I must have read through more than 10000 comments all over the web this week on the topic of Israeli piracy. The most significant observation is the change in tone of the pro-Israeli crowd, who as we must remember are a mix of: a) paid Israeli cyber-soldiers; b) international Jewish sayanim; c) ZC Gentiles (nationalists, neocons, sundry Islamophobes, etc.). Of course we still find the usual moral inversions (e.g. trying to give Israel positive credit for not killing anyone in its second hijacking, as if killing victims was Israel’s Yahweh-given privilege (according to the Tanakh and Talmud, it is!), and never mind the crime of the hijacking itself), but we also find a lot more aggression, such as boasts about Israeli military/political potency, threats of annihilating Muslims and even prophecies of divine intercession in Israel’s favour due to their ‘Chosenness’. This mirrors the insolent attitude of the Israeli government itself over this entire incident.

Two psychological processes are at work here. Gentiles who praise Israel for “having balls” are vicariously living out their own fantasies via Jewish actions, no different than fans of snuff porn. Jews who posture Zionist power, on the other hand, are behaving like a cornered reptilian that puffs itself up to intimidate its opponent because it knows it cannot win an actual fight. One of the most prominent memes spawned over the past few days, repeated by both Jews and Gentiles, is “Don’t bring a pipe to a gunfight.” The underlying sentiment is clear: overt celebration of force, without regard for justification.

The Aryan response is simple: don’t pull a gun on a pipe-wielder and then complain that you can’t parry. In other words, now that Jews show signs of dropping their age-old victim act, we must NEVER allow them to pick it back up.

Some years ago, Robert Faurisson speculated: “So the wandering Jew is about to hit the road again. In nearly every place he has sojourned, his conduct has aroused the revolt of the host population, which has finally ordered him to choose between the suitcase and the coffin. In today’s Israel, he will soon have need to pack his suitcase. He will make his way back to the rich lands that have been brainwashed by his holocaustic propaganda. Bewailing a second “Holocaust” and a third Destruction of the Temple will suffice: then he’ll demand new reparations, new privileges.”


It is our duty to lay the groundwork in collective consciousness so as to prevent such a scenario from coming to pass. When Israel falls, there must be no amnesty for the former Israeli settlers, nor refuge for their enablers from the Jewish diaspora. They will have to face those whom they once oppressed, and be judged by them.

A litmus test of whether the popular condemnation of Israeli piracy in Europe is just an unfocused feel-good protest or whether it has genuine power are the upcoming elections in the Netherlands, where previous polls have predicted that Geert Wilders (Jew) will enter government. Unless the results show a sudden decrease in support for Wilders, I will have to conclude that the effort to refine anti-Israel feelings into Christian-Mohammedan unity has not yet shown success.

Here is a concise video primer on Wilders for beginners (veterans please ignore the photos of ‘anti-Zionist Jews’ “For that part of Jewry which was styled Liberal did not disown the Zionists as if they were not members of their race but rather as brother Jews who publicly professed their faith in an unpractical way, so as to create a danger for Jewry itself. Thus there was no real rift in their internal solidarity.” - Adolf Hitler):


And here is a repost of an old favourite:


Some of our enemies are actually bringing up the Armenian massacre in an attempt to promote hostility towards Turkey. As the video above reminds us, do not forget to expose the Armenian massacre as a Jewish operation.

16 Responses to “The long haul”
  1. Revolt says:

    Hate to break this to you, but Hitler was a “Nationalist”, the people you claim are somehow working with Jewish interest, because its not like the Jew preaches “internationalism” right? Oh see you have something in common with them, build off that.

  2. Delendaestziobot says:

    “A nation is only a multitude of more or less similar individual beings. Its strength lies in the value of the individual beings forming it as such and the character and the extent of the sameness of the values” - Adolf Hitler.

    The context of Hitler’s folk “Nationalism” is not one of imposed geographical borders but relation by similar value, which is universal and cannot be contained within a border whether imagined or real.

  3. Revolt says:

    “A nation is only a multitude of more or less similar individual beings. Its strength lies in the value of the individual beings forming it as such and the character and the extent of the sameness of the values” – Adolf Hitler.
    Which is what already exists more or less.

