Just in case anyone has missed the memo: Jan Brewer (Governor of Arizona) is Jewish. I was pretty much ignoring what was going on in Arizona until I read Gentile comments praising her as the American version of Geert Wilders (Jew), so I checked, and indeed it was no surprise:

Brewer was born in Hollywood, California to Perry and Edna Drinkwine, and raised in a conservative Jewish Ashkenazi home (surname originally Dernkwein).

(Thanks to ZionistPower for saving the information originally posted on (Jewish-controlled) Wikipedia; it has since been deleted.)

It seems that everywhere we look, someone is trying to get someone else annoyed. We have Belgium and France banning the veil (my advice to the victims: wear a hygeine mask instead); we have Gentile pustule Lars Vilks (who would have been classified as a degenerate artist in National Socialist Germany) and his material making the rounds in Sweden; we have South Africans in the UK trying to use the attention towards the upcoming World Cup to promote a race war; we have the ridiculous ’Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’ claiming to be a free speech demonstration (when will we see these cowards do an ‘Everybody Question the Holocaust Day’?) but in fact is just aimed at insulting Muslims; and on top of all this we have Zionist South Korea trying to start WWIII with what seems to have been yet another false flag attack (in the wake of this news story is a good time to tell people about the attack on the USS Liberty).

Osher Litzman (right)

Until we have reason to believe otherwise, we assume North Korea is on our side. It is believed to have no resident Jews, does not recognize Israel, and supports other countries which do not recognize Israel such as Iran, Syria and Pakistan. With regard to the alleged torpedo, what could possibly be its motive for sinking an arbitrary ship?

All friction benefits our enemies. Every group has well-meaning people trying to talk their more stupid members out of escalating the friction, but I believe this will become less and less effective if they keep using the old rhetoric of criticizing ‘extremism’. The problem is not ‘extremism’, but tribalism. Not ‘hatred’, but selfishness. Not ‘fanaticism’, but preservationism. Not ‘supremacism’, but nepotism. As long as people place their own group above the other in importance simply because it is their own, pointless violence will continue. If the anti-war activists are unwilling to upgrade their vocabulary to highlight this issue, they might as well not bother with their activism at all. Those who sincerely want peace must first acknowledge the causes of unnecessary war.

Whatever happens ahead, remember the Aryanists. We - perhaps we alone - were the ones who truly wanted peace.

“The German nation wishes to live in peace with the rest of the world. But it is for this very reason that the Government of the Reich will employ every means to obtain the final removal of the division of the nations of the world into two categories.” - Adolf Hitler


4 Responses to “The friction engine”
  1. Delendaestziobot says:

    All the peoples of this Earth have a common enemy, all have now suffered the parasitism of Jewry and its deadly consequences.

  2. whatever says:

    Whats the point in pointing out the Gov. of Arizona is Jewish? Do you have a problem with the bill? If so, what is it? Are you even American? Or just another hypocrite internationalist ? Are you trying to say since the Ari gov. is jewish, that Arizona Immigration bill is somehow bad? Do you really see things in such black and white, or did it take you time to become so mentally lazy?

  3. Revolt says:

    What’s the difference between your “Aryanism” and communist-hippies?

  4. [...] arabs against Christians and white Europeans to cause division and visa-vera, I refer you to this article for an overview of that propaganda, and this page of the main Aryanism site for an [...]

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