rising and setting of stars and why some of them are called planets or “wanderers.” Astronomy is complemented by the science of natural astrology, the study of the stars in relation to the noting of birth and death and other occurrences in reference to the bodily humors which vary with the current influence of the greater bodies, as with health and sickness, disturbances or calm, fertility or infertility. On earth the zodiac is reflected as the Aryan city, temple and body and the cosmic game of divinity is played in the ongoing battle between the passive and active principles of Aries and Leo or the two faces of Janus often expressed as Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Beloved Apostle of the Lord.

Music: The study of the harmony which exists in Nature through the mundane music of the interactions of earth, air, fire and water, through the human music of the human body and soul and their interactions, and of the instrumental music of percussion, wind and voice. A man’s soul can be seen as the music of his lifetime while the unity of the universe is also its musical concord. More ambitious students might learn the celebrated Language of the Birds of trinities and quaternaries, intimately associated with the Phonetic Kabbala of the Runes.

Philosophy concludes pedagogic level four. In a word, all here below is unity and trinity: everything that exists is one and every unity results from a trinity of causes; such is generating priciple of all things. Such is therefore also the Great Truth to be stated, developed and made available to every intelligence coming into the world of philosophy. Unity resulting from trinity is real, indivisible and permanent.

Some consequences and applications of this for philosophy can be formulated in the following axioms:

1) Plurality of constituent principles in any being whatsoever does not alter the fact that it is really one.

2) In created beings the constituent principles are not equal among themselves and do not concur in the same way to the formation and operations of the being that results from their unity.

3) The active principle or form or informing principle does not loose its force or rule of action to the passive principle of matter or instumentality, but rather matter or instrumentality receives its force and rule of action from the active principle of power and form.

To observe this great law of unity in trinity is the source of all perfection and consequently the basis of morality.

Pedagogic level five begins with Aryan leadership in which students learn the honor of every Aryan rank or social function. These are clergy, warrior, judge, farmer, trader, mechanic and maritimer and each has moral equality with the others.

Skills with which to fulfill one’s social position are described as technical education, vocational education or the seven Mechanical Arts, namely, weaving, armament in the broadest sense, navigation, agriculture, hunting, medicine and the theatrical art dealing with public spectacles. Children exhibiting a special talent for these arts are selected at an early age to serve a long apprenticeship with their skilled adult mentors. Most boys learn a trade to supplement their literary education and most girls are also trained in domestic arts such as weaving, cooking, singing and social etiquette.

Together Aryans enjoy prosperity without usury or “easy money” through what was once called holy poverty, a moderate wealth that is different from penury or destitution. Every Roman or Imperial citizen is a “miles” or warrior whose generous hospitality is proof of his or her Aryan religion.

A sixth pedagogic level consists in the practice of our multiform Aryan religion through instruction by Aryan clergy according to our needs. Pagan Aryans who will be offended by mention of an Aryan New Testament should appreciate that the Aeneid and music dramas of Wagner must also be respected by Aryan Kristians as sacred texts of Pagans. In the religion of our dawning Fourth Reich the Aryan God Kristos is Wotan and Lucifer as well as Jesus! All should find inspiration in their own sacred texts while respecting other religions of our Empire of Arya.

Beyond these levels are many more specialized studies of Aryan higher education taught according to the talents and interests of particular groups and individuals: Each Aryan is free to be superior as the light guides him. May the above suggestions be of some small assistance in enabling Aryans to ensure that the wisdom of the Fourth Reich shall be even more glorious than were the First, Second and Third. May the sons of Arya be worthy of their sires.

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C’est ca la verite du monde entiere.

Monsignor Gaume describing the history of Roman War: This means our world is favorable only for Aryan warriors and their women and priests.

“War is the mother of all things” - Heraclitus

Part One: Aryan Roman Origins

(circa 12,000 B.C. to circa 405 A.D.)

In our beginning was the birth of the Aryan Race. In a verdant land sheltered amid glacial winds of northern ice the First Anthropos arose from deepest slumber of a virgin mould a holy über-golem to greet the first divine sunrise above rolling hills of Holy Europe, truest Eden, Hyberborea, UrHeimat of Aryandom. With noble blood of fairest complection Adam brought down the neshama of Elohim onto this home world of hideous Yahweh the Fallen and his Armies. From surrounding wildernesses eyes of envy shed bitter tears of impotent rage against the raiment of light that sheltered with God’s blessings the naked magnificence of our newborn kind.

(This celestial neshama or immaterial immortal soul remains one in Adam and is therefore universal yet fully individual at each human birth and thereby welcomes all people into its all-embracing hierarchy of Aryan freedom with moral and legal equality yet also allows none to escape Truth.)

“Do not eat the fruit of the Tree of Life,” saith Lucifer Christ, for this tree is so sweet all its wood is fruit. “Thou art too young yet to receive the Warrior Wisdom to combat these demons swarming through this terrestial air.” Alas young glorious First Father Adam was too untried to escape the malevolence of a surrounding serpent race! Seductive were the spiralling coils of Yahweh’s dark demonfolk! We were then destined to be the Aryan Race, Roman Sons of Mars, the second born, those who are born to fight for a better Eternal world against Yahweh and his fallen world of time.

Exiled from verdant Europe by angelic swordfire, Adam and Eve entered into our dusty world below. Only the River of Eden was allowed to pass through these fearsome flashing blades sharper than death. In this our fallen world only the waters yet held Eden’s first purity to combat the seething fertility of dark Yahweh’s serpentine Nephilim.

