Time to blow the lid off the Ron Paul Effect

So far this year, nothing has been so disappointing as watching a fraction of anti-Zionists believe that it is a good idea to support Ron Paul. (For the record, I do not support any of the other Republican candidates either, nor do I support Obama.) There are already a ton of blogs and videos pointing out Paul’s Freemasonic background and connections to the John Birch Society, and the fact that he is being promoted round the clock by disinfo celebrity Alex Jones , so I won’t repeat all that again. I will, however, point out one other supporter:


Peter Thiel, of course, is from the Bilderberg Group. His business partner is Max Levchin (Jew). Two quotes from the above link which summarize what the situation is:

“Peter Thiel could see Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of Facebook before anyone else understood it. Peter knew that Facebook was the future and he was the first investor. I think Peter can see that Ron Paul is the future of the Republican Party.”

“Even if he doesn’t win, we are part of a movement that is one thousand times bigger than any election cycle.”

And this is the truth. Whether or not Paul gets the presidential nomination is irrelevant. His libertarian poison has already been injected into the American collective consciousness just as this consciousness is starting to reject the neocon poison. Look at the demographics of Paul’s support:

Do you have any idea of how much more difficult Paul has made our task? Everyone knows that libertarians are by far the most difficult people to convert into National Socialists!

One thing the Paul fans say about Paul is true: he is highly intelligent. Intelligent enough to fool them into supporting him, for a start.

Consider Paul’s foreign policy position of non-interventionism. Non-interventionism sounds good to many anti-Zionists who are tired of the US fighting wars for Israel’s benefit, but how does non-interventionism work in the event that Israel decides to fight its own wars from now on? Does anyone seriously believe Israel has been building up the IDF, the most sadistic and most technologically advanced military in the world, and a bigger nuclear arsenal than China (at least!), without intending to use them at some stage? So if Israel starts invading its surrounding countries after non-interventionism becomes the new fashion, then no matter how strongly the anti-Israel sentiment rises thereafter, the US has an excuse - non-interventionism - to say that Israel’s aggression towards others is not its concern. We should at least consider the possibility that this switch to non-interventionism is a signal that Israel is finally ready to commence the “Greater Israel” project using its own military power. Remember what Imran Hosein said about the Arab Spring leading to the emergence of fake, aggressive “fundamentalist Islamist” leaders who will give Israel the perfect pretext for war against them? So how come the Arab Spring was immediately followed by Paul catapulting back into the spotlight, and simultaneously the rise of the “what-Israel-does-to-other-countries-is-none-of-our-business” European far-right? If you think it is a coincidence, think again. Ron Paul even met Marine Le Pen last year:


Does anyone seriously believe that Jews, knowing full well their own history of having been kicked out 100+ times from their host countries, would ever bet on the US (or France, or Britain) fighting Israel’s wars in perpetuity? Jews are not that stupid. All Israel needed was for these countries to fight its early wars, such as destroying Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Then, just as these countries, and the US in particular, becomes totally tired of war (read: too tired to contemplate war against Israel), Israel starts using its own military for Stage 2 of the plan.

“Non-interventionism” means this: turning a blind eye as Israel seizes control over the resources of all of Africa (remember it already controls South Sudan) and West Asia, thereby achieving its own prophecy of becoming the new superpower of the world.

This is why Aryanism has never promoted non-interventionism. We strongly opposed the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, not because we were non-interventionists, but because these wars increase Jewish power! Wars that could decrease Jewish power we are very much in favour of!

Do I believe that the US should police the world? Of course not. But when it has been mispolicing the world from WWII onwards, punishing innocents and aiding criminals, it can’t just quit right away! It owes the world to at least help clean up the mess it created. It owes compensation to the innocents whom it ravaged, and it owes a duty to bring to justice the criminals it formerly aided. But don’t expect Paul to tell you this.

The false dichotomy to hide the true solution: US alliance with the enemies of Israel

The eventual switch to non-interventionism has ALWAYS been part of the Zionist plan. They were testing the waters with non-interventionism even a decade ago, and it didn’t catch on back then, so they figured they could do the neocon stuff a bit more. Don’t believe me? Watch this video:

Yep, Bush can sell it every bit as well as Paul can.

