To lighten the recent (and ongoing) tension, here is one of the funniest EDL videos I have ever seen:

“If these people try to disparage the importance of the spoken word today, they do it only because they realize - God be praised and thanked - how futile all their own speechifying has been.” - Adolf Hitler

Don’t waste this new meme! Laugh at our ZC enemies with reference to “Muslamic Ray Guns” whenever you can! If we can push the term “Muslamic Ray Guns” until it goes viral, Islamophobia will never be taken seriously again no matter how erudite the ZCs try to sound.

Feel free to add your own pictures of “Muslamic Ray Guns”. I will collect them and put them all on the Heldenplatz later.

In the spirit of comparing Aryan art and degenerate art side by side, here is a bonus video of serious revolutionary speaking to contrast against the ZC crap you saw above:

10 Responses to ““Muslamic Ray Guns””
  1. It is an unfortunate example of the Goy status of many Britons, and I mean that regardless of class in Britain. The EDL are trying to regurgitate the propaganda they have been indoctrinated with, and obviously in their hopeless and oppressed state, they are even struggling to repeat it correctly.

    Now it is established common historical teaching in Zion to place “ancient” Egypt before “ancient” Greece, and this begins with the middle age propaganda of “Herodotus” which is used as some type of holy scripture for conveyer-belt education systems of Zion, and of course all of Herodotus “Histories” are not history at all but are cheap written propaganda filled with bullshit from cover to cover.

    You cannot build the Great Pyramid based on hieroglyphic calculations, just as you cannot build the Parthenon with ancient Greek numbering system, you could not do it even with Roman numerals, in fact the hierogliphics themselves can be no older than 18-19th century AD! And much of the egyptian ruins also date to this time and in fact right up to today they are still building “ancient ruins”, just like they build “ancient” Greek and Roman buildings today and call it “restoration”. Of course the stones of Great Pyramid complex are much older, but impossible to date at this stage, but all what is known as Egyptian Hieroglyphics is no more than mere graffiti, just have a good look at the naive and childlike pictograms, scribbles and doodlings if you think that they were done by the same hands as those who built the Great Pyramid, then you have alot to learn. But there was a propaganda agenda behind this graffiti and it amounts to another deception, just like Tutankharmin’s Tomb artifacts, they are a hoax, almost all Egyptian History is a hoax.

    My point is that a “Not out of Africa” jewish lie does not prove an “Out of Africa” jewish lie. The elders of Zion have the idea that the masses shall be fed two equally false lies that oppose each other, so no matter which way they go they will end up decieved.

    For those of us who aspire to the ideal of sovereign Aryan greatness, our ability to accurately comprehend history via our own logic, not by what we have been told, but by the sovereign mind that has been bestowed upon us, it must improve, significantly, if we are to accept such a lofty title as “Aryan”.

    If you do not know where you have been, how do you know where to go?

    To be honest, I don’t think it will help us by further humilitating a EDL goy, I mean I think he has humilated himself enough, but I would not expect much more from the EDL supporters.


  2. Longinus says:

    The motive behind Martinson’s attempt to steal Latin (language linked to Sanskrit and other Into-European languages) is clearly Afrocentric. But what is your motive for questioning historicity of Herodotus? Is it because Herodotus mentioned northern (and not African) Hyperborea - quoting ancient Egyptian sources?

    Were the Sumerians fake as well? I am in the possession of a clay tablet containing cuneiform script which was dug out in Iraq by a trustworthy friend and a professional archaeologist so it will take more than Internet conspiracy to persuade me that civilization was fathered by “Latin-speaking Negro Catholics” lol.

  3. The Latin language being linked to the Bantu tribe script, in context that Latin is derived from Bantu, is as silly as Muslamic Ray-guns, lol! Or the Chemical knowledge is originally founded by African negros practicing ‘black magic’, that is ridiculous.

    Longinus, your proof of a “Sumerian Civilization” is a “clay tablet containing cuniform script which was dug out in Iraq by a trustworty friend and a professional archaeologist”……? That’s it, that is your proof, I don’t know who has foggiest logic? Is it EDL Goy, Martinson, or you?

    Cicero named Herodotus “The Father of Lies”. But hey Longinus you’re the one who believes in gold digging giant ants, lol. But actually it is much worse than that, there is not a single scap of any proof that anyone can point to that would in any way prove what some middle age book by some ficticious “herodotus” contains anything but lies! But if you want to believe it, go right ahead.

    And longinus, cut out the strawmen…

    ‘hyperboreus’ literally means ‘far north’!

  4. Longinus says:

    I am sceptical toward “unique” and unprecedented events that supposedly took place only once in history and are known only to a narrow group of people - like Apollo Moon landing, Holocaust or Jesus walking on watter. But how can I be sceptical about traces of civilization that left material traces and readable data? Traces available for broad public to investigate? If Sumerians and Egyptians whose languages we can reed are not historic than neither are Incas, Aztecs, Etruscans or Celts who lacked the written language or left some language that is cryptic to us to reed.