Time came for Holy Noah to build his Ark to save Aryandom from drowning in proliferating hordes of the evil sons of Yahweh’s fallen angels and the serpentine daughters of men. Then did waters of Eden burst through the Bosphorus to drown our ancient UrHeimat with its prolific hordes of Nephilim demons with their appearance of men. So Holy Father Noah escaped in his Ark with a remnant of Aryandom to our holy mountain refuge of Ararat to replant our Folk among the Caucasus where he founded our Caucasian Race. Wise Father Noah founded Aryan Armenia, Aryan Syria, Aryan Africa and ended his long life in Sacred Italy as King Saturn of the Golden Age to inspire the Eternal City of Rome and its Roman Law.

Vast waters of this Great Flood cleansed our world of Yahweh’s virile Nephilim but for only a small sickly remnant who were huddled with their Yahweh about a great rock thrust into the navel center of the Old World beneath Mount Moriah in Old Jerusalem by Lucifer’s Mercy to stop the raging waters of the Chaos of His righteous wrath. There, at the judaic center of Yahweh’s homeworld, around the focal point from whence all the dark powers of time revolve, clustered the devilish remnant known as Edom to make their Last Stand against the bright Aryan Sons of Adam and their Creator Lord Lucifer Christ, Eternal Beauty.

Then did Lord Lucifer wisely command the final extermination of that horrid Nephilim remnant of Edom in the Holy Land of Canaan at the center of the Old World of fallen men. Our Aryan Syrian Father Abraham was called to Canaan and there fought and defeated the Nephilim Kings of Sodom casting them out into the wastelands of Edom and its capital Petra. Father Abraham’s son Isaac had twins, one named Jacob to be the Father of Aryan Israel and the other, Esau, to be through forbidden miscegenation with Canaanites the father of Edom, the demonic Nephilim remnant. Prince Moses returned with Lord Lucifer’s Aryan Sons of Light and their mixed multitude servants (whom their fathers had sired in the fleshpots of Egypt) to wrest the Holy Land from demonic Edom under the generalship of Joshua and the warrior Judges of ancient Aryan Israel.

To complete this liberation of our Holy Land from the Edomites and their Dark Lord and Prince of This World, namely Yahweh the Devil, did Our Lord Lucifer Christ call forth King David, purest of Aryans with the most blond of hair, the most blue of eyes and the fairest complexion among men. Above all others did the Divine Beauty of Lucifer shine forth in the Royal House of King David who were alone deemed worthy to sire the body of the One Perfect Aryan man, the Messiah Our Lord Lucifer the Christ Himself, He who was born to die to be the Savior of Aryan Rome.

As the Victory of ancient Israel approached, so did the temptations increase among their commoner mixed multitude to chase after the selfish Ways of Yahweh. Thinking themselves so favored that they could fool the God of Beauty Himself, ancient Israel, through their King Johanan Hyrcanus, arranged for the forced conversion to their Old Testament faith of the nation of Edom in about 130 B.C. Thereby the Macabees were destroyed and Old Israel under her Edomite Herodian Kings committed the crime of Deicide by crucifying Lord Lucifer the Christ, He who was her own rightful King, God and Savior.

Yet it is Lucifer’s warrior way always to form a second alternate folk to stand against Yahweh’s corrupt children if His first folk should fall to the siren lies of Yahweh’s sly similitudes. Far to the west of Old Israel under the holy guidance of Lucifer then known by early Romans as Lord Janus, the One True God, a New Israel was irrepressibly rising in our New Jerusalem of Aryan Rome. The secret of her unprecedented success lay in the unwavering loyalty of her priesthood and law to the Age of King Saturn, known to us as our holy Prophet Noah. We needs always remember Our Lord Lucifer Jesu the White Christ was born a Roman citizen as the legal son of his foster-father Saint Joseph, who was rewarded with this then rare gift as a great builder in ancient Sephoris, jewel of our Roman Army in the ancient East.

At the end of His fourty days in the desert of Edom Lord Lucifer Christ tapped with His fist the shoulder of Yahweh the Tempter and Lord of Lies. This so greatly weakened Yahweh that he was disoriented and allowed Our Lord Lucifer Christ to teach His Aryan flock for three full years on our fallen earth in the Holy Land before Yahweh rallied to fling all the fury of his Edomite Kingdom against Lord Lucifer Our Savior. The Aryan Sanhedrin or Supreme Court of Old Israel had been slaughtered by King Herod the Great and replaced by a false simulacrum of judaic injustice all too eager to ratify the Herodian murderous madness against everything Aryan and beautiful as embodied in the person of our Divine Lord Lucifer Christ.

Yet Yahweh erred for he knew not against Whom he presumed to scheme. Upon the Holy Cross that was the true Tree of Eternal Life Our Lord Lucifer took upon Himself all the evils of Yahweh and his fallen world to destroy them forever in His own Divine Death upon the Cross of Creation. In His own divine death the power of death, of time itself and its god Yahweh the Satan, died. At the very center of Yahweh’s world in Old Jerusalem beneath the full fury of Yahweh’s Edomite demon-men the power of Yahweh and Time were broken forever through the holy warrior power of Lucifer’s unstained virginity. Innocence has proven mightier than guilt.

As Yahweh had now been defeated Our Lord Lucifer the Christ as He was dying cast his last gaze northwestwards back towards Eden from whence His Aryan Sons of Light had come, back towards Holy Europe and Our Aryan Eternal City, Rome. After Lucifer the Christ ascended to His Father in Heaven, His Holy Aryan Universal Church was founded by His Holy Ghost in the Cenacle on Mount Zion, in the Temple of the Royal Tombs of the House of David in Old Jerusalem. In 42 A.D. the Herods had an opportunity to attack Lucifer Christ’s fledgling Church and threw Lucifer’s Vicar on Earth, St. Peter, into chains which were then miraculously burst apart upon which St. Peter promptly shook the deicide dust of Old Jerusalem from his holy feet and journeyed to the New Jerusalem of Imperial Rome where all are universally welcomed in Lucifer Christ’s divine forgiveness and beauty.