It’s not just foreign policy either. Look at Paul’s monetary policy position of returning to the gold standard (which Le Pen overtly praises him for). Again this sounds good to many anti-Zionists fed up with debt banking, but who does gold-backed money benefit now that Israel owns most of the gold? How obvious does it have to get?

The false dichotomy to hide the true solution: state-issued fiat currency backed by national labour

Overall, Paul - as a libertarian - embodies a trend towards decrease in governmental powers. Even if he doesn’t win, he has already made libertarianism the alternative to the status quo, opening the door for future libertarian candidates running with similar platforms. This may seem like a relief to those who fear a police state, but in the long-term this will mean greater security for Jews, who throughout the whole of history has never been defeated by a constitutionally restricted state. Only an absolute leader with unlimited state power is adequately equipped to solve the Jewish problem completely. The popularity of libertarianism would make it hundredfold more difficult for such a leader to rise, which - of course - is why Jews support it. (I told you guys our job was going to become harder this year.)

The false dichotomy to hide the true solution: absolute monarchism

This is what they always do. When they realize a issue group won’t go away, they INUNDATE us with a larger, superficially similar but internally incompatible group. This has been the case since Jesus; they realized Christianity was here to stay, so they INUNDATED it with the Tanakh. They realized Mohammedanism was here to stay, so they INUNDATED it with the Koran. They realized National Socialism was here to stay, so they INUNDATED it with neo-Nazis. They realized that post-9/11 opposition to Jewish domination was here to stay, so they INUNDATED us with Kevin MacDonald fans. Similarly, they realized that the anti-war movement was here to stay, so they have now INUNDATED it with non-interventionists. They realized that the anti-banking movement was here to stay, so they have now INUNDATED it with goldbugs. They realized that the anti-elite movement was here to stay, so they have now INUNDATED it with libertarians.

Hitler warned us:

“By amalgamating political organizations that are approximately alike, certain immediate advantages may be gained, but advantages thus gained are bound in the long run to become the cause of internal weaknesses which will make their appearance later on.” – Adolf Hitler

but, as usual, nobody is paying attention because they’re too busy trying to turn anti-Zionists into Paul fans.

Sometimes it really seems as though no matter how many Zionist tricks we expose, people will still fall for the next one. It’s like trying to explain a chess game to an audience who can’t see more than one move ahead. When the useful idiots tell me that “The sheep are waking up at last!”, I respond that sleeping sheep cannot be herded. To herd the sheep, the herder has to wake them up first. This is why I say, over and over again, EVERYTHING Jews do is herding. Jews do not judge any ideology - be it libertarianism, capitalism, communism, nationalism, globalism - by its morality; they judge it only ever by its utility for herding non-Jews. Keep the herder archetype constantly in your minds; it is the best single image to help you understand the Jewish mind:

Whichever way we look at it, Paul’s only significance is that he marks the shift of the seat of Yahweh’s throne from Washington to Tel Aviv. That was the plan all along; use America to give Israel a starting push, then let America fall away once Israel can continue to climb better by itself, like the spent first stage of a two-stage rocket. Never forget Imran Hosein’s prediction that when Israel starts its conquests, the US will withdraw from the UN. Yes, I can see a libertarian-dominated US doing just that.

And round about the same time, Zionist agents will probably use the ZC and BS Gentiles to kick off the long-prepared race wars in Europe and America, and perhaps also Russia and China. All of them will be weakened, millions will die, and Israel will get to decide who wins by helping their favoured sides. No matter what happens, Israel will be left on top.

So what can we do? I suggest starting an anti-libertarian, pro-autocracy project within our movement. The Paul we need is Paul Atreides, not Ron Paul. Anyone want to volunteer for a blog dedicated to attacking libertarianism from a National Socialist perspective? Lewenhaupt, do you know anyone suitable among your forumers?

