Occupy Wall Street?

First of all, please try to stay on topic in the comments. The last post was about Kashmir, so please discuss Kashmir (or at least other secessionist possibilities) there. Including a request about another topic is fine, but please do not ignore the supposed main topic of the post in order to do so.

If you want to talk about Occupy Wall Street, please do so underneath THIS post.

Also, Miecz suggested a new delegation:


We all already know that leaderless protests of this kind are not only chaotic, but become a venue for the enemy to further spread the ideas (and even controlled opposition leaders) they want the protestors to follow. We should be paying attention to which public figures are trying to appear sympathetic to the protestors, and considering their motives.

The most frustrating thing about these protests is that the protestors, with their “We the 99%” rhetoric, are implicitly drawing the lines of opposition as Capitalism vs Democracy, and asking for the government to come to their support against Wall Street, which of course is nonsense. If we want to at least get the protestors roughly on track, our priority should be pointing out that democracy places power in the hands of the rich, who (by funding campaigns, lobbies and owning media) influences the outcome of virtually all democratic politics. Never mind the old slogan: “Fighting communism with democracy is like trying to stab a villain who is shooting at you.” We need to promote a new slogan: “Fighting capitalism with democracy is like asking the villain to sell you the bullet you need to shoot him with.” It’s just not going to happen. The only way to change anything is by making bullets yourself.

And this goes back to something we’ve been promoting for a long time, namely switching over to an alternative economy. If all the thousands of Occupy Wall Street protestors were willing to become a folk and barter with each other for basic products and services, they could begin to drop out of the system instead of just complaining about it. So what should be happening is Miecz, rockstar, etc. getting down there and putting on a mailing list anyone who would support a citywide barter network. It shouldn’t be Occupy Wall Street, it should be Cut Out Wall Street! This is how National Socialism begins.

If all the unemployed people in New York could eventually start something like this, and trade exclusively with each other, then we’re all set:


“A solid stock of small and medium farmers has at all times been the best protection which a nation could have against the social diseases that are prevalent to-day. Moreover, that is the only solution which guarantees the daily bread of a nation within the framework of its domestic national economy. With this condition once guaranteed, industry and commerce would retire from the unhealthy position of foremost importance which they hold to-day and would take their due place within the general scheme of national economy, adjusting the balance between demand and supply. Thus industry and commerce would no longer constitute the basis of the national subsistence, but would be auxiliary institutions.” - Adolf Hitler

At the very least the Occupy Wall Street protests need to be turned at once into a mass movement to boycott all big businesses and doing as much of their shopping from small businesses only, and then figuring it out from there:


(One last thing: there are other groups advocating a parallel economy, but their idea is based on going back to the gold standard. Expose them as the Zionist agents they are.)

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5 Responses to Occupy Wall Street?

  1. Flake says:

    What about:
    “Tear down this Wall Street”
    It would give the slogan an extra dimension.

  2. ancient_man says:

    “Tear down this Wall Street”
    The ZION jew vampire would gladly pay you for this is you could do it!

  3. Jason says:

    Good proposals.

    I have been trying to make time to get down there. It is correct that these protests are doomed to fail, 1) because they are leaderless. 2) because they are mainly liberal college students, thinking that by protesting (holding sings, sleeping in the parks downtown, and dancing in the streets) it will change something. Very few have resisted misconduct by the police. 3) being that they are an aimless bulk, a crowd of Anarchists, Communists, Ron Paul supporters, Liberals, anti-capitalists (as well as a small number of anti-Zionists) and bystanders are not going to abrogate the stock-commodity-speculative property institution and also abrogate the government that treats them as such.

    Again, fantastic ideas. The way to smash the economic system is by revolutionizing our goods and services to our advantage within the legality of the so-called “free trade’ system,” thus causing Wall Street more damage than protesting and yet ironically buying products produced by corporations, which they are protesting. Although, I see too few Volksgenossen amongst these people to perceive your proposals as functionable.

  4. rockstar says:

    yes, brilliant. that would be a good way to boycott the corporations. people should be encouraged to barter and buy from small local bussinesses. AND theres another way too. if there wold be a lot of national socialist/aryainst workers employed at a big plant or factory, they could pool their money and buy out the workplace from the boss. and they could then run it collectively on a nazi model. same thing with farms. if enough aryanist/nazi farmers would come together and create one big collective farm, then that would be very beneficial. thats whats good about our free market democratic society lol, we could actually buy our way into a national socialist economy.

  5. Aryanist says:

    (continued from “Strategic secession: Kashmir” blog entry)

    “…personally I dont give a damn about the bourgeouisie. sure they (small bussiness) suffer from the giant mega-corporations too, however given the chance they would exploit the workers just as bad as the corporations do.”


    Rockstar, you do realize that statement is the essence of Marxism. The assumption of exploitation in all businesses without encountering all businesses yourself is putting trust an omniscient Monotonous Marxist Yahweh!

    I’ve worked in respectable businesses based on camaraderie, never feeling myself exploited(these I wish to protect!). I’ve also worked for others(businesses) and felt the opposite. Marxists would want me to feel exploited in both!

    You did say above,

    “people should be encouraged to barter and buy from small local businesses”, so maybe we have an honest misunderstanding.


    “if enough aryanist/nazi farmers would come together and create one big collective farm, then that would be very beneficial. thats whats good about our free market democratic society lol, we could actually buy our way into a national socialist economy.”-rockstar

    Not that I disagree, but it must be clear that collectivism it could be, and ONLY BE just ONE aspect of both Aryansim and National Socialism.

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