Archive for the “Aryan Sanctuary” Category
How often do we read or hear the Jewish media telling us that we are a “tolerant” multiethnic society? And how often do we see the stupid, arrogant Gentile who thinks he has broken through Zionist brainwashing by turning to tribalism? The more I watch the situation unfold, the more I agree that Gentiles really are as idiotic as described in the Talmud.
What does the word “tolerance” really mean? It means putting up with something you dislike. Therefore, when the Jewish media declares - over and over again - that we are “tolerant”, what are they really programming within you? Are they programming you to respect other groups? No! They are programming you to hate other groups, and then reminding you how much you have put up with from other groups. Tolerance presumes disgust, or else there would be nothing requiring toleration. The Jewish media is saying: “You know and we know that everything wrong with society is caused by those anti-Semitic, anti-Western Third World immigrants, but let’s ignore this.” They are telling you to ignore an illusion that they themselves planted in your head!
If I tell you to ignore (Zionist) Jared Taylor’s annoying accent, I have already suggested to you that Jared Taylor’s accent is annoying, and you will now notice it more than before you read this sentence. Similarly, if the Jewish media says we are a tolerant multiethnic society, they have already suggested to you that multiethnic society is highly uncomfortable, and subsequent negative encounters with other groups will now be amplified in your mind while negative encounters with your own group will be minimalized, leading to a subconsciously biased perspective. The true brainwashing lies not in the statements of the media, but inside the words they use.
It is common knowledge that all tolerance is temporary. Therefore when the Jewish media promotes tolerance, they are doing nothing more than setting up a backlash whose eventual emergence was part of their plan all along. Therefore the nationalist Gentile who gives up suppressing his hatred is playing right along the Zionist script. I have said this many times before: they want non-Jewish groups to fight each other, the more the better, because every group then becomes their weapon against every other group.
Do Aryanists promote tolerance? No, we do not. We promote unity: genuine honour, genuine empathy, genuine fellowship across the lines of ethnicity and religion against the common enemy. Compagnons-at-arms do not tolerate each other, they are positively honoured by each other’s presence on the same side of the battlefield, regardless of origins. This is what we must aim for.
“Final solution can be effected only by means of a warm-hearted resolve on the part of those who once faced each other as opponents, but whose mutual esteem, based on a recognition of each other’s bravery, could become a bridge leading to the future - a future which must never see any repetition of past sufferings.” - Adolf Hitler
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Not the way I thought I would start 2010 blogging, but this article made me angry:
And, just as I guessed, Aric Sigman is Jewish. As for his thesis, I agree entirely that smacked children will be more successful slaves later in life. I recommend that every time we see floating lure terms such as “successful”, “happy”, “well-adjusted”, “well-developed”, etc. coming from an enemy source, simply add the word “slave“ behind it to see the true meaning. Any apparently positive quality that can coherently attach to the word “slave” is anathema to Aryans.
Here is a further interview with Sigman in a publication for Jewish readership:
Jewish parents have a reputation for obtuse spiritual cruelty in the treatment of their own children (“a frozen salmon down the trousers (another, albeit bizarre, form of admonishment occasionally administered by Sigman when his children misbehave)“, which might account for why most of their children grow up to become equally successful Jews. The broad idea that children are to be humiliated - either physically or emotionally - into conforming, cannot be further from the Aryan perspective:
“Confidence in oneself must be instilled into our children from their very early years. The whole system of education and training must be directed towards fostering in the child the conviction that he is unquestionably a match for any- and everybody.” - Adolf Hitler
Of course, this approach cultivates not successful slaves within the existing social order, but potential revolutionaries against it. This is what our enemies fear.
Would you smack an SS man, or a kshatriya, or a mujahid? Would you put a frozen salmon down his trousers? Then ignore the vile Jew (or slavish Gentile) who even dares suggest we indignify the warriors of tomorrow.