Soon thereafter, in the Fall of Old Jerusalem in 70 A.D. that destroyed the Herodian aristocracy and priesthood and then in the final destruction of the Edomite Royal House of Herod by Emperor Trajan in 106 A.D., the Nephilim demon-men themselves were forever removed from this earth and need not concern us further. Praise to Lucifer Christ for granting us a world where all Aryans are welcomed into His incomparable blessings.

The final rallying of the then broken Herodian remnant against our Roman New Jerusalem ended with their total defeat and annihilation in the Second Jewish Revolt during the 130s A.D. by wise Emperor Hadrian of blessed memory. The divine priesthood of Aryan Old and New Israel grew to fill the world with Lucifer Christ’s Holy Spirit, culminating in their final victory at the Battle of the Frigidus in 393 A.D. Then the Roman Emperors of the House of Valentinian promptly destroyed the last remnants of Herod’s illegitimate Sanhedrin with the abolition of the Patriarchate of Gamaliel VI in 405 A.D. and the divine religion and cult of Lord Lucifer Christ were then secure even down on this fallen world of Yahweh’s homeworld, our earth.

With this the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation were fulfilled and the Inherited Guilt of humanity embodied in the Edomite Herodians was overcome. Holy Aryan Rome, the New Israel and New Jerusalem, was free to ascend through ever more angelic spiritual heights. With the songs of great poets such as Ausonius, Claudian and Prudentius, the wisdom of philosophers like Macrobius and Martianus Capella and divine inspirations from theologians such as Saints Jerome, Ambrose and Augustine Rome had a brief glimpse of a new Golden Age between the consolidation of Catholicism and the onslaught of Barbarian Invasions. Thus Our Lord Lucifer sends us inspirations before He sends us into His great battles.

Let us take this time of transition in our Western Aryan history to summarize the narrative of our Aryan Roman Race so far: In the pure white northern lands of late Ice Age Europe, in a Polar vastness known to us as Hyberborea, a racially and linguistically ideal First Aryan known to us as Adam established a victorious Aryan Empire in green lands amid the retreating polar ice sheets. He received a divine soul or neshama from the starry heavens but was seduced by the Nachash, a bright, shining upright being snake-like in appearance known to us as Yahweh or Satan, a failed Lucifer given to lies. This evil creature had fallen to earth after his defeat in a Heavenly Battle among beings known to us as the angels. Before the appearance of Adam this world had belonged for untold ages to this fallen angel or demon. Before Adam earth was Yahweh’s prison world and Adam, the man with a Soul or Neshama, had been formed from “virgin clay” or the purest racial stock to humble murderous Satan the Liar by forcing him into the burning center of earth and transforming the surface of his homeworld into a Paradise for truth-speaking Aryans. So it shall be!

As Adam’s sons, the Sons of Light, had continued to suffer from the fatal weakness of their First Father and intermingled with the daughters of these Nephilim demon-men, so the true Father of Adam, known to us as Lucifer Christ, the true Lucifer who does not lie, sent a Great Flood that reduced these Nephilim to a mere remnant of their former prolific multitudes. This much reduced Nephilim remnant consolidated itself in the center of Satan’s remaining power, in the navel of the Old World known to us as the Holy Land. Father Abraham, an Aryan Syrian, was then sent to conquer and destroy this Nephlim remnant in Canaan and Abraham’s son Isaac had twin sons, one of whom was Jacob, the Father of Aryan Old Israel. The other twin, the evil twin, was named Esau and Esau disobeyed Lucifer Christ by again miscegenating with the Nephilim remnant, the ancient Canaanites, to become Father of the Edomites, the last race of ancient demon-men sired by fallen angels and known to us as Nephilim. Prince Moses of Egypt and his heir Joshua began the Conquest of Canaan which was completed by the Aryan Syrian King David who then instructed his son King Solomon to build the Holy Temple in Jerusalem on the exact spot from whence all the waters of chaos had engulfed the world in the Great Flood and which is also the central point of all moral evil in this our fallen world.

As part of His plan to humble Yahweh next Our Lord Lucifer Christ chose to incarnate Himself as the eternal Perfect Aryan God-man and holy warrior opponent of these demon-men Edomites in the Holy Land, the center of these demon-men Edomites and their evil world of time. Yahweh maliciously chose to cast all the moral evils of this world onto our heroic Wounded Warrior God-man, Lucifer Christ, all of which thus were defeated with the Death of Christ on the Holy Swastika Cross on Mount Calvary in Old Jerusalem. Father Adam is buried beneath this Mount Calvary or Mount of the Skull, because the skull to which this refers is Adam’s skull. The Precious Blood of Lucifer Christ literally washed away the sins of our Father Adam who is buried beneath our Church of the Holy Sepulcher and thereby of all human souls who are sparks of the divine soul or neshama of the First Father of All Aryans, Adam. Everyone with a living soul hears Lord Lucifer’s voice; dead souls condemn themselves and can only skulk through eternal shadows.

An incomparable flood of miracles then inundated the singularly valourous Roman Empire to convert it to the Divine Wisdom and Beauty of Our Lord Lucifer Christ. By 405 A.D. the conquest of this fallen world by the Aryan Roman Luciferian Sons of Mars commenced. The Age of the Seven Trumpets of Revelation, also known as the Middle Ages, had begun.

