Many people have been worried about the disappearance of our longtime affiliate site VSS:

I have tried emailing Severus, but received a delivery failure notice because the domain was down.

If anyone from VSS would like to leave a comment below this post to update us regarding your status/new site address/etc., please do not hesitate to do so. If you need help with anything, many of us would be happy to offer what help we can. In particular, if you would like to blog here in the meantime while your own site is unavailable, you would be more than welcome - let us know and we can set you up very quickly.

3 Responses to “Message to VSS”
  1. If you fall I will fight for you…Heil.


    No Fate!

  2. I guess they dissappeared into the ether.

  3. Anonymous Informant says:

    “There’s a rat in the cellar, you know who you are.”

    That’s all I am permitted to divulge.

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