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A lot has happened in the world this year, and the mood of the masses has become increasingly ugly. I do not consider this a positive development. Positive ideological revolution must indeed be preceded by discontent, but must be built on idealism. Great discontent without greater idealism leads to a mobilization of selfishly aggressive people (generically known as the right wing) who can easily be manipulated against the wrong targets.
I wish to begin by admitting an elementary communication oversight, so that others do not repeat it. I have constantly declared that authentic National Socialism is opposed to racism. However, many right-wingers this year have also been claiming (falsely) that their politics are not racist, but merely about preserving their own racial identity. The result is that many people who first hear my declaration mistakenly assume I am one of those guys, which has led to a lot of confusion.
Let me clarify one more time: I am not interested in preserving any currently existing race or culture. I am interested in starting fresh. In Hitler’s words, underlying National Socialism is “the will to create mankind anew”. Furthermore, I restate a term from the Glossary page:
Preservationism: (non-Aryan) belief that any arbitrary identity should continue to exist just because it already exists, in other words that perpetuation requires no justification
Radicalism in general begins with demanding justification for perpetuation, and Aryanism in particular maintains that no identity deserves continued existence except those committed to eliminating the ignoble aspects within themselves. Otherwise, all identities are indeed arbitrary (in David Myatt’s jargon, “abstractions”). For example, the BNP call to preserve “indigenous Britain” is trivially countered by a call to preserve “contemporary Britain”. Both cannot be preserved (ie. the BNP claim to support the ‘right’ of every identity to be preserved is a complete lie), so why should one feel that the former has greater validity than another, unless one is indeed racist? The question we should really be discussing is: what identity can best ennoble society? (I suggest that ”contemporary Britain minus Jews and Zionist Gentiles (incl. BNP)” might be a decent start.)
Returning to the anti-Zionist movement, I would say we started well in the first half of the year, but then seemed to run out of steam during the second half. Many sites have slowed down or disappeared, but honestly, how many times are we supposed to repeat the same information on Jewish crimes over and over again? Is repetition by itself supposed to accomplish anything?
I have been studying why the right-wingers have been in some ways more effective at rallying support than the anti-Zionists despite anti-Zionist propaganda being better both in quality and in style. Both groups expose crimes, but the right-wingers seem to generate more outrage with less effort. One theory I have is that most people have stronger emotional reactions to small crimes involving individual criminals. In contrast, huge crimes - be it 9/11, the international banking scams, or the IDF slaughtering the Palestinians - are too complicated to generate emotional reactions from many people.
I have no doubt that this behavioural pattern was long known to our enemies. As such, it is clear that the true agenda behind immigration is not “ethnic replacement” as the right-wingers claim, but diversion. By getting their right-wing agents to preoccupy the masses with constantly repeated and exaggerated stories about immigrant crime, they reduce the time and attention available to the masses to learn about Zionism. The giveaway is that the right-wingers have been turning up the volume of their immigrant crime and other race-baiting propaganda in direct proportion to the progress of the anti-Zionist movement.
Pictured - the Israeli English Defence League and their flag:
The idea (promoted by a few dubious activists) that race-baiting can somehow be used to gradually lead people to Zionism has been disproven. Instead, it has only cooled the enthusiasm of non-Jewish minorities towards fighting Jewish domination, because they now believe that hypothetically empowered white Gentiles would treat them even worse than the currently empowered Jews.
The attitude I recommend towards crime propaganda is simple. Nationalists talking about the dangers of immigration are no different from neocons talking about the dangers of terrorism. Both are trying to frighten you into supporting them. This is the way of slavemasters towards slaves, not the way of genuine revolutionaries.
Another issue of frequent controversy is the value of debate between competing movements. Should we debate our enemies? Is debating a waste of time? Or does refusing to debate prevent us from being taken seriously? But does winning a debate translate to winning converts?