Anyway, I conclude the post with this link:


And of course the most memorable quote of 2012:

“If Netenyahu says he doesn’t need our troops, why can’t I say the same thing?” - Ron Paul

If you still don’t get it, you are too fucking dumb to be an anti-Zionist

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18 Responses to Time to blow the lid off the Ron Paul Effect

  1. Niebo says:

    AS, you are right, the American libertarians are skipping the truth the Fuhrer spoke of:

    “In this respect, too, we can learn a lot from the Romans.
    They followed the principle of concentration of power in a few
    hands in time of crisis, but decentralisation of authority in
    normal times.” Table Talk p.455

    The libertarian “hippie” hobbits of LOTR; they answered the crisis because they answered a real king! Tolkien, I believe said he was a Monarch Libertarian, and that mode of government was possible in his book AFTER the enemy was defeated.

    “There won’t be a shire.”-Merry

    “Look at Paul’s monetary policy position of returning to the gold standard”-AS
    I didn’t know that about Paul, but I’m not surprised.

    Hitler’s Table Talk always has answers:

    “To think that there are millions of unemployed in America !
    What they should do there is to embark on a revolutionary
    new economic policy, abandon the gold standard and further
    increase the needs of their home market.

    The Americans are still delighted so long as they can amass
    more gold; they do not seem to realize that the stuff has no
    intrinsic value at all.

    We do not fight for gain or gold, but for a better world.”



  2. amspirnational says:

    Most politically aware Arabs, Arab-Americans, Palestinians and Muslims, etc. consider Ron Paul a hopeful positive, let us say a transitional figure, helping move the American Empire out of the Mideast.
    I assume they have more confidence they can deal effectively with Israel’s gambits as and after this hypothetically occurs, perhaps in part with alliances with those players filling the vacuum, which of course have much less Zionist influence pulling their foreign policy strings.

  3. Longinus says:

    Never forget that Zionism started as Jewish Socialism. Israel was established as a Socialist state and turned into a fascist one as Jewish problems with Arabs progressed. Likud has run Israel for quite some time now.

    Socialism often degenerate into Fascism and not just in Israel; Stalin’s purges of early Bolshevik revolutionaries and Hitler’s Night of the Long Knives are prime examples. National Socialism was the German combo of racialism (caveman’s Socialism-Fascism) and nobility (“divine right” to enslave/spiritual Socialism/Dark Age Fascism).

    >>>Everyone knows that libertarians are by far the most difficult people to convert into National Socialists!

    This is only because Libertarian spectacles reveal you as you really are. Aragorn and Sauron (Socialism/Fascism), Gandalf and Saruman (spiritual Socialism/Dark Age Fascism) are flip sides of the same Janus coin. Only the vote for Ron Paul can turn this monete in “Shire” obsolete.

  4. Longinus says:

    Comparison of Ron Paul with George Bush is a laugh, especially coming from the “Aryanist” New Left (Afro-Nazi Obama-supporters and obvious flip-side of the Bushist coin).

  5. Jason says:

    Paul’s presidency will be interesting nonetheless. He NOT being elected will actually be better for Paul-libertarianism. When a movement is still fighting for its ideals and hasn’t had power yet, it will grow larger and get more people fighting for it, only because it presents itself as against the status quo. Once they see Paul won’t be this huge savior with his gold standard (guess who has hordes of gold? Socialist (gasp!) countries such as Venezuela, China - and the IMF) and non-interventionism, giving more freedom for (Greater) Israel to expand; along with his Ayn Rand worship and free market (“‘real’ capitalism”).

    Let all these things live, so that they may show their ugly value, and die out.

    ~ Inquiry to AS: Does Israel really own the most gold?

  6. Longinus says:

    Broadening electorate to less intelligent (those who expect miracles) is the sad necessity of any political campaign. It suffices to say that Paul cannot disappoint his base if he keeps his major promises like preventing WW3 for starters. It is supposedly one of major goals of this site…I’m actually glad that AS has decided to post this invidious denunciation. It makes his stands on WW3 and environment protection much clearer. :/

  7. Ron Paul is just a dreamer of the American Old West. He’s a clear proponent of a bringing back the United States to some place between the Savage State and Pastoral State of Empire. He is an idealist, in his own bizarre way, but in no way is he a folkist. The fact that he praises a Masonic document as his ideal is enough for anyone to know that he is full of it. With him as President, the US will just restart and go down the same path again.