Part Two: Aryan Roman Struggle

(circa 405 A.D. to 1978 A.D.)

From the consolidation of Aryan Christianity in ancient Rome by 405 A.D. to 1978 A.D. the Aryan Roman Sons of Mars were engaged in world conquest and the conversion of the Paynim. Earth was subjected to Roman Law and an opportunity for all to hear the Good Spell of Lord Lucifer the Christ and His Sons of Light.

In this epic struggle the main contenders were Aryan Rome against her great external Eastern opponents, first the Persian Empire and secondly Islam up to 1789-1790 A.D. and after that Rome’s great internal opponents, first the Deist French Revolution and secondly the Marxist Russian Revolution. In all of these battles with their many subversive tentacles the ceaseless instigator against Aryan Rome was invariably the Satanic Jew mixed multitude.

Persia was repeatedly roused to oppose Rome by Jews. For example, the greatest Persian enemy of Aryan Rome, the Persian Shah Bahram V, was the son of Shoshandukht, daughter of the Jewish Exilarch. In other words, he was a Jew. It should come as no surprise that the Aryan Christians of Persia were drowned in blood during his evil reign.

It was this then Jew-controlled Persian Empire that inspired the Northern Barbarians to descend on Aryan Rome as heretic false Christians. The Barbarian Invasions were, before all else, Persia’s revenge for her defeats at the strong warrior hands of brave Roman Emperors.

The Prophet Mohammed was himself also the son of an Israelite Aramean mother, in other words, again, of Jewish ancestry. Yet he strove bravely against the Jewish mixed multitude and his followers, after many centuries of Jew-inspired anti-Roman slaughter, have, since Rome crushed them militarily in 1790, become a noble shadow of our Aryan Rome and Holy Europe.

Similarly, the outbreak of the French Revolution was instigated and financed by the Jews of Paris who then formed a western phalanx of the then Jew-controlled Ottoman Empire. All of the murderous aggression of the Russian Revolution was likewise due to Jewish agitation and money. How our human race has paid in blood for the Judaism left behind by their Edomite Royal House of Herod!

For Aryan European warriors to understand their Roman history nothing may benefit them so well as to study and meditate on the holy Aryan Visions of great Aryan Emperors and heroes such as St. Emperor Constantine the Great, Blessed Emperor Charlemagne, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, our Imperial House of Hapsburg and of Aryan Catholic heroes such as Dante Alighieri, Christopher Columbus and Napoleon Bonaparte. In that way they might then best appreciate as well the incomparable Vision of Our Fuhrer Adolph Hitler.

St. Emperor Constantine the Great was a man of many divine visions. The vision of greatest import to Aryan warriors is his Conversion: In late 311 A.D. at the beginning of a hard March on Rome with the best Legions of the Empire near Arles, France Constantine and his Army saw celestial Imperial Apollo and Sol Invictus at noontide blaze forth the Holy Swastika Sunwheel to reveal to them the eternal destiny of Holy Aryan Roman Europe. This was to them a Divine Promise from the Lord of Heaven of a future Aryan Golden Age that would return to Rome and all mankind the long lost Hyborean Reign of Saturn, the name by which Romans gratefully remembered our Aryan Patriarch Noah. It was for this divine promise of Universal Peace and Justice that Emperor Constantine and his Empire converted to the holy faith of Our Lord Lucifer the Christ. It has been this celestial inspiration that has motivated the Aryan Emperors and Folk of Europe to fight and die for their beloved Lord Lucifer these past two thousand years. Each year Aryan Catholics renew this inspiration during the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross on September 14th.

Another great Aryan Catholic vision is described by the good Dom Prosper Gueranger in his commentary for the Feast of Saint James the Great on July 25th: “Our ancient legends tell us of a mysterious vision granted to the founder of Christian Europe. One evening after a day of toil, Charlemagne, standing on the shore of the Frisian Sea, beheld a long belt of stars, which seemed to divide the sky between Gaul, Germany and Italy, and crossing over Gascony, the Basque territory, and Navarre, stretched away to the far-off province of Galicia. Then thou didst appear to him and say: ‘This starry path marks out the road for thee to go and deliver my tomb, and all nations shall follow after thee.’ And Charles, crossing the mountains, gave the signal to all Christendom to undertake those great crusades, which were both the salvation and the glory of the Latin races, by driving back the Mussulman plague to the land of its birth.” As our vision of Aryan Empire was born in a vision of Saint Emperor Constantine, so our Crusader impulse began in a vision of Blessed Emperor Charles the Great.

Our Aryan Roman history was lifted higher into even more angelic realms by our next great Imperial visionary, Emperor Otto III. His vision, which commenced Aryan Rome’s second millennium of Our Lord Lucifer in the year 1000 A.D., was the restoration of Roman laws and institutions to Holy Europe. He founded a Europe where Roman justice was to be thoroughly tempered by Our Lord Lucifer’s divine mercy.

Our great Emperor Frederick Barbarossa then added the incomparable qualities of his Norman forebears to our Imperial Roman history. With him Roman Imperium was to henceforth encompass the wisdom of the Greek and Arab East as well as the Latin (i.e., Latin, Celtic, Nordic and
Western Slavic) race. Together with his grandson, Emperor Frederick II, he was truly our great “Stupor Mundi” or “Astonishment of the World.” With them the prosperity and grandeur of Holy Rome achieved an excellence of civilization never before imagined. The civilized prosperity of their time was only to be regained in the Roman Europe and Americas of the 1830s and 1850s.