I think that now might be a good time - perhaps the last chance before chaos descends - for debates. What worries me most is not that the masses have been successfully distracted by competing movements, but that some would-be intellectuals have followed the masses. While some may be Zionist agents and others may be unscrupulous opportunists, I believe that others still are simply bandwagoners who - seeing the condition of society and in hurry to start doing something - signed up with the first reactionary movement that came along without thinking through the alternatives.
As such, I think the most important issue is to recognize the different types of debating opponent, and respond accordingly. I suggest that those merely interested in showing off their debating skills and wasting everyone’s time should be avoided entirely, while those who have shut off their minds to other viewpoints should be ruthlessly dismantled for the viewing of their audiences, but those who are well-intentioned should be debated respectfully with a view to learning from each other and possibly even achieving synthesis.
Aim for 2010
Speaking to Aryanists in particular, I believe that our most important upcoming aim is to function as a bastion of idealism amid the discontent. Embracing our own rarity as idealists in current times is our only chance to gather like-minded radicals under one banner even as many others flock to movements that preach the opposite of idealism.
With 2012 less than three years away, many people are bringing up end-time prophecies. Savitri Devi prophesized the arrival of Kalki, but according to her, Hitler was the One-Before-Last. I regret to point out that she has oversimplified the matter. She correctly diagnosed Hitler as possessing too much Sun and not enough Lightning (her terminology), but she optimistically presumed that the one after him would automatically achieve the perfect balance. I believe that, had she lived to see current conditions, she would by now have realized the great danger of the next influential leader getting the balance wrong the other way ie. possessing too much Lightning and not enough Sun. In which case there will be not a true revolution, but only further descent.
We are one of the only groups right now that - in the present swing of the pendulum towards an unprecedently vicious and cynical right-wing - continues to use the Sun (swastika) as our symbol. Our purpose in this struggle is clear. We are Men Against Time. We must stop the pendulum in its tracks.
European reactionary politics has become a runaway competition to see who can be the most pro-Zionist. The dynamic goes as follows:
1) Far-rightists constantly show off how much they love Jews and Israel in order to demonstrate they are not ‘Nazis’ in order to ‘legitimize’ their racism against anti-Zionist minorities.
2) Antifas constantly accuse the far-rightists of still being ‘Nazis’ underneath the surface. Antifas express their love for Jews and Israel even more than the far-rightists in order to ‘prove’ the above accusation.
3) Far-rightists repond by further escalating their pro-Zionism, and more strongly attacking the anti-Zionist minorities.
4) Antifas respond by further raising the bar for the ‘minimum acceptable level’ of pro-Zionism in order to keep the far-rightists below the bar.
5) Repeat from 3).
I had been predicting this development ever since far-rightists began to use Israel as a positive example of nationalist politics, which indeed it is (and which is why I will never be a nationalist), and ever since it became an unspoken requirement for every criticism of Islam to be closely accompanied by praise for Judaism or at least Judeo-Christianity. Indeed I had begun to worry ever since I saw “Western civilization” used as the rallying banner by both far-rightists and antifas, two groups which disagree sharply on what Western civilization is supposed to be - other than the point of unity for Jews and white Gentiles. But only recently have I managed to pin it down in a single term of vocabulary: Zionist Correctness (ZC), the replacement for Political Correctness (PC).
While many see that racism is on the rise, fewer see that there is emerging a consciousness that distinguishes between “good (ZC) racism” (against ‘Third World peoples’ ie. non-Jewish minorities) and “bad (un-ZC) racism” (against Jews). Whereas under Political Correctness people were socially pressured to avoid overt racism towards any minorities, now under Zionist Correctness people are gradually being given the social liberty to be as overtly racist as they wish to any non-Jewish minorities, on condition that they balance this out with fawning over Jewish interests. Furthermore, that non-Jewish minorities are admirably speaking out against the Jewish crime network is being used as evidence of their ‘backwardness’, which then makes racism against them even more ‘justified’ under Zionist Correctness.
The doctrine of Zionist Correctness, built upon the twin foundations of Holocaustian superstition and Western vanity, can be summed up thus: “It is good to be racist towards any ethnicity that doesn’t like Jews.” It is not difficult to figure out who benefits, and who suffers, from such a doctrine.