  8. amspirnational says:

    Paul might admire Ayn Rosenbaum, but Objectivists and current Ayn Randists don’t like the Libertarian Party, nor are they non-interventionists. They tend to be Zionists and advocates for at least “soft imperialism” which of course necessitates Big Government and a Police State at home. Ayn Rosenbaum was a Jewish supremacist, said Jews by blood did capitalism better than any other ethnic.

    How or if Ron Paul rationalizes this, I’m not sure, that is the fact Ayn “Rand” would be repudiating him if she were alive right now.

  9. Longinus says:

    >>>Paul might admire Ayn Rosenbaum, but Objectivists and current Ayn Randists don’t like the Libertarian Party, nor are they non-interventionists. They tend to be Zionists and advocates for at least “soft imperialism” which of course necessitates Big Government and a Police State at home.

    Unlike Zionists and Nazis Ayn Rand was not preoccupied with the Middle Eastern wars. She did favored Israel as a more industrial state in contrast to the rest of the savage and pastoral Arab Middle East but this position is not so atypical amongst non-Jews (provided they’re not muslims or lefties of some sort). If she was around I doubt she’d agreed with Obama jeopardizing the first State founded on Enlightenment instead some mystical despotism only for the sake of (than Socialist and now increasingly theocratic and fascist) Israel.

    >>>Ayn Rosenbaum was a Jewish supremacist, said Jews by blood did capitalism better than any other ethnic.

    It’s the context that matters. Perhaps she was trying to persuade Jews to give up Socialism.

  10. fakenews says:

    You are full of shit!
    Gold currency is what he wants not gold backed currency.
    If Jews have e to much of it, it will be devalued and other metals would be used as well.
    Also Ron wants to kill FED which is the main tool of Jew crime.
    In any case he will not win the election and his party will disclose all Paul supporters to FEMA for extermination in concentration camps.

  11. Ken says:

    Nuclear Weapons? I am rolling on the floor laughing my Aryan Ass off! Why do you spout Jew lies? Jew Atomic/Nuclear bombs? roflmao! And you are supposed to be Jew Wise? Yet you fall for Jew Atomic Bomb deceptions? roflmao!

    Israel invading and occupying other Nations? I cant stop laughing buddy! Do you know anything about military operations and the number of troops and supplies required to occupy an area? Appears not.

    Ron Paul’s history proves who he is (never took Globalist Jew money), just as Hitler’s history proves who he is (a paid spy who infiltrated a movement, took control of it and then took Globalist Jew money to help found Israhell).

    Ironic how Zionism is a mirror image of Nazism. Hint hint… Created by the same mind. The Holohoax was not the only lie of WWII, for without Agent Hitler and the fake Holocaust there would be no Israhell or Jewish Unity today. Agent Hitler could have been killed anytime the Jew wanted (see world history). Sure seems as if Hitler’s “miracles” were the required “Jewish Lightening”.

    (1.) “Anti-Semitism will act as a propelling force which, like the wave of the future, would bring the Jews into the promised land.” -Theodore Herzl

    (2.) In September 1919, Hitler was instructed by German Army Intelligence to spy on The German Workers Party. The head of German Army Intelligence was none other than Max Warburg brother of Paul Warburg, founder of The US Federal Reserve.

    (3.) “Every step of Nazism was financed by wall street bankers.” — Eustace Mullins

    (4.) “Hitler was a Jew who helped found Israel.” - Mohammad-Ali Ramin, a top advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

  12. Purity says:

    The bottom line is this. The current Aryanism movement, such as this site, needs to leave Hitler and Nazism behind. Every idea here, hasn’t stemmed down from Hitler’s mouth, but from your’s, thus why give Hitler credit?

    Secondly, we should not making be making allies with any Abrahamic religion (Christianity, or Islam), they are offshoots of Judaism (the first Abrahamic religion). Aryanism has no religious affiliation, we believe in one thing, unity through nobility in the conquest of abolition slaver off all sentient beings (humans, animals, insects alike) and this Earth and confinement and on the road to liberation.

    Let’s speak hypothetically, let’s say the Zionists all dissapeared, we’d be left with still 2 other major problems, radical Christians and Muslims of whom are savages. We need to focus on uniting real potential Aryans, those who just don’t know their Aryan yet. Athiests, Vegans, those kinds of people. People who truly understand what it takes to become free of the shackles of the Western dominated Judeo-Christian machine that needs to be destroyed for an eternity.

