I just want to post a few very quick notes to the large number of anti-Zionists currently engaged in propaganda warfare over the IDF attack on the aid ship to Gaza. Yes, now is a good time to build momentum, but this time let us please try to streamline our efforts so as to maximize effectiveness.

1) Under no circumstances compare Israel to ‘the Nazis’. This is a mistake made by some newcomers to the subject, as well as a common deliberate tactic of Zionist agents posing as anti-Zionists. Instead we should ask: as we listen to Israel’s shameless inversion of truth about the attack on the aid ship and the conditions in Gaza, can anyone seriously believe they were being honest about the so-called ’Holocaust’?

2) Relentlessly point out the Jewish identity (where applicable) of non-Israeli, pro-Israel propagandists (Pamela Geller, David Horowitz, Melanie Philips, Lawrence Auster, Debbie Schlussel, etc.). As for the apparently anti-Israel Jews, ask them: why have they not declared apostasy from their Jewish heritage as a whole, since it is the Jewish identity that led to demand for a Jewish State of Israel in the first place?

3) Avoid getting stuck in a debate over ‘rights’. Instead, observe how the pro-Israel propagandists constantly resort to claims about Israel’s ‘right to exist’ that supposedly justifies its attacks on anyone it doesn’t like, thereby discrediting the concept of ‘rights’ altogether. Israel does not have a ‘right’ to exist, nor does Palestine. The only question we should be asking is the Aryanist question: which people, by their nobility of spirit, are more deserving of support?

4) Compare the policies proposed by the ZC ethnonationalist parties to the policies of Israel and note their unflattering similarities (e.g. Nick Griffin’s idea of sinking all ships carrying African immigrants). Thus link anti-Israel sentiment to anti-nationalist sentiment. Ask the ethnonationalists: how can they defend the ethnostate and then expect to be effective in calling for an end to the Jewish ethnostate?

5) Explicitly promote solidarity between Christianity and Islam on account of their common opposition to Judaism. In order to achieve this, do not hesitate to slam Christians who insult Muslims and Muslims who insult Christians. (If you get this far, mention that both Jesus and Mohammed were anti-Zionists murdered by Jews, and that the Second Christ and the Mahdi are expected to fight side by side against the Antichrist/Dajjal (ie. Jewish Messiah).)

Let’s see how it develops. Keep up the effort!

4 Responses to “Streamlining the message”
  1. oregoncoug says:

    Superb and most timely propaganda advice, AS!

  2. Delendaestziobot says:

    Good advice, thanks!

    Israel is a racist Jewish State, an illegal State, but let us never forget that the Jews are a landless people with no homeland, they are international and spread throughout the world, an unproductive, parasitical race.

  3. oregoncoug says:

    Fine comments, Kamerad Delendaestziobot! Fine moniker as well.

  4. Delendaestziobot says:

    Thankyou ‘oregoncoug’

    At this stage when we have a number of non-jewish souls awakening but still suffering the effects of Kosher Konservatism, they are inclined to tentatively use the term ‘Israel’ thus handing some legitamcy, as if Israel is a country and nation in its own right and so similar to all other countries and nations of the earth, when in fact ‘Israel’ is nothing like any other nation, it is exclusively a Jewish and an illeagal racist State openly engaged in genocide. ‘The Jewish State of Israel’ can be used as a stepping stone if you will in propaganda activity with those just awakening and still a little green.

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