    Which “similar individual beings” are not currently united under current national flags?
    What goes on today is: Jewish promoted world internationalism. By encouraging, promoting, creating, and advancing the union of un-similar people with different values and world views etc. Creating a rootless, consumerist, mass.
    One of the few things Hitler disagreed with Marx on was their perspective view of Nationalism and Internationalism.

  4. Delendaestziobot says:

    “Which similar individual beings are not currently united under current flags”

    Aryans are currently not represented by any flag or state, all current imposed geographical borders comprising so called “Nations” today are a mixed multitude of varying races, creeds, religions, languages and values.

    You might ask yourself; within your geographical borders of State, how many races are present? how many languages are spoken? how many religious orientations? how vast are the differences in values and standards? And most of all why are Jews under all flags freely practicing their crimes?

    We both agree that the International Jew is responsible for adulterated mess of disunity present in all current nations, is this a shared view dictated by geographical borders? No. I would submit to you, that today, the shared views, experiences, values and similarity of souls and nature is not defined by any flag or State borders as they exist presently but transend all borders and simple flags.

    Aryans as Hitler agreed have always migrated, were never content with borders, a border was just unconquered land to the Roman, have the Jews followed us all over the Earth? Yes, how else would the parasites survive? It is the Aryan who is the true adventurer, explorer, knowing no bounds, and this has taken him to the ends of the earth, and where he has gone and conquered and built civilization his enemy the Jew has followed and sought to debase and adulterate that civilization. So now at present the Aryan is spread thoughout the Earth, in some places more then others naturally but nonetheless not confined to one specific location.

  5. Revolt says:

    “Aryans are currently not represented by any flag or state”
    Depends on what you define Aryan as. If Aryan is meant to represent Nordic blood, then there are pretty much their own Nations. If Aryan is meant to represent metaphysical attributes, then I would go as far to say maybe a handful, if any, Aryans exist, so it is a moot point.

    “all current imposed geographical borders comprising so called “Nations” today are a mixed multitude of varying races, creeds, religions, languages and values.”

    Agreed. And that is thanks to people losing their importance of Nationalism, and instead becoming internationalist. Now Europe is flooded with Arabs, Africans, etc. America with Mestizos, Asians etc. Africa with whites, and soon enough the Asian people will have multi-racial, cultural internationalism in their countries.
    The writer of this article, goes as far as to link “Nationalist” with “ZC gentiles”, ZC meaning what Zionist Christian? Zionist Criminals? When statements like that are not only inaccurate, but childish. It is easy to see how the mindset of the writer works. Anything he can attribute to “Bad” or “evil” is “Zionist” so since he is a internationalist, he has to link Nationalism with “Zionism”. When in reality, Nationalist are a dying breed, and in direct opposition to world Jewish (not Zionist) agenda.

  6. Delendaestziobot says:

    it may be worthwhile if you read through the site index for an understanding of terminology and background context, purpose, etc.

    ‘Aryan’ means nobility, nobility according to Aryanism philosophy is the devotion to freedom by the active rejection of slavery either physical or spiritual.

  7. Revolt says:

    “it may be worthwhile if you read through the site index for an understanding of terminology and background context, purpose, etc.

    ‘Aryan’ means nobility, nobility according to Aryanism philosophy is the devotion to freedom by the active rejection of slavery either physical or spiritual.”

    Freedom? LOL what is Freedom but an abstract term? Get your head out of the clouds and back on Earth.

  8. Revolt says:

    All that being beside the point anyways. This conversation can go in circles forever so lets do it simple, basic and to the point.
    1. Nations as they exist today, for the most part, at least in the host people, are cultural, traditionally and biologically similar.
    2. Open borders and destruction of separate sovereign nations destroys culture, tradition, blood and is sin against natures design.
    3. In the protocols, and many other places the Jews have shown the agenda of promoting internationalism and one world rule.
    4. Hitler was a Nationalist; in the sense of he wouldn’t allow Jews, Africans, Arabs, Slavs, Asians, southern European, Eastern European to reside in Germany and breed with German women.
    Now which of the 4 points do we disagree on and why?

