It took mainstream journalism long enough, but finally here is a well-written summary that gets to the core of the matter:
Trump’s argument is that he has a unique grasp, via direct experience and participation, of all the ways in which our political and economic system is rigged to make it easier for people such as himself to fleece working Americans. This understanding of how the game really works positions him well to fix it. He has been in on the elites’ scam for decades, and now, having made a killing off of it, he’s here to put an end to it.
Trump has made this argument explicitly, again and again and again, in multiple different ways. At the most recent GOP debate, Trump effectively declared that he understood better than any other candidate that politicians are bought and paid for — because he has bought and paid for politicians himself! At the debate, Trump also rebuffed criticism of his reliance on immigrant labor here and foreign labor abroad by arguing that “because nobody knows the system better than me…I’m the one that knows how to change it.” Trump didn’t apologize for these things. Instead, he converted them into evidence that he understands how immigration and global trade rules are enabling people like himself to screw over workers, while his rivals don’t.
Trump recently acknowledged that he’s been milking the system for a very long time, but turned that, too, into an argument for his candidacy. “I’ve always been greedy. I love money, right?” he said. “But you know what? I want to be greedy for our country.”
My strong suspicion is that attacks on Trump’s less-than-pristine ways of acquiring his wealth, which are designed to portray him as a sleazy, greedy profiteer, lead a lot of GOP voters, particularly his supporters, to say: “So Trump is a sleazy, greedy, profiteer? Good — please be sleazy, greedy and profiteering on my behalf.”
We National Socialists have a name for the Trump effect: DEMOCRACY.
I’ll also repost Miecz’s link (earlier posted in a comment) here:
In private discussions among a few of our team members, we outlined four scenarios regarding Trump’s presidential bid and ranked them according to political favourability:
1) Trump wins the Republican nomination and then loses the presidential election.
(This is the best scenario because it would demonstrate that the GOP made a mistake in nominating someone like Trump, and hopefully would result in a very different type of GOP nominee for 2020.)
2) Trump loses the GOP nomination, and then the GOP nominee wins the presidential election.
(This is the second best scenario, because it would show that the GOP can win without Trump.)
3) Trump loses the GOP nomination, and then the GOP nominee loses the presidential election.
(This is trublesome, as it would galvanize GOP belief that someone like Trump could have won, and hence lead to either Trump again or an even more far-right nominee in 2020. But at least it would still buy us four years to organize.)
4) Trump wins the GOP nomination and then wins the presidential election.
(This is the worst scenario, as it would bring disaster at once, when we are still nowhere near ready organizationally.)
Now with Trump the presumptive GOP nominee, we can basically count out 2) and 3). This means we will get either the best or the worst scenario by the end of the year. This is a high-risk situation. Therefore between now and November, I ask that all Aryanists in the US make stopping Trump your most immediate activism priority.
It’s not that we in any way like Clinton or Sanders - of course we don’t! - but as I was saying in private earlier, at least if either of them as president wanted to do something unethical, they would have to lie about why they are doing it in order to justify it, whereupon we can then expose their lie. In contrast, if Trump as president wanted to do something unethical, he would not have to lie about why he is doing it, but merely explain how it is beneficial to his clientele. This is the difference between PC presidents, who must at least make a semblance of caring about the general good (even though they don’t), and a hypothetical ZC president, who need not even pretend to care about anyone other than his own voters. This is the frightening thing about a hypothetical ZC era.
Do not be lulled into a false sense of security this time round like many were at the beginning of the Trump candidacy, assuming Trump had no realistic chance. We all saw how that turned out. Dismissing Trump will not stop him. The only way to stop Trump is to stand up to him. And standing up to him means standing up to his popularity, which begins with honestly admitting his popularity, not (as the spineless False Left prefers to do) trying to weave an illusion of him being less popular than he actually is in order to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. A popular tyranny is tyranny nonetheless, and in fact the most cowardly form of tyranny possible when you think about it, as it involves by far the least risk to the tyrant’s personal safety. At least the unpopular tyrant has to live with daily fear of mass uprising; the popular tyrant has no such fear.
“This new invention of democracy is very closely connected with … the cowardice of a large section of our so-called political leaders. Whenever important decisions have to be made they always find themselves fortunate in being able to hide behind the backs of what they call the majority. … That is the main reason why this kind of political activity is abhorrent to men of character and courage, while at the same time it attracts inferior types. … The majority represents not only ignorance but also cowardice.” - Adolf Hitler
If Trump supporters boast to you that >50% of the US population supports Trump, do not dispute their boast; instead, tell them that even if 80% of the US population supports Trump, our duty is to defend that remaining 20% (or even less) from oppression, and that is why we oppose Trump. This is the heroism of anti-democracy. This is National Socialism.
“The greatest credit which the army of the old Empire deserves is that, at a time when the person of the individual counted for nothing and the majority was everything, it placed individual personal values above majority values. By insisting on its faith in personality, the army opposed that typically Jewish and democratic apotheosis of the power of numbers.” - Adolf Hitler
If you live in the US and would like to help us stop Trump, we want to hear from you. Join our comment discussion, or send in a contact form:
Scotland continues to set an example of sanity:
“For reasons of economy geography history language and culture Scotland’s future lies with England and Wales rather than Bulgaria and Romania” - George Galloway
In case you don’t already have more than enough reasons to vote against Trump, here is yet another:
I don’t really understand all the Trump bashing… Is there an American candidate that is worth supporting?
Did you read this paragraph from the original post?
It’s not that we in any way like Clinton or Sanders – of course we don’t! – but as I was saying in private earlier, at least if either of them as president wanted to do something unethical, they would have to lie about why they are doing it in order to justify it, whereupon we can then expose their lie. In contrast, if Trump as president wanted to do something unethical, he would not have to lie about why he is doing it, but merely explain how it is beneficial to his clientele. This is the difference between PC presidents, who must at least make a semblance of caring about the general good (even though they don’t), and a hypothetical ZC president, who need not even pretend to care about anyone other than his own voters. This is the frightening thing about a hypothetical ZC era.
When candidates are bad in the same way, it is acceptable to support none of them. When candidates are bad in different ways, we must try to stop the candidate who is bad in the most dangerous way.