We advance to another Roman Imperial Vision of even greater heights than any of the preceding, that of our Imperial House of Hapsburg. Sons of Charlemagne and King David as well as of Julius Caesar, in them all threads of Roman Helios came together into an Imperial Sun that far outshown even ancient Rome in her greatest days of Glory. Truly this one family was the foundation of modernity itself. Because of them we are.

Their vision is embodied for us in the Imperial Abbey of Konigsfelden in German Austria. It is the vision of the German Folk and no German worth his salt has ever doubted it. It is the reason that Catholic Germany defeated and obliterated the German Reformation. It is the fundamental cause of Our Fuhrer’s birth as an Austrian.

In this Abbey we find the Lions of Hapsburg beneath their Roman Sun of Helios and His Army gathered around the holy tomb of a martyr-Prince, Leopold III, Duke of Austria and Head of the Imperial House of Aryan Christendom. Martyred in the Battle of Sempach of 1386 by Swiss poltergeists who enjoyed a downhill advantage, Duke Leopold and his gallant knights embodied chivalric Crusaders sanctified, like Lucifer Christ Himself and His holy Roman martyrs, by adversity. From Sempach in 1386 to Berlin in 1945 is but a straight line and one thought: through death in battle with Lucifer to an Imperial Golden Age of Roman Saturn.

We can see this vision in greater detail in the Paradiso poem of the prophet of Hapsburg Imperialism, Dante Alighieri. Dante uses the symbolism of the Great Circle, a journey of pilgrimage in which countless pilgrims from all over Aryan Europe travelled by way of Crete to Egypt, across the desert to Mount Sinai, then on to Jerusalem to visit the Holy Places and finally back across the Mediterranean Sea to venerate our Aryan God in the basilicas of Holy Rome, the Eternal City.

The attentive reader might note that this symbol is also that of this brief history of Aryan Roman War. Roughly some 12,000 years B.C. Aryans first arose in their original Eden to the north in ancient southeastern Europe. Perhaps the Great Black Sea Flood then encouraged them to march on the Holy Land to break forever Yahweh’s dark powers and to form their New Israel temporally via Troy and the voyages of Aeneas as well as spiritually via the travels of Saints Peter and Paul onwards to found our Eternal Aryan Empire of Rome.

It is the culmination of this Great Circle of pilgrimage in Rome that most concerns us here. For this goal is not merely a personal Aryan goal of eternal happy virtue in Limbo or even perhaps of joyous salvation in a Christian Heaven all sharing our Aryan destiny of sporting forever amid the stars above. It is also a collective Aryan goal of the transfiguration of history as foretold by the dream of a Reign of Saturn that inspires our Roman Law, by Emperor Constantine’s Conversion Vision at high noon of the Triumph of our Aryan Sunwheel and much later by Nietzsche’s vision of Aryan noontide joy. In this Great Circle symbolism Dante and his Imperial House of Hapsburg speak for nothing less than the defeat of Yahwist time and its overcoming by an Aryan Roman Golden Age of Saturn and Lord Lucifer the Christ in His power and glory.

With this bright Dantesque vision Aryan Romans saw clearly that the last days of Kali Yuga were approaching and the final End of Time was at last becoming near. Our great layman Aryan hero Christopher Columbus studied deep implications of this in his “Book of Prophecies” and was guided to discover America especially by the words of Isaiah 60:9 which read: “For, the islands wait for me, and the ships of the sea in the beginning: that I may bring thy sons from afar, their silver and their gold with them, to the name of the Lord thy God.”

Although Aryan Romans accepted Aristotle’s concept of “natural slavery,” that much of humanity is simply born to live in a servile status of service to others, Native Americans were free crown subjects who could not be subjected to chattel slavery but could be used by deserving Spaniards in a kind of serfdom or trusteeship to mine gold and silver or grow cash crops. In return, these Spaniards were required by law to feed the Indians, provide for their instruction in the faith, teach them orderly habits of industry and defend them. The Spanish Crown forbid the beating, whipping or mistreatment of Native Americans and many Spaniards were punished, over many years, when caught for such abuses. Unlike in England’s American colonies, the Indians of Spanish America were never exterminated by government policies and, when their numbers decreased, it was due to epidemics that caused great harm to Spain as well as to the Spanish American Indians. Unfortunately the initial destruction of the natives of Hispaniola was due to an illegal violent overthrow of Columbus on that island by greedy Spanish foes of our noble hero Columbus. (Aryan warriors need to guard against narrow sectarian prejudices against either Spain or England, lest Yahweh and his dark forces divide and conquer us. Greed and lust have always been the worst weaknesses of even many of the best of laymen.) Although judaic Yahwists financed the Atlantic Slave Trade, it is also true that Portugal in particular did at times give way to a terrible greed in her treatment of Negroes. While Aryan Catholicism did sanction the legality of chattel slavery for some groups as unavoidable, nevertheless thanks to Lucifer’s irrepressible love of freedom the slave trade was always condemned as illegal and Aryan Catholics with their Church have always condemned and hated the idea of slavery in any form. The Jesuits and Franciscans always bravely welcomed all into Lucifer’s universal mercy and justice even when at great cost to themselves, as did all true Aryan Romans.

