Sorry for the absence. I have been quite depressed this last week or so for a combination of reasons. I actually spent a few days writing a very long, very depressed post which I was going to post on the blog, but I have finally decided not to post it. In the end, none of us individuals will matter, only the ideas we fought for. We are about the ideas. I will soon be adding stuff on the main site, which has not been updated for a while.

Delegations for October:

1) From OC I’d like to see an article on the high compatibility between Islam and Platonism, which (if you wish) can be structured as a response to this ZC article:

2) From Elysium I’d like to see something on potential for political and economic alliance between countries based on the common objective of getting Zionist US occupying troops and bases off their soil/water (I got this idea while following the recent China-Japan dispute). Application of Hitler’s views on the Treaty of Versailles could be one element of this.

“In making this treaty men forgot that the world could not be reconstructed by the slave-work of a violated nation, but only by the trustful cooperation of all, and that for this end the primary necessity was the destruction of the war psychosis.” - Adolf Hitler

3) From delendaestziobot I’d like to see a first draft (I say first draft because I anticipate this to be a more substantial project) of a ‘How To Argue’ guide for our supporters. It should include:

i) a survey of the arguments likely to be used against Aryanism

ii) a study of HOW NOT to attempt refuting them (this part is very important, because I have recently noticed how easy it is for us to score against ourselves if we try to argue one point by implicitly conceding another)

iii) an instructive on HOW best to refute them

Thereafter, when faced with opposition, our supporters will save much time and effort by referring to this guide.

4) From Miecz I’d like to see a review of Thundercats, with emphasis on the THREE-SIDED conflict. Episodes available here:

13 Responses to “Delegation desk: September 2010”
  1. Miecz Elizejski says:

    Hmm… Thundercats, a show that I have never seen. I will look into it. I have a queue of article ideas, but I put this in the top spot just now. Let’s hope that YouTube channel won’t be blocked for copyright issues anytime soon.

  2. Colin says:

    Dear Mr Elizejski

    I would like to put a request in for you to dissect “the road” when you have a chance. I am aware of the non-aryan themes but would be interested to hear your views on it nonetheless. I would also like to add that one of the scenes in the movie gave me a swift kick in the ass, as it were, to become a vegetarian so maybe thats why I would like to hear your thoughts on it.

  3. Longinus says:

    From what I gathered from his Republic, Plato was not opposed to the arts. Like Hitler (the artist) he only wanted the state to protect the arts from debilitating influences. And I cannot agree more with that sort of “totalitarianism”. I don’t regard Hitler as the totalitarian (especially not concerning arts) but protector and liberator of the pagan Aryan soul which is noble, creative and free.

    Plato was not the originator of Islamic distaste for visual arts but Moses. The Romans called pre-Muslim Arabia “Arabia Felix” meaning that there was some more ancient, advanced, sessile, creative civilization created by Arab race before Islam took over. Islam brought ancient Arabs the Heeb fear of “graved images” which goes well the pastoral-nomadic lifestyle of the ancient Hebrews (and no, they were NEVER noble in any way. David and Salomon - if they ever existed - were merely donkey-nomads and mountain bandits trapped between great Egypt and Assyria).

    Art is the expression of the soul. Modern western art and architecture is so impoverished in forms (unlike Pagan Classical art or the art of Old-Catholic Christendom) because it mirrors impoverished atheist/nihilist/Calvinist-Judaic/puritan soul (modern architecture, cubism, ‘Americanism’…). This judeo-Calvinist poverty of culture provided the perfect ground for the triumph of the Jewish soul represented by the decadent art, anti-art and pornography. The totalitarian Islamic liberators (?) can only erase the perverse aspect of the new western “art” but nihilist totalitarianism (marxist, judaic, islamic or puritan/far-western as Evola called it) is not the right way to climb back from the barbarity to the grandeur of the pagan classical world or the Renaissance.

  4. Longinus says:

    But I also consider the western tragedy and Islamization from the brighter side. If anything, those who remain shall have their vengeance under the banner of Islam. If our grandchildren must be islamized than they will be more able to bring wrath upon jews and rule over the new generations of chaste Euro-Muslim wives (ex-feminists).

    Those who rebelled against Roman Pater Familias and his family values shall suffer the stern fist of the despotic oriental patriarch. Nothing wrong about that.

  5. Delendaestziobot says:


    I agree with your view of the current state of Judeo-Western ‘Mordern Art’, it is a mockery, degeneracy, because its ruled by Jewish Fiat. I mean there are still many good artists, but they are not promoted, they stuggle, and must watch as Jewish filth is elevated to high ‘Art’ and recieves all the awards and accolades and Fiat, simply because it’s Jewish in representation, while their own superior Art is criticized and downgraded.

    Now ‘Pagan’, I made the same mistake not long ago, I referred to pre-judeochristianity as ‘Pagan’, but I was just being lazy and I was wrong. As Komerad AS pointed out ‘Pagan’ simply means ‘village’, paganism is tribalistic ritual that is exclusive to a village. Aryans were not such people. True Aryans were never “Pagan”.

    What Komerad OC and I have attempted in the ‘Kultmysterium of the Third Reich’, is prove that what many call ‘Pagan Classical World’ and ‘Old-Catholic Christendom’ were in reality the exact same thing, we have shown this from different angles, my position and his, but one should be able to discern that the point is to show that the ‘Pagan Classical World’ is really the Universal Church, and the Universal Church is Christendom. It is an extraordinary subject, so many of our problems today are tied up in this.

    For example, David and Solomon did exist, they were historical Kings of Tzar Grad, Jerusalem, which is Constantinople, but the Jewish scribes have made a counterfeit version using their writings, essentially the Jews are writing themselves into history with them as the leading role, changing chronology, history, religion and perceptition as they go, through control of the printed word, they achieved this to a certain degree.