  9. Delendaestziobot says:

    Freedom as oppossed to slavery, seeking a state of being whereby you are not held in bondage against your will, not conforming to existing modes of servitude, actively seeking to free oneself and others from despotic, autocratic, arbitrary, tyrannical forms of government, forced oppression, etc.

  10. Delendaestziobot says:


    I would suggest you read the ‘Politics’ section on this blog, for an Aryanist view on preservationist style Nationalism.

  11. Revolt says:

    “Freedom as oppossed to slavery, seeking a state of being whereby you are not held in bondage against your will, not conforming to existing modes of servitude, actively seeking to free oneself and others from despotic, autocratic, arbitrary, tyrannical forms of government, forced oppression, etc.”

    Uhhhh and you quote Hitler? Are you going to honestly say Hitler wasn’t despotic? Are you going to honestly say Hitler didn’t force people to fit into the NS philosophy?
    What it sounds like is, you indorse is similar to what libertarians believe.

    “I would suggest you read the ‘Politics’ section on this blog, for an Aryanist view on preservationist style Nationalism.”

    Yeah I read it, like I said the people at the blog support internationalism, and multi-racial societies, and those who don’t are “racist” “jews” etc. I guess science, biology, eugenics, nature etc have no valid place. Also I found it odd the use of Jewish terms such as “racist” and “gentile”, but not only the use of the Kosher terms, but using them the exact same way the Jews use him. “Racist” the blog uses it to describe, and put a negative connotation on racial aware people, racial Nationalist, etc and “Gentiles” instead of “Jews” and “Gentiles” now its “Aryan and Gentiles”. Also the beliefs stated are not an “Aryanist” point of view. But rather the “individuals” peoples/persons behind the blog.

    Now enough with the sidetrack just get back to the 4 points I stated, just go down the list, with an simple “yes” or “no”, and “why”. You can clearly state your view and defend it, right? Or can you just continue on about abstract concepts and utopist idealisms?

  12. Delendaestziobot says:

    ‘Revolt’ - “Are you going to honestly say Hitler wasn’t despotic?”

    Yes. Adolf Hitler was a liberator, Germany was technically at war before Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor, oppressed by crippling sanctions and reparations, battling a stealth infiltration by foreign communists, Judea had never let up its war on Germany and had given another formal declaration of war in 1933, hostile enemies were arriving in numbers from around the world to slice up what was left of the defeated, ruined Germany. Hitler emerged as a popular, respected leader who actively resisited external tyranny being enforced on the German people. Since Germany is the key and anchor nation in the heart of Europe, Hitler was the natural deserving leader of liberation for all of Europe from the oppressive regime of Jewish-Marxist Communism which had swept accross Europe with devastating consequences.

    Adolf Hitler was a Saviour not just for German people but all Aryans, without Hitler and the National Socialists the condition of the world today would be far worse, in fact completely lost, crushed and gutted by the tyrannical Communist Marxism, that still threatens the world today, but our Fuhrer’s noble defience and leadership in the face of overwhelming odds, bought future generations crucial time, hope, purpose, ideaology and provided the genius to spark and reignite the slumbering Aryan spirit.

  13. Revolt says:

    Ok, just like I thought you can only Spout off a bunch of non-factual half-baked personally created perceptions and just repeat over and over again.

  14. Delendaestziobot says:

    ad hominen.

  15. Revolt says:

    “ad hominen”
    No, sorry it is actually quite factual.
    Anyone reading the conversation would draw the same conclusions. I tried to ask questions on the inconsistencies of the article and beliefs, and hold discussion on it and I was met with an onslaught of abstract statements, personal perception of quotes and not a single specific question or statement addressed. And now Im the “ad hominen” attacker? Reminds me of an old proverb “they cry out in pain as they strike you”. Kinda the same thing going on here.

    Maybe in planet Arya you guys hold discussion differently; I don’t know, but down here on Earth with us mere earthlings’, people usually address each other’s questions, observations, and statements with direct responses.

  16. [...] Aryanism [ might be unsavory ] - The long haul [...]

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