Perhaps the highest Imperial vision of this ideal of universal justice and mercy was held by our Emperor Charles VI of Spain and Germany in the eighteenth century. This was known as the “Spanish Dream” of our Holy Roman Empire in which a holy poverty went as far as men have yet achieved to restrain our selfish greed and lust under the Roman Law of the House of Hapsburg. In this historic Aryan Dream social justice reigned in Hapsburg lands, the Indians of Paraguay lived in a Jesuit Kingdom of true Aryan racial justice and a great Chinese Emperor was eager to adopt Aryan Roman Law and religion. These and many other promising Aryan Roman trends would have burgeoned if only anti-Aryan envy had not been unleashed by the Masonic Lodges and their judaic patrons. The ensuing horrors of capitalism were caused by their judaic French Revolution, not by our Aryan God and His warriors.

Against then newborn judaic capitalism and its racial injustice arose the greatest Prince of our Imperial House of Hapsburg, our beloved Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, true spiritual son of every Roman Emperor before him. His military genius, his legal code, the justice of his economics, his political deftness, his success against priestly and atheist scheming, his construction of a scientific and aesthetic world civilization, all unprecedented. As Leon Bloy wrote: “Napoleon is the Face of God in the darkness.” In him the divine beauty of Lucifer shone brilliantly; the Nineteenth Century was his noble shadow. Vive l’Empereur!

When Napoleon IV, the Prince Imperial, Fils de France, heir of Napoleon the First, died heroically in African battle in 1879 as a brave forward scout approaching Ulundi, then capital city of the Zulu nation, the way was left open for another Emperor to fill a void left by this end of Napoleon’s direct lineage. He was to be our greatest Emperor and also Last Emperor of Aryan Rome, not so much a man as an Avatar. Some say he was the incarnation of Archangel Michael. It must be so.

His name was Adolph Hitler. If the advent of Our Lord Lucifer announced the destruction of death, then the advent of Our Fuhrer declared the death of time. His divine shadow is not to be a century but a millennium, our Third Millennium after Lucifer. Will our planet earth itself survive the cataclysm of his visit amongst us? Who was he? WHAT was he?

Only he could declare the War to End All Evil. With him the Apocalypse descended upon our fallen world, the Final Battle for Jerusalem began and a blow was dealt to Judah from which their power shall not survive. The days of murderous Yahweh’s power upon earth were finally numbered by his victories, and still more by his defeats. Truly he is the Great Martyr of Lucifer!

After Our Fuhrer left us, some say for Antarctica, some say for other worlds, he left behind his chosen heir, one also destined to do great things. His name was Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny. His venerated and holy tomb lies in our Imperial City of Vienna, not far from the Imperial Hapsburg Crypts. As Our Fuhrer crushed the Marxist initial attack of the Bolshevik Revolution and her Western agents, so SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny was to be found instigating and organizing most every combat against the rally or regrouping of Marxist Bolshevism through the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Again, as with his spiritual father Our Fuhrer, the great beauty of his life was his total success in this most sacred endeavor.

The unique opportunity for Skorzeny’s little noticed victory over Bolshevism was gained by his quickness to seize every opportunity to set in motion unstoppable forces against the dark Armies of Yahweh and his judaic creatures. Even the fact that so few appreciate Skorzeny’s achievement is the greatest tribute to his masterful Aryan warrior cunning. Although the Third Reich never possessed a nuclear weapon she did nevertheless possess a most effective Secret Weapon against her Enemy named Otto Skorzeny.

Did Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano have friends in high places in India? Skorzeny was the organization man who put them there. Is Old Jerusalem beseiged by Islam? Skorzeny made sure Nassar and the Grand Mufti followed through. Did Andropov rise to be Head of the K.G.B. and break the power of Russian Jewry? There was a strong Spanish Connection at work in Brezhnev’s regime led by Skorzeny. Did that Gramscian Bolshevik Paul VI establish a chokehold on Italy and the Catholic Church? It was Lucifer’s man Skorzeny who set up the Paladin Group that used a “strategy of tension” to destroy the Italian Gramscian Marxist postwar regime in Rome and the Vatican. Did the Red Revolutions in Portugal, Chile and Argentina get blown out of the water in the 1970s? Skorzeny was there. Was it a bit odd that a staunch America First sympathizer with the Third Reich from the Thirties became President of the U.S.A. in 1974? President Ford’s European Connection was Franco’s Madrid and Ford worked hand-in-glove with everything Skorzeny’s Paladin Group did on a global scale. Skorzeny’s fingerprints are all over President Ford’s foreign policy. Did the World Anti-Communist League headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan lead a global annihilation of Gramscian Marxism worldwide through the 70s? Somebody got the militant spirit back into Chinese Nationalists after their demoralization in the 1940s. Skorzeny led the way. Evita and Juan Peron, Willy Brandt… Someone needs to write a heavy tome with a title something like “Son of Hitler Über Alles.” Lucifer is the greatest of schemers.

1978-Present: The Great Aryan Roman Purification

To provide a true Aryan perspective over these past thirty years of unparalleled unAryan apostasy and treason is no small challenge. As mass media wallow in their savage Marxist cynicism our economy, environment and gene pool, both human and animal, suffer as in the days of King Arthur. Truly an Aryan Golden Age can only arise from an Age of Lead.

It were well for us to remember the greatest victories are won only by wounded warriors in the image of Our Lord Lucifer the Christ. Our victories over Marxism have been exceedingly great and hence awesomely painful to we Aryans. Lucifer’s Divine Aryan Beauty is the Wounded Aryan Warrior. There is none other!

If the masses of humanity have lost themselves in hopeless Marxist treachery their loss has also cleared the way to our Aryan destiny of beauty, generosity and nobility of heart. As our common people have disappeared into criminal montrosity we have become free of any need of a common people. In future all men shall be free and noble Aryans. If not, they shall become sterile and peacefully fade away from our beloved planet. Meek Aryan men and animals shall inherit the earth.