    The Zionists will dig themselves their own grave, it’ll happen soon.

  13. fakenews says:

    @Ken (the jew)

    Goy: Do you have nukes?
    Jew: Yes and no.

    Now as for Htler:
    1. Antisemitism, if implemented would put all jews in jail immediately as antisemite is every man on the Earth.
    Every newborn child is atisemite as he has a right to live and jews are here to murder it according to its illegal religion and protocols of zion.
    The law in every country except israel states that religion which preaches genocide is illegal thus every one who practices it is a criminal.

    2. Totally irrelevant whether it is true or false.

    3. True then and now, see NPD of Germany and Jobbik of Hungary and many more around the World.
    Jews invented Nazi to fight NS as it is the most effective weapon against jews. Besides the German nick name for NS is Sozi not Nazi. Also, Hitler would be stupid not to take every dollars from jews. Jews must have assumed that the dollars would be spent against German folk. I guess Hitler double-crossed them, wouldn’t you?

    4. Jew is not a nation nor race, religion does not get transferred with genes. Even if Hitler’s parents would both be jews he would not be a jew if he was raised by non jew family. Founding israel was the best thing to do as jews have exposed them self to the World as psychopathic murderers, criminals and thieves thus they have to change names when living outside israel.


    “Ron Paul’s history proves who he is (never took Globalist Jew money)” except maybe PayPal?
    Notice: RP never proposed a class law suite against FED even though he knows that it is the main weapon of jew crime around the Wold. 17 trillions created by FED to drive global terrorism. Now, that qualifies for a huge class action suite and RP has the money and supporters in US and billions in Muslim world.

  14. Longinus says:

    >>>Most politically aware Arabs, Arab-Americans, Palestinians and Muslims, etc. consider Ron Paul a hopeful positive, let us say a transitional figure, helping move the American Empire out of the Mideast.

    Obama and his Occupy/Aryanists mob are not a good news for Muslims. Never trust the Western Socialists and their Afro-Israelite Messiah. Nazis and their Marxist bedfellows are just as bad for Muslims, Palestinians and Iran as the Conservative Crusaders are. They are also bad for us - secular freedon-loving Westerners who support Ron Paul.

    African fuhrer must loose his war against Iran! LONG LIVE THE FREE REPUBLIC !

  15. Hamdy says:

    Leonid, I dont know if Israel is more xioophnbec than any averahe European state. I think that the main difference is that in israel its acceptable to be a racist, while in Europe or USA it isnt. It doesnt mean people there dont fear the new arriving immigrants, it only means they talk less about it, or dont show it so openly like Israelis do.Dont get me wrong, I agree (as always) with most of what you say, but i think that just because Israel didnt develope to be the perfect state it maybe could have been, it doesnt mean theres no need in it, or no need in a Jewish state generally. The reason you see so few jews in europe is that they have left to USA, Israel or other places, or simply have been killed by the Nazis 60 years ago. Ive been to German towns, where they had signs on the walls marking the Jewish Ghetto that used to be there before ww2, and in most of these places you wont see even a single Jew today. Naturally, when this is the situation, of course the locals will care more for the muslim immigration than they care for jews, but again the jews are annoying enough, because there are not many of them, and there are no many of them, because most of them have left to Israel or USA.If someone closes Israel tommorow, and all the ashkenazim amog us will go back Europe im pretty sure we will see the same levels of antisemitism Europe had before ww2.I like your world-vision, and In theory I’d like to live in a world where everybody are accepted and getting along, and no one cares for nones ethnicity, culture or backgroud, but in reallity it simply cant work, and its not even because people are so evil, or anything like that.

  16. fakenews says:

    Hamdy the jew.

    “or simply have been killed by the Nazis 60 years ago.”

