All your base are belong to us

I’ve always wanted to do a blog post with this title. It’s a remnant of a less troubled era. On this note, may I remind everyone once again that I see considerable potential among 80s/90s retro fans, and that we should be looking for chances to reach out to them. They are the ones who are subconsciously - as indicated in their entertainment preferences - resisting the mass shift to ZC attitudes, and therefore could be more likely to be receptive to our message.

Anyway, on with the Beyond Propaganda section:

As usual, feel free to suggest additional content for the page. I am particularly open to further obligations in the “Contract” list. It could potentially be made much longer; I’ll see what you guys think.

The last two pictures on the page are screencaps from Nausicaa. If you haven’t already read Miecz’s excellent two-part review of the movie, please also check it out:

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4 Responses to All your base are belong to us

  1. Anthony says:

    You trolling, AS?
    But seriously, there is something about the aesthetics of the 90s that make me nostalgic. Wasn’t around in the 80s, but some of the music was good.

  2. RP says:

    From my observation, those who are fans of post 2001 video games are often arrogant, islamophobic zc westerners.

  3. AS says:

    The last video game I ever bought was Capcom vs SNK 2, released 2001:

    Everything was optimistic back then. We had been expecting the 2000s to be even better than the 1990s. We had been expecting Western civilization to die voluntarily and peacefully. This was really what it looked like back then, as non-Western pop culture was already increasingly taking the lead. Then the 9/11 false flag happened, and nothing was the same again…..

  4. RP says:

    ZC attitudes tend to proliferate within the gaming community online as well (forums, youtube. etc.) I am sure you are aware of the gamergate phenomenon? Basically a backlash in the gaming world against PC, led by Milo Yiannopolous (Jew).

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