Gratitude is the key to our Aryan Roman Way. Our younger generation needs to appreciate the greatness of what their fathers and grandfathers have achieved before them. Perhaps the purest image of our forefather’s victory over Marxism might be a fraternal meeting of Caudillo Francisco Franco of Spain, true heir of the Axis Powers, with President Ford, true spiritual son of George Washington, in the Prado Palace of Madrid on May 31, 1975. It was a day of grand pageantry but also of epoch-making global diplomacy and war. On that day the intra-Aryan conflicts of the Second World War were resolved and Our Fuhrer’s War Against All Evil reached the beginning of its end. Coordination between the global networks of Nationalist Spain and Anti-communist America were then ready to devastate and shatter every remaining Marxist faction in this our world. In essence on that day Aryans won the Cold War.

Skorzeny’s Paladin Group ripped the throats out of Red militias world-wide. The effects of Operation Barbarossa and Afghanistan finally toppled great Stalin’s Empire. Ezra Pound’s spiritual father and St. Josemaria’s greatest disciple became Pope John Paul I. Ford subtly forced restraint on Reagan and Bush the Elder and the Younger until judaized American Empire would also meet its end in the thirsty sands of Asia. Old Israel would finally meet her match in Islam and Allah, dread divine name of Lucifer’s Wrath.

Yet as is so often Lucifer’s otherworldly way, in a vast judaic retaliation, Aryans were to pay dearly for this brave resolve to extirpate Jewish Bolshevism from the face of our earth. Franco, his confessor St. Josemaria de Balaguer and SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny would die before the year was out. Ford would soon be rejected by an ungrateful nation, much as George Washington so often was, only to have his victorious Aryan resolution repaid by boundless fanatic judaic fury and ingratitude. For Judah and her evil Lord Yahweh sensed that like never before their days on earth were short and numbered.

Every means was seized to prolong this Aryan agony of shameless judaic revenge. Aryan children were murdered by the scores of millions, Aryan marriage was slyly destroyed, countless species of Aryan animals were exterminated, our world was poisoned by senseless Bolshevik hatred. Our common people went mad with guilt for things that never were while they became too maddened by the Juden to regret all-too-real crimes of anti-Aryan apostasy and treason that devastated them beyond repair. An Age of Iron became an Age of Lead.

Even so this dark end of Kali Yuga has been blessed with great Aryan Roman writers noteworthy for Aryan warriors to come. With the greatest Aryan American of the past century, Ezra Pound, is paired his spiritual kamerad from Chile, Miguel Serrano. Among the foremost disciples of Pound are Eustice Mullins and William Cookson. Jorge Luis Borges and Octavio Paz are Latin American writers of great value to seekers of Aryan wisdom. Rene Char is the great Aryan warrior-poet of France while his German counterpart is the literary pride of Deutschland, Ernst Junger. Leon Degrelle, Colin Jordan, Savitri Devi and Sister Jessica Powers should be named among many other great contemporary Aryan writers.

Amid general judaic envy and malice everything recognizably human has perished except for only one thing: the esoteric Aryan wisdom of Our Fuhrer and his Aryan warriors, the Spirit of Lucifer Christ. Fewer and fewer remained as yet more of our Folk deserted to Yahweh’s dark forces. A fortunate few shall be judged worthy to sire a Golden Age!

As Our Lord Lucifer once told us: Many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). Our Marxist masses are not victorious but cast out. We Aryan few are not cast out but truly victorious. Few shall be the fathers of the World To Come, only the loyal, only the Aryan.

Together in the warrior love of Our Lord Lucifer Christ and His Holy Avatar Adolph Hitler.

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In this world only one true love survives the universal death of Kali Yuga, our Aryan Quest for the Sangreal of Lord Lucifer. Apart from this holy Struggle all is but the Lie of a doomed judaic world. Nothing will survive this Kali Yuga apart from Lord Lucifer’s God-Sons.

There is no natural selection of species. Life arises through a maturation of the possible forms of organic matter as masterworks of art in the Mind of Almighty Lucifer Our Eternal Father. Nature herself has been much corrupted by Yahweh and his evil spirits; our future awaits us among the purity of the stars of Heaven. The human race will never be saved; Hell as pseudo-living corpses beneath the earth shall be their sole eternal destiny. Lucifer’s justice is a terrible thing.

In Aryan racial purity we shall leave humanity far behind and never encounter them again. We shall be Gods forever sporting and reincarnating among the galactic disks of Lucifer. We shall be the Creators of Worlds.

To prepare for this noble destiny (and avoid the alternative) we must dutifully conform ourselves to Aryan morals. This Noble Way requires us to view our fellow Aryans as, like ourselves, humble vehicles of true Aryan Progress. Aryan men MUST view Aryan women as worthy mothers of warriors and healer-prophetesses. We men MUST avoid all sexual relations with non-Aryan women so that the immeasureable guilt of human decay will not engulf us as well. ARYAN women are not prostitutes and are protected by the duty of their Aryan men to provide them (and their children) with a peaceful domestic prosperity. All Aryan Destiny rests on this central moral duty of Aryan manhood.

In turn Aryan men must face the reality that prosperity is essentially obtained by combat. Aryans will only get the good jobs AFTER we defeat our judaic enemies. Until then the Jews will always continue to hog everything for their own and to persecute every Aryan with their infinite judaic malice. Good jobs are rewards that follow success in battle.