“Our authority will be the crown of order, and in that is included the whole happiness of man. The aureole of this authority will inspire a mystical bowing of the knee before it and a reverent fear before it of all the peoples.” - Protocols of Zion
Our enemies like to say that Political Correctness is killing Europe, but my response is that Zionist Correctness is turning Europeans into the worst kind of slaves - the kind that happily torments other slaves to gain petty favour from the slavemaster. And that is our enemies’ eternal strategy: to threaten us with supposed looming death and then offer us slavery as a way out. To such a strategy there can only be one response, the eternal, unchanging Aryan response to all threats: we do not fear death.
I believe that Zionist Correctness can be easily countered by using this very term to label it whenever we see it. Furthermore, we must explain that Political Correctness was merely a preamble to cover the switch to Zionist Correctness, and not inherently negative. (I would expect an Aryan who values honour and empathy to choose words fairly similarly to a PC-devotee who values politeness and inoffensiveness, except that the latter is acting while the former is sincere.) Time is short. We need to inject the terms “Zionist Correctness”, “Zionistically Correct”, and “ZC” into as many discussions as possible.
The last few days, the internet has been filled with Zionist useful idiots celebrating the Swiss ban on minarets (of which there are currently a grand total of 4(!) in all of Switzerland). Some useful idiots with delusions of grandeur speak of the majority vote in favour of the ban as a “lion’s roar”. I thought that a good way to respond would be to retell the joke about two men and a lion in the following way:
A Jew and a Muslim were walking along when they saw a lion in a distance whose back was turned towards them. To the Muslim’s surprise, the Jew took out a gun and fired a shot into the lion’s backside. The lion turned around enraged and began charging at the men. At this point, the Jew started changing into running shoes.
“Are you crazy?” the Muslim exclaimed, “You really think you can run faster than the lion?”
“No,” the Jew replied, “I only need to run faster than you.”
For those who want to help refute claims that churches are prohibited in Muslim-majority countries, this video provides helpful links on the sidebar:
Meanwhile, let’s take a look at Israel’s attitude towards non-Jewish buildings (including private homes):
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When, early in 2009, I first started voicing my suspicions of the European far-right parties as a Zionist front to distract attention away from anti-Zionist groups, I received much opposition, mainly from racists who saw immigrants as enemies rather than potential recruits. Now, approaching the end of 2009, it is much more evident why Jews are more worried about immigration than anyone else:
I find it hard to believe that some people still believe that Zionists want to replace existing populations with immigrants - who are on the whole more aware of Jewish crimes than locals - since it does not benefit Jewish interests to do so. It makes much more sense to consider that Zionists want to create a situation in which immigrants can become an easy scapegoat, so that on one hand people do not bother to learn about Jewish crimes, and on the other hand people vote for far-right parties, all of which are more pro-Zionist than the current governments.This speculation is supported by recent enemy propaganda. The following essays by BNP supporter (Zionist agent?) Reconquista have been popular:
Here are some extracts (my bold):
what is happening in the world now - and has been happening for at least fifty years - amounts to a holocaust against western civilisation and the two peoples who advanced humanity more than any other: The Whites and the Jews.
under Multiculturalism, every single race has the right to live where they choose all except two: Whites … and Jews
there is no depth to which these devious and conniving pity-filled tyrants will not stoop to always prove their ideology is right, that other races are always the victims and that whites and Jews are always strong, evil, ignoble oppressors
The Jews, just like whites, are affected by self-loathing, guilt and self-hatred
the Jews are one very creative, highly intelligent people, a Titan race just like the British. Look at what the Israelis have achieved in just sixty years. … You know what? I think that other Titan races could emulate their brilliant achievement
Can you figure out what is going on? Do you remember me predicting this move long ago?