    This is just a small example of what we need to tackle, it’s a difficult subject. Now, the Jews want us to nit-pick over Islam, or just condemn Islam or even begin to embrace Islam as liberators! This will happen more than we think, but it will not help Aryans! That is why we are now going to focus on THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH! This was the real Christendom, this was the real ‘Pagan’ antiquity, the Universal Church was civilization, we must re-discover the Universal Church of Europe. The classical age was not ‘Pagan’ it was Universal. Again this is discussed in ‘Kultmysterium of the Third Reich’, it is the direction we must go, it is also the most difficult direction.

    Heil Hitler!

  6. Longinus says:

    I will look into it but here is what gave me the motive and the idea to question jewish ethnic history…It were local jews and local international leftists themselves. Jew likes to approach gentile traditions “scientifically”. Everything he dislikes he brands as “nonscientific”, “romantic” or myth. I should point out that the most prominent (modern) authority on history of my people is a Jew. Most of individual identities in Europe are drawn from medieval kingdoms so his favorite target is our medieval history because that’s when we were formed as individual political entities. Our traditional historians are no longer taken for serious and everything they wrote is regarded as a myth. Jew writes the national history books and whatever younger generations know about their people’s history is either reduced or distorted. And what is the people without collective memory, without knowledge of it’s past? It’s the people without future.

    But if gentile tribal identities can be destroyed by this “scientific”, “secular” methods of jews and marxists than jewish identity can be erased as well. After all, most of jewish history is based entirely on religious scriptures. I recommend you some insights into jewish history on this site:

    (If I were the author of this site it would be called

  7. “But if gentile tribal identities can be destroyed by this “scientific”, “secular” methods of jews and marxists than jewish identity can be erased as well.” - Longinus

    Firstly our Gods are not national tribal identities, our Pantheon is Universal, the true Gods and Goddesses of this Universe, and our Church is the Universal Church and we Aryans represent the Gods on this Earth. The problem with Jewish history is the complete lack of it. Secondly I was trying to direct you to the ‘Kultmysterium’ thread, that’s where I go to discuss the ‘Mysteries’ at the moment. This is the ‘Delegation Desk’.

  8. Komerad Aryan Sanctuary,

    I was thinking I would make one guide for combating general disruption and evasion techniques in propaganda war, i.e. hijacking debate, subject switching, non sequitors, strawmen, etc.

    And one guide for arguments against Aryanism and false representation, which can come from either friend or foe, like the above it can be pre-meditated attack or just an accident - friendly fire so to speak. So I see it as either missunderstanding or purposeful false representation of Aryanism for example;

    Aryanism is international, Jews are international, therefore Aryanism is Jewish? - argument

    Aryanism promotes race-mixing, race mixing destroys Races? - argument

    or from another angle;

    Aryanism is fascist/Neo-Nazi? - argument

    Aryanism is Nordicism? - argument

    Aryanism is racist? - argument

    What do you think?

  9. Miecz Elizejski says:

    Kamerad Colin,
    I actually have ‘The Road’ in my Netflix queue and have been meaning to see it! So, if it has themes relavant to Aryanism in one way or another, I will surely write about it.

  10. Finished a first draft, I tried to put the two guides together as best I could, to make it more concise.

  11. Longinus says:


    Gods of Europe are our alone because they live in our blood. Blood is Grail! Europe was settled before the arrival of Indo-European speakers whom some identify as Aryans. It was settled by the artful Cromagnon hunter-carnivores, the first homo sapiens with the soul. They were the Gods. Aryans were either of the same blood or they were some ancient foreign gypsie polluters. If you are European with some visible recessive traits or some genes that date since the last ice age than you are the child of the Gods or the bastard child of the Gods (the “blonde beast”, the demigod, the hero).

    Hunter society is ancestral and hierarchical. Blood lineage and the cult of the ancestors is central to our spirituality. The best and the purest amongst us Europeans are those with the family crest (that often display predatory animals such as eagles and lions). Unlike the commoners they continued to enjoy hunting threw ages like the true chidren of Europe.

    The Gods like blood and enjoy hunting.

    Our religion is the religion of blood. Genuine European spirituality and ethics has nothing incommune with Zoroastrism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or any prophet or philosopher but it has a lot to do with blood and nature. It is not to inaccurate if we call it paganism because cosmopolitan cities were never the cradle of blood-gentry but traders, priests, politicians, prostitutes and similar human filth. We typically find the nests of our true gentry on hilltops. Their ancestry is 100% from the tribal communities like the Doric Spartans were or the first Romans (people from the forest) or as the Vikings were. Simplified, they are highly evolved peasants, not urban dwellers who attained the power by trade, politics or religion.

    Blood is the most noble food there is for the European warrior-aristocrat. I recommend to you the blood of pigs - Spartan black soup or ‘melas zomos’, Balkan ‘Krvavica’ or German ‘Blutwurst’. Blood of the enemy is however the sweetest whine there is. If you are European, do not baptise your children in water. Watter is for women, frogs, priests, fags and puritans. Innitiate them by staining their cheeks with animal blood because it is the tradition amongst hunters even today.

    Sanguis bibimus, corpus edimus!

  12. Look NOW, Im getting sick of this, this is the delegation desk, I cannot continue you like this, get it right, I have told you, you get it right! You must obey, there must be order, we need some moderation….

  13. oregoncoug says:


    Please transfer your comments over to the thread for “On the Kultmysterium of the Third Reich.” That is where your topic belongs. Remember that military endurance requires both fanaticism and moderation.

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