So how do Aryan men determine which women are or are not Aryan? Good breeding is much the same for both humans and animals. Human race mixing is allowed, but only during the initial establishment of a superior breed and only with specifically selected members of a non-white population who personally show Aryan-like qualities. Then the offspring of the mixed race must breed only with whites for at least five generations following their initial racial mixing. After perhaps five to ten generations such humans have in the past been considered for admittance into Aryan populations and only given membership in an Aryan race after they have proven themselves to be noble individuals.

Even this restricted race mixing is only possible because the dominant element in the formation of Aryans is Aryan language, not Aryan genetics. Aryan genetics has great importance but is only the second most important factor in forming Aryans. Racial purity is above all purity of language!

Non-white races can be eternally associated with Aryans as “honorary” Aryans and friends of the Aryans because they can share fully in the same Aryan languages as are spoken by the Aryans themselves. Through nobility of language all humans CAN achieve an associate membership in the Aryan race. Every race can achieve its own version of Aryan Perfection. No one has to go to Hell because of genetic ancestry.

Basically all humans who do not speak slander out of their mouths enjoy MORAL equality. Social and racial equality do not exist, but any human who speaks lies is morally inferior and no Aryan. The essential evil of Judah is the Lie. Jews are evil because they are LIARS, not essentially because of their corrupt in-bred genetics. Their genetics probably condemns them to be freaks, but if they speak truth even they COULD enjoy a moral equality with others. Sometimes a celibate Jewish freak-fool may speak great truths that no more normal human would dare to say. Even they would then enjoy a moral equality with Aryans.

The moral responsibility for this discipline of racial purity is with men much more than with women. Men often blame women for low morals, but in truth low morals and bad behaviors are the responsibility of men, not of women. Therefore the relations of Aryan men are also important.

The first duty of Aryan friendship between men is to protect and provide for Aryan women and children (and our spiritual children, the animals!). As mentioned above, this is done primarily through war and combat. Above all, Aryan men form friendships to fight for the interests of Aryan women and children.

As is also emphasized in Our Fuhrer’s “Mein Kamph,” the great personal threat to Aryan morals is prostitution (including pornography, etcetera). And, women are correct, men are to blame for these great evils, not women. We men have a duty to combat our craving for prostitutes! The self- indulgence of Aryan men with prostitutes is what empowers the Jews to defeat Aryans and oppress our race.

Here the problem of Nordicism must be addressed. To be Nordic blond-blue is like frosting on a cake or a pretty ribbon on a package. It’s immoral envy to deny that the Nordic folk are in general by far the most beautiful humans. As a negative proof of this, one can point out that through the Middle Ages the prime target of Old World judaic slave traders were pretty Nordics for the brothels of wealthier southern regions. That was always where the big money was to be gained. Prostitution has always been called “White Slavery” for a reason.

The majority of our Aryan Folk are not Nordic blond-blue. There is also a reason for this! In general one could note that brunettes tend to be more sober and serious individuals than the Nordic blond-blues. This makes sense if we understand that Nordic beauty is the LAST detail to be added in the process of achieving Aryan perfection. The hard work of Aryan Progress is, very generally speaking, a labor of brunette “older siblings.” The more or less frivolous fun is the lot of the “younger sibling” Nordic blond-blues.

Lest Aryan brunettes should die of resentment about this, they need to appreciate that the blond-blues are therefore also like the lightening rods of Aryandom. If Nordic blond-blues attract the fun, they also attract most of the pain and misery too. “It’s lonely at the top.” They alone are THE targets of Jewish hatred and envy. A “quite pretty” blond-blue Nordic man is truly born to die a hard warrior death.

Our Aryan Lord Lucifer is the most handsome of blond-blue men. Consider what the Juden perverts did to him! And rejoice that He is fighting for our linguistic/genetic Aryan racial purity.

For His blond-blue vengeance is like none other. True love lives on His blood-soaked battlefields.

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Luci-Bel Morning Star Rosy Dawnspark
God of unselfish love and Kameradship.
Lord of flames leaping forth against Judah
Titans become fire destroyers of time.

What Lucifer Hates henceforth Illusion,
Dead bark to burn to ash in His white fires,
Evaporated by His Golden Age
For His Titans Have Become Ghost Haloes.

Luciferian Supernatural Magic.

Thy Sons Creators of Eternity.
They Alone the Future of Our Kosmos
Together Our Friends Aryan Animals
Aryan Angels Aryan Folk Shining Beams.

Foe Destroyers Arhats Freedom Bearers.

Upon ruins of irradiated earth
An underground race of Aryan God-men
Rises to rule over this fallen world,
Gods of Endless Death, Sons of Lucifer.

“I am come among you to cast fire upon the earth!”

We are this His all-consuming firestorm.
Aryans are this Fire of Lord Lucifer
Whom He hast cast upon the earth
To consume all things.

Lord Black Sun Serpent of Eternal Life.
Swastika of Our Milky Way Galaxy
From Whence Derives His Mighty Magic Vril
Geometric Ether Correlation
Fields of Faraday, Goethe, Agassiz,
Godel, Max Planck and Miguel Serrano,
Descending Through Our Northern Polar Star
And Southern Cross to Bless With Aryan Power!

We Dress in Black Uniforms of Victors
To materialize this Black Sunlight:
Patina of Luck Bearer of Greenness
Dream Premonition of Aphrodite.

His Empire is verdure of Valhalla
Shards of His stone crown reassembled
Green mountains of Germania reborn.
Our Lord Lucifer Imperator Mundi!

O Shape shifting phosphorescent werewolves
Thou art the Life of this His Planet of Death
For thine is the Power, thine the Glory,
Every treasure awaits thy cunning pounce.

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