    It would have been an immense if not impossible task for Jesuits, Jews, Freemasons or whomever to secretly plant all those small fragments of architecture, pottery, art and written data across Mesopotamia and Egypt. I’m not going to say that what you are saying about nonexistence of Sumerian Civilization may not even be true but it is very unconvincing.

  5. Longinus says:

    Can we use the Sumerian heritage? Just a few suggestions…

    Benevolent Sumerian god Enki as the extreme opposition to tyrannical Yahweh. Enki=Lucifer?
    Epic of Gilgamesh as the true bible of humanity vs. Jewish Bible as the corruption of Sumerian texts.
    Sumerians as the first agricultural civilization vs. Semites/sheepherders who polluted and destroyed them.

  6. Longinus, OK, it is not an easy process for one to change their entire way of looking at the world and its history, indeed the process never ends, but the first steps are always the hardest.

    But lets look at what you said “It would have been an immense if not impossible task for jesuits, jews, freemasons or whomever to secretly plant all those fragments of architecture, pottery, art and written data across Mesopotamia and Egypt.” - Longinus

    What you have done instead of investigating the evidence, is jump forward into an imaginary assumption, you have made up an impossible scenario in your head or repeated one that you have heard or read and used that as the basis for your logic. For example If I question the origin of a broken clay pot or tablet, you say “You’re wrong because it is was impossible for a Freemason to secretly bury it here when we were not looking”… That’s basically what you are saying, and it is what is called a ‘strawman’, it is a logical fallacy.

    But, let us discuss who in fact did first dig up the so called sumerian clay cuneiform tablets that tell the story of Gilgamesh. I mean if folks want to make such a big deal out of some broken bits of clay with wedge pattern marks on them, it would be best to know who actually claims that they discovered them first.

    And after a quick google I found a familiar name: The Right Honorable Sir Austen Henry Layard!

    And straight away I smell a Rat! “The Lords Spiritual and Temporal of Her Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council” Like a David Cameron or a Margret Thatcher! So Longinus, you believe this? You reckon that this royal British bullshit artist is honorable? Do you? Do you take the UK Privy Council to be holders of the truth of all history? with power over all spiritual and temporal domains? You hold Layards little broken bits of clay to be TRUTH?

    Lets have a closer look at at this royal English bullshit artist! Oh, Oh, a Huguenot descendent, he must think himself to be rather special…And his Mother was the daughter of Nathaniel Austen the Banker and spainish marronos, ahh so a title and jew banker, what lovely combination how proud they must feel of themselves. Layard’s uncle was the jew Benjamin Austen, who was close friend of the jew Benjamin Disreali. Layard is Ambassador to the Ottomons, that would make sense, what else? Secret-tary for State of Foreign Affairs, and First Commissioner of Works, WOW that is some British political career! Layard was a Liberal, but it gets worse, he was knighted by the Order of the Bath! lets see who else got this tin medal stapled to their bosom by other blood royals; Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Nicholas Sarkozy, Dwight D Eisenhower, Douglas MacArther, Colin Powell, Robert Mugabe (LOL), David Milliband…I would bet the Obama is next in line to recieve one!

    Sumerian clay tablets of epic of gilgamesh “discovered” by Sir Austen Henry Layard are complete and utter bullshit with no historical value whatsoever, a mere hoax of his low and dishonorable order!

    I rest my case.

  7. Freddie Fact says:

    The muppet is saying “Muslamic rape gangs”, you numpties. You’re as thick as he is.

  8. What is a ‘numptie’?

    I think Muslamic Ray-Gun is funny anyway, being able to understand EDL goy makes it worse. not that I give damn either way.

    “Im goin ona march cuz i want Brit-n to be bout Brit - ish” - EDL GOY


  9. Joseph Hall says:

    I am deeply worried concerning the 2012 election. With everything that is occuring in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East (not to mention the U.S. economy) we definitely must have a superior leader. I’m convinced that President Obama or any of the Republican candidates thus far have the experience or skills necessary to get the job done the way it needs to be done. Being president of the U.S. is an exceptionally hard job. Do you think there is someone out there with the experience, skill, and moral conviction to do the job?

  10. ecgwine says:

    So the EDL muppet is putting a simple sentiment in an uneducated speech, saying, we’re being overrun by aggressive foreigners and I don’t like it.
    That’s his message. I also think he was saying “rape gangs”. I don’t think a term like “ray gun” would even be in his vocabulary.
    By contrast, we have “delendaestziobot” who uses much more erudite language just to express cranky pseudohistorical nonsense.
    So the Egyptian pyramids and the hieroglyphs and the Parthenon are all a modern Zionist fraud, and Herodotus is fake? Sure they are, and Hitler lives on in an UFO buried under the south pole.
    WTH people, is this the sort of mind your grand “Aryanism” concept attracts?
    Sheesh, will you stop worrying about delusions of Zionist world conspiracy for a minute and look at the world’s real problems.
    I think I’ll prefer the poor, honest EDL muppet over this kind of pompous self-delusion any time.

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