    You are posting jew shit at wrong place? Try NPD of Germany…

  17. Ahlam says:

    other thgnis he later had to recant or admit he had new information which brought him to new conclusions. Offhandedly I can think of his statements on blacks and the priesthood and the catholic church being the church of the devil referred to in scripture.From the corrupt country of England sprung the United states which was a fullfillment of revelations. From the Babylonian exile came the power and riches of non-Israelite nations to help the Jews reestablish Jerusalem at one time. The Lord often uses the wicked to chasten or humble his people or those who are more wicked. My point. Just because the UN planted a few Jew’s back in Jerusalem does not mean that the Lord had no hand in it. It doesn’t mean it was not the fullfillment of revelation. Elder McKonkie’s quote is just not enough in this case.Brian wrote Are we not alienating other nations? Correct me if I am wrong but I think it was Ballam that blessed the Israelites when he was asked to curse them. Was he not taking sides? Was he not alienating other nations, as you put it. Yet he obeyed the word of the Lord and spoke the blessing as it was given to him. What did Ballam know about the Israelites other than what God told him. I get that we are all God’s children but the Israelites have a special blood born promise upon their heads that God swore to Abraham. They can of course sin and fall under-condemnation but isn’t that God’s judgement to make not ours? Brian wrote Just because something is popular, and everyone is doing it, or thinking it, doesn?t make it right. Amen, but let’s not be so jaded that we assume that just because something is popular that it is bad either(although I would start from that assumption odd’s and all that). I don’t know if your in Utah or not(assuming you are) but standing for Israel is not popular in the least in the country at large. Not anymore. Not even in Hollywood anymore. I think folks like Glenn see huge financial and social upheaval coming. And history has shown a consistent pattern that when these thgnis happen Israelites (mainly Jew’s and also Adopted LDS Israelites) became scapegoats and the targets of demagogues. There have been many recent groundwork efforts to begin painting the Jews as that scapegoat again. Some, probably want to go on the record that blaming Jew’s or anyone other than the actual corrupt indivduals responsible, is not the answer. And will not be tolerated this time. I for one know only a handful of Jews but I plan on telling them right now that they can count me as a friend if the need ever arises. If they need a place to hide, protection or help of any kind. Simply because I see them being set up similar to a Weimar scenario. But the time may soon come when they will be too afraid to ask who their friends are . they need to know right now while the Ponzi scheme is still operational.This system is coming down and we have only ourselves to blame. We have turned our backs on God as a whole. It’s really as simple as that. He has let us reap what we have sown and the harvest is just getting started.I totally agree that war should only be defensive. The Book of Mormon makes this very clear as you documented very well. But the quote from Elder Kimball seems like it would apply negatively on Captain Moroni. A man who built heavy fortifications, weapons and armies yet maintained a defensive stance only. By the Elder Kimbal quote he would qualify as a counterfeit patriot. train a man in the art of war and call him a patriot, thus, in the manner of Satan?s counterfeit of true patriotism, perverting the Savior?s teaching come on. Mormon, under the direction of the Lord to compile a record for our times, made special effort to show Captain Moroni as a model of Sainthood and Patriotism. Going as far as to say that if all Men were like him, Satan would have no power over the hearts of men.(paraphrase)Brian posted Thomas Jefferson said: ?Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations ? entangling alliances with none. . .? (March 4, 1801; Works 8:4)’This is Jefferson’s view and not actually in the constitution. No more than separation of church and state. I am personally disgusted when the preamble’s general welfare reference is treated as if it is the actual constitution and is used by statist’s as authorization to do transfer payments. Libertarianism has much to admire but it is not my God. I get the feeling that your twisting and torquing yourself to adapt to Libertarianism’s view on the world even to unreasonably oppose Israels right to defend itself which is all I think people like Glenn Beck and others are doing.I don’t think Ron Paul would not begrudge a private citizen from lending their support to another nations defense as long as it is not the federal government. Heck even a state may be able to do it as long as it’s not in the name of the Fed’s. Not sure on that one. I agree with 95% of the articles I find here but this one just bothered me. Being pro Israel is not Anti Palestinian. I think a more consistent approach may be to be Pro-SelfDefense and Anti-aggression.

  18. Justin says:

    Now I’ve heard just about everything, with the reference in this comment section to Hitler being a Jew spy/infiltrator.

    If folks are so worried about Jewish domination, they might do well to quit giving him supernatural powers, and quit seeing a “conspiracy” in everything.

    The enemy is cunning, the enemy is devious, but omnipotent he ain’t.


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