The last word on Marxism

I recently added a link to this page on the main site:

but I feel it is important enough to also post here for extra emphasis, the reason being that over the years I have been (as regular readers will have surely witnessed) slandered as a “Marxist”/”communist” more times than I can count, both by sundry uneducable useful idiots and by occasional deliberately trolling Zionist agents, whereas I myself have been insisting the entire time that the racist far-right are the true Bolsheviks of the 21st century, also on this page:

and in many blog comments (not to mention at times having to resort to pointing at pop culture Soviet caricatures such as Ivan Drago(!) and Zangief(!!) to get my point across…..)

Finally, a renowned Marxist scholar has taken the trouble to write an article which, in effect, declares me to have been correct all along and those who call today’s leftists “Marxists”/”communists” to have never had the slightest clue what they are talking about. He himself is significantly sympathetic to the Alt-Right, which just further rests my case as to where 21st century Bolshevism is to be found:

Marx Would Line Today’s Leftists Up Against the Wall and Shoot Them

Slavoj Zizek, the world’s most famous living Marxist theorist, wrote an interesting column in the Independent the other day. He defended the alt-right and populist right-wing figures like Steve Bannon by saying that they represent a genuine form of class consciousness, in other words they understand that their primary enemies are the bourgeois globalist elite who currently control the establishment of both parties.

In Marxist thought, the lumpenproletariat are proletarians (that is: workers) who lack class consciousness … Black Lives Matter activists are often deployed against the alt-right and other working class whites to instill violence and shut down their pro-worker rallies — does this not make Black Lives matter the very definition of lumpenproles?

As for the LGBT movement, … they focus exclusively on homosexuality, transsexuality, and other non-hetero sexualities that were illegal in most Marxist countries because they were considered a form of bourgeois sexual deviancy. And judging by today’s society, it seems the Marxists were right about that. …

Immigrant rights groups, which represent a powerful faction within today’s left, don’t give a damn about worker’s issues. …

Lastly, we have violent far-left groups like Antifa and By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). Who are they made up of? Go into any working class community and try to find a chapter of either of these groups — good luck.

This, overall, holds true for the rest of the left: none of them have a class consciousness, they are all either rich boujee kids from the suburbs or lumpenproletariat who have been fooled into believing that hating whitey or straight people is more important than class struggle. If anything, if a modern Marxist revolution actually happened in the West, all of these groups would be lined up against the wall and shot as traitors to class struggle. So how could any truly class-conscious movement like the alt-right or the populist right take the modern left seriously?

You may recall that I made virtually the same assertion long ago when I invited readers to imagine what Stalin or Mao would think of today’s leftists. Frankly, it’s not a difficult thought experiment.

The most important thing to remember is that Hitler, who should indeed be remembered for his fight against Marxism, was fighting against the real Marxism as is accurately depicted by the above article, not what Red Pill junkies erroneously call “Marxism” today. It is precisely those useful idiots who imagine that Hitler was fighting against Red-Pill-hallucinatory ”Marxism” who necessarily presume that Hitler’s ideology was the same as neo-Nazism. On the other hand, it is those who understand that Hitler was fighting against the real Marxism who have an easier time beginning to understand authentic National Socialism.

In short, I wholly agree with the title of the linked article: yes, Marx would line today’s leftists up against a wall and shoot them. I only add: fortunately, Hitler would shoot Marx before Marx could shoot today’s leftists.

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107 Responses to The last word on Marxism

  1. Otto says:

    I am not a “National Socialist” by the way… I dont have nation to belong to.

  2. Anti Capitalist says:

    About Aryanism view on Communism :

    “The communist state is opposed to such things as private property and firearm ownership because it cannot even trust its people to be devout communists. The National Socialist state has no problem with private property or firearm ownership”

    No matter how good your efforts to make human beings noble, sense of greedy, arrogant, more selfish than others will still exist, because it is part of human natural instinct, every human being has a different ability to solve the material problem, if property is permitted to be owned by each individual, then individuals who have strong ability to solve material problems will always have better private property than those who are weak in solving those problems, it will make jealousy come from other individuals who are not as fortunate as they are, it will cause social jealousy, which in turn creates riots, create division along class lines again, even battle or war if we allow each individual to have firearms

    The conclusion is, socialize human being is good, but with socialize factory and property too, it will better. All material possession will be controlled by the state

  3. William Eastfield says:

    >The conclusion is, socialize human being is good, but with socialize factory and property too, it will better. All material possession will be controlled by the state

    And then what, so that those same selfishpeople take control of the State and end up owning EVERYTHING?