If the Jews have been such a threat throughout British history and they damaged Great Britain so badly, well how did Great Britain manage to build the greatest Empire the world has ever seen?
Our claim is not that Jews have damaged Britain, but that Jews and British have been consistent collaborators in damaging the whole world. Funnily enough, Reconquista himself implicitly agrees:
let’s remember that the systems of commerce that brought trade all around the Empire and contributed to Britain’s wealth were developed in the main by Jews.
When our enemies boast about their own tribalism, all we need to do is quote them.
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This was a response to Oregon Coug’s post ‘Aryan European Pedagogy’, which as been removed and updated with ‘Towards a Pedagogy of Arya‘.
Whether a given education system is suitable for an Aryanist society can be judged by investigating the assumptions of human behaviour that underlie that system and considering whether or not they describe Aryan characteristics.
We must be especially be careful not to endorse any education system that encourages imitation of nobility, as this will put education in the position of hiding natural ignobility instead of exposing it, whereupon we cease to be Aryanists and become traditionalists (from which the degradation will begin all over again).
(I personally avoid using the word ‘pedagogy’ with a positive connotation. An ancient paedogogus was a slave given the authority to discipline his master’s son, therefore pedagogy refers in essence to slavish tuition, which can only create more slaves. ‘Education’ is more suitable for our movement as it derives from educere = to lead out. We are trying to lead people out of slavery to freedom.)
1) Physical education
We should distinguish between health and fitness. In contrast to the modern tendency to conflate the two concepts, I have previously pointed out that healthy animals and humans require no fitness regime beyond ordinary physical activity to stay healthy, whereas it is a strong sign of unhealth that many humans have to constantly ‘keep fit’ in order to stave off obesity and other conditions. Thus we should recognize fitness as a way to compensate for (and thereby perpetuate) unhealth. I recommend that physical education be grounded in activities with practical applications, as opposed to ‘stand-alone’ sports.
2) Religion
I am worried that dependence is being described as unity. That is one step away from describing slavery as unity, which incidentally is what we believe Zionism to be planning: for Jews to ‘assimilate’ (OC’s term) non-Jews into the anatomy of the Zionist super-organism. This is the exact opposite of what we are supposed to be striving for. In the mythical Golden Age, there was no food chain, but rather sunlight as the sole energy source. This is why the swastika is the spiritual symbol of our movement: it represents non-exploitative unity of all - weak or strong - under the sun.
3) History
I am not sure whether “Eurocentric” is the right word. I think the key task is to separate what is conventionally known as ‘European history’ into Jewish, Gentile (ie. native European) and Aryan strands. While certainly highlighting the barbarism of Jewish ideas, we should not neglect to emphasize that Gentile ideas are no better, but merely barbarism of another type. (The same applies to other continents also; Gentile Asians, Gentile Africans, etc. are just as barbaric as Gentile Europeans, each with variations in style unique to their environment.) Otherwise, there is a danger that the future “European Victory” OC hopes for is a Gentile victory and not an Aryan victory, without even realizing the difference.
4) Literature
There is beyond an abundance of classic material available to be studied, and I think the issue is what to exclude rather than what to include. Since we are not attempting to save the present civilization but to start fresh, I would expect that a process similar to what was done with contemporary art in National Socialist Germany - namely separation into noble and ignoble - be done for classic material also.
build the foundations of Aryan character.
This is another point where great care in formulation is required. If we make it sound as though Aryan character must be built, we have already endorsed the (non-Aryan) modernist view that time produces improvement rather than degradation, albeit applied on the scale of individuals. Instead, I would describe Aryan character as being spontaneous in children, and that they only need to build defences against corruption that otherwise would naturally occur with growth.
5) Vocation
I agree that skills can and should be learned alongside academics.
6) Kampf
I disagree that a few texts need to be especially mandated as sacred; people should be encouraged to revere whatever best inspires nobility in their own lives, without favouritism towards particular traditions. I am glad OC draws inspiration from the Aryan Bible(?), Aeneid, Wagner, etc., but these may not be for everyone.
