New forum

From now on, please discuss news, current events, broad ideology, etc. here:

This blog will return to a narrower topical focus. In this way, I hope the comment sections will also suffer less foppery henceforth.

As for the new forum, please feel welcome to invite leftists that you know from elsewhere to join up!

(IIWII, please feel welcome to share your True Left content over there.)

In other news, Chad has defected:

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5 Responses to New forum

  1. Anon says:

    I thought you meant ‘Chad’ as in the stereotypical normalfag for a few seconds then. Made me giggle.

  2. ItIsWhatItIs says:

    The president if Chad would have done well to watch my latest video that YouTube censored titled: The Truth That Most “Whites” And “Blacks” Can’t Handle!

    Thank you YouTube for proving my point! It’s good to see that YT is adamantly going out of it’s way to shoot Jewry in it’s feet as much as possible! Brilliant I tell ya!

    This is Jewry’s downfall for sure, they cannot handle the truth, nor do they understand how best to respond. They seem intent on making themselves look as bad as possible in the eyes of God, and humanity, at this point….

  3. Mza9 says:

    More proof that Hitler was not rightist at all:

    “I had always hated the parliament, yet not at all as an institution in itself. On the contrary, as a liberal thinking man I could not imagine any other possible form of government, for my attitude towards the House of Habsburg being what it was, I would have considered any kind of dictatorship a crime against all liberty and reason.” — Adolf Hitler

  4. hanjar says:


    Found that website from ages ago. This could be evidenced on the main site.

    February 3, 2013, the right-wing islamophobiac Generation Identity openly declaring their hostility towards National Socialism as left-wing ideology.

    I’ll also quote Alter Kämpfer and Waffen SS Sturmbannführer Lars Omar Amin von Leers:

    “We did not permit usury or even traffic in stolen goods, but kept them in a state of oppression and anxiety. If the rest of the world had adopted a similar policy, we would not have a Jewish Question (Judenfrage)…. As a religion, Islam indeed performed an eternal service to the world: it prevented the threatened conquest of Arabia by the Jews and vanquished the horrible teaching of Jehovah by a pure religion, which at that time opened the way to a higher culture for numerous peoples.”

    (“Judentum und Islam als Gegensätze”, Die Judenfrage, Vol. 6, No. 24 (15 December 2023), p. 278)

  5. Mza9 says:


    “Found that website from ages ago. This could be evidenced on the main site.

    February 3, 2013, the right-wing islamophobiac Generation Identity openly declaring their hostility towards National Socialism as left-wing ideology.”

    Metapedia also acknowledges that fact:

    “Identitarianism rests on the assumption that ethnic-cultural factors have a central role in human welfare and the functioning of society. Man is viewed as a combination of inherited and environmentally acquired traits, and the need of ethnic Europeans to defend and develop themselves as distinct peoples is emphasized. Accordingly, identitarians oppose large-scale extra-European immigration to Europe, regardless of its possible economic utility. This standpoint has caused it to be viewed as racist. At the same time, it has been heavily criticized by certain nationalist groups, since it has (among other things) clearly distanced itself from national socialism.”

    Interesting point too from the same page:
    Traditionalism. The so-called Traditional School has had a great impact on identitarianism. Partly because many of its theroeticians are or have been influenced by thinkers such as René Guénon and perhaps mainly Julius Evola. In certain cases, the influence is obvious — many Scandinavian identitarians adopt traditionalism explicitly — but more often it is a matter of a more limited inspiration. One example of the latter is the main GRECE theoretician Alain de Benoist, but there are numerous other examples of purely political, secular or neo-pagan identitarians.”

    “I’ll also quote Alter Kämpfer and Waffen SS Sturmbannführer Lars Omar Amin von Leers:”

    I’ve pondered before how Islam, even in it’s corrupted present form, still offers better opposition to Jewry than any other religion in this world.

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