  4. Anti Capitalist says:

    @William Eastfield

    “And then what, so that those same selfishpeople take control of the State and end up owning EVERYTHING?”

    If a state are controlled by group of noble individuals, we can trust that they will manage the state asset and property fairly

  5. William Eastfield says:

    Even then, eradicating the notion of personal property does not eradicate (genetic) selfishness. Selective breeding is the only thing that can ultimately destroy ignobility ~ however, I think you’re intents are noble, and you’re right that people use private property as medium of selfishness. But what you’re proposing does not address the route of the matter (shit genetics). I predict that the abolition of private property (Communism) will lead to sentiments of anti-individualism, mob-rule, and hypercollectivism and Democracy in general, so it should be avoided.

  6. Mza9 says:


    I would also suggest you allow your imagination to expand your own view on private property a little. First off, what’s if the economy was put into second place as far as importance goes, instead of first place, as it is now in the West, and most of the rest of the western influenced world? Well, for one we would no-longer all be subject to those ridiculous streams of stock-market numbers that scroll on the bottom of every news stations and media outlets news feeds, which is precisely what those scrolling numbers are meant to remind us all of, the fact that the ‘economy’ and economic growth is the number one priority of western civilization, which is suicidal considering we live on a finite planet…

    If economic considerations were not of first importance and priority, do you think people would gradually become less selfish?

    Furthermore, what’s if housing was of no real concern and people did not need to spend an entire lifetime attempting to pay of a mortgage? How would that change society? What’s if a person was put in a housing lottery as soon as they were born, and as soon as they graduated high-school they were given a home by the state for very cheap, and that home would be there’s until they die? Sure, people could trade homes if they did not like the home they received from the state, as long as both parties consented to the trade…. But, this would all be possible if ‘population and demographics’ were kept in check by the state, because then a constantly expanding housing supply would never be needed in the first place, and a home would always be allotted to an individual as soon as they are born.

    I think my overarching point here is that perhaps you need to expand your own thought process a little when you think of ‘private property’. If you’re only conclusion is that ‘private property is bad, therefore communism is good’, when thinking on the issue of private property, then I think you have not done your due-diligence in regards to tackling that problem from a true ideological standpoint.

    There are many ways to think of private property, do not be herded by Judaic thought on this subjects.

  7. Anti Capitalist says:

    @William Eastfield

    “Even then, eradicating the notion of personal property does not eradicate (genetic) selfishness. Selective breeding is the only thing that can ultimately destroy ignobility”

    I support your way of controlling the state through selective breeding for genetic cleaning and population control, because the world is finite and human need to be designed for noble purpose, but we also want to make people to be avoided from feeling of jealousy and want to be selfish, through material conditioning method by nationalizing private property. So, we not only make people unselfish, unjealous, and being noble, but we also make them in an environment where they will have less, even not be able to have selfish and jealous feelings

    “I predict that the abolition of private property (Communism) will lead to sentiments of anti-individualism, mob-rule, and hypercollectivism and Democracy in general”

    We can abolish private property while still promoting to society about the importance of individual nobility. Only in matter of distributing material possession we must control more deeply, but in terms of educating and controlling human, we use worldview from the most noble and kind individuals


    “If economic considerations were not of first importance and priority, do you think people would gradually become less selfish?”

    Yes, but their ignoble atittude will still exist until we control human from genetic level through selective reproduction which needs more research, project, and study

    “Furthermore, what’s if housing was of no real concern and people did not need to spend an entire lifetime attempting to pay of a mortgage? How would that change society?”

    People will experience relief in dealing with economic problems, it can also make people’s mental health improve, because they will not have a sense of competition in terms of material ownership and economic power, which makes empathy diminished and even disappear for those who succeed in competing because they feel proud, and envy and disappointment from them who failed to compete. Those who succeed will think that if they can, then others can too, and they will also think that the inability of people who fail is simply due to “laziness”, besides the fail to compete in interacting with material can be caused by limited ability in thinking and physical strenght

    Humans are not the same, and they are different, not only physically, but also from the ability to think and psychology are also different

    “Sure, people could trade homes if they did not like the home they received from the state, as long as both parties consented to the trade…. But, this would all be possible if ‘population and demographics’ were kept in check by the state”

    Of course, I agree with population and demographics control, considering that the mainland in the world cannot be overpopulated because it has a limit

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