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SeaOfTruth has responded quickly to what might eventually turn out to be yet another screwup by the ‘usual suspects’. Here is his video on the shooting, which is brief but covers several important issues and serves as a good starting point for thinking:
Is it easy or difficult to facially identify a shooter from a distance when your immediate objective is to avoid the gunfire? In such stressful scenarios, especially when the witnesses are in a large group, it is often possible for suggestion to alter key details about what honest people think they remember. Combined with the usual interview editing tricks used by the media, first-hand descriptions of what supposedly happened should be treated with suspicion.
Is it a coincidence that the shooting occurred in Texas, widely considered one of the most subverted states in the USA (and home of Zionist agent Alex Jones!), and a historic hub for suspicious incidents such as the JFK assassination?
Again, it comes back to the same question: who benefits?
Already forums and blogs are filling up with speculations about what kind of guns were used and all kinds of technical details to distract people. Have we learned nothing from the 9/11 experience, when years were wasted talking about thermite and other peripheral trivia? Our priority is not to figure out the actual facts, but to figure out what political agenda is served by the official story.
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‘On his website, Omar denies that the Holocaust happened and refers to Judaism as “a parasitic culture of greed”. … He added that he has drawn inspiration from France’s Parti Anti Sioniste, another anti-Zionist party.’
Whether or not these parties are 100% genuine is unimportant at this stage; at the very least we are gaining ground in that Zionism is becoming an increasingly mainstream issue. Such parties also function as preliminary siftings pools for people possibly more receptive to radical ideas and solutions as a whole.
Please let us know about any further news on this party you may come across in the near future.
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A few clues to our enemies’ tactics can be observed from the highly hyped BBC show that finally aired yesterday:
1) The issue of whether or not Griffin should have been allowed on the show in the first place is being discussed in terms of free speech. This is a Zionist trick designed to throw extra confusion onto the very concept of free speech. Free speech is not the same as free publicity. I support free speech in the sense that I do not believe people (e.g. Holocaust revisionists) should fear criminalization for stating their views. On the other hand, when anyone is given free promotion by the Jewish media to help their views reach a wider audience (I refer not only to the show itself but also the heavy advertizing for it in newspapers), the first question we should be asking is: who benefits from this publicity? It is quite clear to me that aim of the entire event was to increase the popularity of the BNP.
2) The guests (including at least a few of the studio audience whom I suspect to be stooges) were working together to fool the viewers, not arguing with each other. While appearing to disagree, they reason towards disagreement from a common foundation, and it is this common foundation that the Jewish media is conditioning viewers to accept. Straw mentioned that it was “impossible” to limit population because it would be necessary to limit reproduction in order to do so. The rest of the immigration debate is unimportant; the key Zionist move here is to exclude state-controlled reproduction as even an option in the public mind, because state-controlled reproduction is the only non-violent solution to Zionism worldwide. My speculation is that nationalism is deliberately being promoted to all European countries by Jews so as to undermine the grounds for opposing Israeli nationalism. Griffin almost admitted this when he says that true ‘Nazis’ loathe him because the BNP is “the only political party which, in the clashes between Israel and Gaza, stood full square behind Israel’s right to deal with Hamas terrorists.” Hopefully people can take note of this and start to realize that it is the National Socialists, not the nationalists, who truly stand against oppression in all forms.
3) Many people currently hate Muslims far too much to think clearly, and Zionist agents are capitalizing on this in their propganda. I have concluded that there is not enough time for people to become sufficiently educated on Islam to discredit the misrepresentations of its teachings such as those summarized by Griffin. The only way there can be rapid change in attitude is to show them who is behind the campaign to demonize Islam, and how they benefit. Exposing the liars is more efficient than exposing the lies.
I hope this post is helpful to our fellow counterpropaganda activists.
The debate can be watched here.
Final note: I do not have time to write regularly on news and current affairs. If you would like to help us out in this capacity, please visit:
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