Oh well, the Zionists have succeeded again.
I’m not even going to waste time ranting about Gentile stupidity. All I am interested in are countermeasures.
1) This is not “vigilantism”. Genuine vigilantism - going after organized crime networks that have bought themselves immunity from the police via bribery/blackmail - is noble and heroic. Contrarily, going after random people with dark skin based on a rumour that the initial muggers (who have still not been identified, and for all we know could have been Mossad agents) were “immigrants” is the behaviour of Ziongasm junkies jacking themselves off. Not only does it fail to deal with the original muggers, but it just gives the government an excuse to install more “security measures”.
2) The international Jewish elite is not “pro-immigrant”. They let in immigrants so that Gentiles can beat them up and achieve their Ziongasm, after which they will follow any Zionist puppet who promises to get rid of the immigrants. The evidence for indifference of the authorities towards the welfare of immigrants is seen in that the police, though in the vicinity, were not ordered to stop the attacks. If you are still not convinced, what do you think the Hollywood movie “300″ was if not hardcore Ziongasm porn to prime Gentiles with negative stereotypes towards anything and everything non-Western?
(And long before that we had “The Camp of the Saints” - translated into English by Norman Shapiro (Jew) - again for the purpose of instilling fear and prejudice in the Gentile mind towards immigrants. Can you figure out what is going on?)
If you are someone living in Greece whom local Gentiles might attack on account of how you look:
3) Do not organize a counterattack, but do not be intimidated into leaving either. If you counterattack, the conflict will just escalate. But if you leave, you embolden the Gentiles to launch more attacks, thereby also escalating the conflict. Think militarily. If you counterattack, you are taking the bait. If you leave, you are deserting. Both are beneficial to the enemy. What you should do instead is prepare to defend yourself on the spot should you come under attack. Make it as costly as possible for anyone who would attempt to attack you, and the attackers will be discouraged.
If you are anyone else living in Greece:
4) You too should prepare to defend yourself from attack. Consider that if the original mugging victim had defended himself effectively, he might still be alive (and indeed his attackers might have been either killed on the spot or at least sufficiently incapacitated to be arrested), and the Gentiles would not have had an excuse to go on their racist spree of violence against blameless people in the first place.
No matter who you are:
5) You have a duty to defend any innocent victim of violence that you may encounter, simply because that is what you would want a bystander to do for you if you were the one attacked. Gentile street gangs rely on their numbers, but they are easily outnumbered in any neighbourhood if even a fraction of the people living in that neighbourhood were willing to stand up as a folk to prevent attacks on anyone on their streets. This goes back to the scaled-down community spirit I was talking about earlier: people everywhere need to start thinking of their local neighbourhood as their homeland. If you allow an innocent person to be attacked on your homeland and do nothing about it, you share in the responsibility of the attack. This is the mentality we need. When a neighbourhood is closely knit in this way, it will better resist tribal division even under the stress of chaos. Greece began its civilization as city-states; it is time to get back to that ancient consciousness. If you live in Athens, you are an ATHENIAN (regardless of ancestry) with a duty to defend your fellow ATHENIAN (regardless of ancestry) from attack. Believe it or not, this is what citizenship used to imply when people still had some understanding of honour.
(Jews and Gentiles cannot be Athenians as they do not consider those outside their tribe to be their fellows.)
Protests like these
accomplish nothing. The government won’t care; their plan all along was to create hostility between groups! And the Gentiles won’t care; they are too dumb to realize they are useful idiots. The only realistic way to stop the attacks is to organize disciplined paramilitary units of local volunteers ready to physically protect the streets whenever any Gentile gang tries to come in and cause trouble. The only realistic way to get such volunteers is to give them at least the rudiments of an ideology that can unite them and motivate them. It takes Diomedes to defeat Ares. It takes Athena to drive Diomedes’ chariot. Aryanists in Greece (are there any?), this is what you should be working on right now.
True, it is not vigilantism but a tribal blood feud caused by equally tribal (!) crime. Aryanism condemns only initial violence?
But the initial violence is this: “murder of a 44-year old Greek man, Manolis Kantari…preparing to take his wife to the hospital for the birth of their second child when three unknown assailants stabbed him to death and stole his camera…”
If the unknown assailants were just common criminals than why were they ethnically grouped? Why some of them them were not Greeks? Or why the victim was not some other assailant. The assailants in this case are the evil tribalists you speak about.
>>>Jews and Gentiles cannot be Athenians as they do not consider those outside their tribe to be their fellows…Greece began its civilization as city-states; it is time to get back to that ancient consciousness. If you live in Athens, you are an ATHENIAN…
Even Athens as a trade-oriented, ‘democratic’ city-state was not an ‘open society’ like the one dreamt by Popper. Tribalism was at the very core of Athenian citizenship (oikos/households > genos/clan > phratry/village > phylai/tribes). Precisely because citizenship was organic and tribe-related and not just a bureaucratic formality it was jealousy preserved. The loss of citizenship was considered even worse than death by some. Imagine the fate of someone expelled from his city-state in those days. If not starved to death or killed by wild animals, bandits or barbarians this person would be considered a foreigner in other city-states.
>>>Gentile street gangs rely on their numbers but they are easily outnumbered in any neighbourhood if even a fraction of the people living in that neighbourhood were willing to stand up as a folk to prevent attacks on anyone on their streets
Kantari was overwhelmed in 3:1 ratio and the people/goys are intimately grateful to domestic gentiles because they sense that each one of them can end up like Kantari. They only lack gentile audacity and preparedness to accept the consequences such as violent death, imprisonment or job loss. If goys were the folk they would have stood up against the first cause of the evil - the modern, contractual nation-state (Greek Zion in this case) because without it there would be no foreign tribalists around and thus no need for domestic gentilism.
I think you bring about a good point, one that shows how complex the resolution of “the immigrant issue” is. First, those who attack immigrants are often racist, yes. However, this does not exclude the fact that not all immigrants are saints. Some of them may very well be racists, which seems to legitimize peoples’ fears of the immigrants.
On the flip side, not all immigrants attack people in their host country. When Zionists encourage racist behavior, they do not just target the domestic side (“the stop immigration crowd”), but also the immigrant side… the immigrants themselves, for they also are being exposed to a new culture and are often having the same reaction, that of hate.
This is where Nobility and Aryanism, come into play: good traits vs bad traits. Not skin color vs skin color. If a gang of immigrant thugs is attacking a citizen who means no harm, call the cops on them and then get out in the street to secure the victim until police arrive. Also, if a gang of citizens is attacking an immigrant who means no harm, same deal as above. It’s a battle between nobility and tribalism. And yes, this makes the battle MUCH HARDER.
But your last point is correct, the contractual nation-state is what is ultimately the problem. It is network of inadequate units that causes chaos as people try to find sustainability here and there causing unwelcome collisions.
Indeed. Immigrants can definitely experience racist treatment but they can also display racism them selves. The latter is bound to happen if the criminal element amongst them can sense that their tribe is exempted from racism charges and even common law charges because of race, minority status or historic oppression. - If they can easily imagine careerist judges spooked by “racist” label and lawyers shipping the blame to general misfortunes of life such as poverty, racial discrimination, bad social influences, unhappy childhood ect. If there was a draconian punishment (without “mitigating circumstances” related to race or class) for cases such as stabbing a man in cold blood for nothing but a lousy camera than anti-immigrant mob would have found less sympathisers and supporters for such acts of blind vengeance.
I think you’re showing a fine balanced harmony of compassion and truth in your above comments. Governments have a very serious responsibility to enforce functional immigration laws, so when the reasonable immigration (and citizenship) laws of the past were replaced by the invalid bogus existing “laws” that only serve the Juden and their rich Gentile suck-ups, the moral duty to obey those fake gimmicks ended. So who are the racist thugs and who are simply doing the work the immigration police should be doing? It depends on who is Zionist and who is anti-Zionist but simply acting for just immigration rules and demographic stability. The latter do not advocate against the Islamic (or other) mainstream religions or neighboring nations, understanding the obvious that that is a suckers’ game set up by the “You Know Whos” literally to divide and exterminate Aryans.
But, especially in countries that lack a Roman Catholic level of universal compassion, it may not be too realistic to impose on the patience of local populations! The Greeks have never been known for their warm embrace of the foreign, and who can blame them? Surely Greece is for truly legal Greek citizens.
I couldn’t agree more with the underlying concept that the future of Europe and the Americas is with Noble Militias who will carry through the compassionate (anti-racist!) justice of our historic Roman Law Codes. There lie the seeds of the future lawful governments of the Western World.