I decided to review the following video:
which is intended as a rebuttal against the idea that Asians are superior to whites because they have higher IQs.
I neither agree that Asians are superior to whites nor, as is claimed in the video, that whites are superior to Asians in spite of their lower IQs. But, setting my disagreements to one side, I think the video starts quite well. I often criticise people who use averages in racial analysis (saying, for example, that one race is more intelligent than another because they have higher IQs.) Averages are the most basic aspect of statistics, and the first thing anyone learns. Compared to more advanced statistical tools, averages do not give much information, and to get a really good understanding of the spread of a trait through a population and the reasons for this spread, a much more detailed statistical analysis is required.
The narrator of the video compares the spread of Asian and white intelligence (i.e. the variance), which while not much more advanced is still a step almost every single White Nationalist fails to make. He asserts that Asians have higher average intelligence, but that they are more concentrated around the average, producing fewer individuals of extreme low or extreme high intelligence. I agree with this to some extent, but we still need to question whether such emphasis should be placed on intelligence, and also analyse the differences in intelligence in more detail.
How much does intelligence matter?
‘Today, our ideal is not the artist or the citizen, but the hero.’ – Helmut Stellrecht
I can think of four reasons for valuing intelligence.
i) Desire for an economically successful society
ii) Belief that intelligence increases morality
iii) Intelligence increasing resistance to brainwashing
iv) Valuing creative genius
i) Desire for an economically successful society: the narrator says that whites produce more scientific and mathematical geniuses, even though Asians are better at this on average.
I agree that whites (and Jews) have made more scientific and mathematical discoveries. The narrator praises scientific achievement, but advanced technology in a world where most people are incapable of introspection can be extremely destructive. We have made immense technological progress, but we have shown ourselves to be completely unable to use technology responsibly. Technology has led to overpopulation, environmental damage, deadlier warfare, wastefulness, terrifying prospects for a more complete kind of slavery. In light of this, those groups that chose to remain low tech and retain simple, agricultural societies seem to have chosen the more sensible option. Advanced technology would be impressive if it were used responsibly, but since whites have failed to do this, they do not deserve praise for their technological innovation.
The narrator even admits that whites are disorganised and have higher crime rates than Asians, but says that this is a trade-off for having scientific geniuses. But again, scientific genius in such an irresponsible society will inevitably have very negative results.
ii) Belief that intelligence increases morality: It is commonly said that a person behaves immorally because they are not educated or have low intelligence. Ironically, this argument is one of the main causes of people valuing intelligence in eugenics even though it is a Liberal idea with its origins (for Westerners, at least) in the ‘Enlightenment’. It is derived from the idea that if something is fully proven, it is undeniable, so those who deny something that is proven (in this case, moral truths) either have not seen the proof or do not understand it. In fact, moral truths have not been proven, and even if they were, there would be many who would understand but would still not care. If we want an ethical society, there are plenty of traits we should prioritise over intelligence.
The emphasis on intelligence, which is ubiquitous in this sort of analysis, could originate as a Jewish tactic to distract from other factors that make one successful. Consider the film Lord of War, for example, which is the true story of a Jewish arms dealer. It is stated in the film that his ability to learn languages quickly contributed to his success, and indeed Jews are renowned for their verbal abilities. This is what the typical ‘IQ racist’ would focus on. But in fact, his most important asset was probably his lack of principles, even compared to his rival who sold arms only to selected regimes to promote his own principles, whereas he sold arms indiscriminately for the sole motive of profit and eventually outcompeted his rival.
iii) A society of intelligent people cannot be brainwashed in the way our current society has been: This point is not mentioned in the video. It is my own, and I include it for the sake of completeness. The question has two components – firstly, whether intelligence is the only factor in being immune to brainwashing and secondly, whether it is a prerequisite in being immune to brainwashing.
Intelligence is certainly not the only factor, since even most intelligent people do not understand the problems of our society or question the official narrative. And it is not a prerequisite because these problems are actually quite obvious. The reason most people do not find the truth is a lack of sensitivity and a trust in the culture they were raised in that stops them from asking questions in the first place (i.e. tribalism), not lack of intelligence. This latter point is a particularly strong inhibitor. An intelligent historian can write a highly detailed analysis of the Holocaust or 911, but they would never dream of questioning whether the Holocaust happened or the official story of 911. A religious scholar could write an extreme logically, detailed treatise on the Bible, but they would never dream of seriously questioning whether the Bible is a valid source. Indeed, most of their arguments will be based on analysis of different Bible verses, taking it for granted that these verses are valid.
In theory, Jews and others could do a better job at hiding truth, so that higher intelligence would be required to uncover it. Also, people of lower intelligence might realise they are being lied to, but come to wildly incorrect conclusions (we all know, for example, of people who think the WTC was struck by a missile designed as a plane.)This is one argument for valuing intelligent that I cannot refute, but intelligence would still not be the highest priority.
iv) Valuing creative genius: People interested in IQ testing often define a genius as anyone who achieves a certain score or higher. This is very misleading. If everyone with an IQ of 140 were a genius, they would all be producing creative masterpieces. In fact, genius involves much more than mechanical, logical intelligence.
Following from the point I made about even many highly intelligent people not questioning the narrative or foundations of their culture, I want to make a distinction between Aryan and non-Aryan intelligence.
Non-Aryan intelligence is quantitative, Aryan intelligence is qualitative. Non-Aryans make assumptions, and then deduce truths from these assumptions very well, but only Aryans actually question the assumptions, which non-Aryans may not even be aware of. We have made great progress in describing the natural world, but are explanations are more becoming ever more crude – materialistic, mechanical and atomistic.
I have heard Gentiles say that Hitler is more evil than Stalin because he killed more people. Even if he had killed more people (which he did not), evil is a personal quality and not something circumstantial. What matters is how many people they would have killed if they had both faced the same situations, but a non-Aryan would not think of this because they can only think in terms of quantity.
As Miguel Serrano said ‘The definitive, crucial moment in the tragedy of the Second World War was the decision by Hitler not to destroy the English troops at Dunkerque and not to invade the British Isles. An English friend told me: “We were defenseless, inert. Instead of invading us, Hitler turned against Russia.” With their practical (Jewish) spirit, totally anti-philosophical, the English could not understand this. They lacked the organs with which to be able to comprehend the greatness and magnanimity of the gesture’.
A Gentile general may be a military genius and lead his troops to great victories, but he is incapable of questioning whether the aims of his side are justified. In fact, the reason for his success is that he is incapable of thinking of anything but victory.
But in all honesty, we prioritise ethics over creative genius anyway. A race of ethical people is the first thing we should be trying to achieve, and only after we have achieved that should we be worrying about creating a race of highly creative or intelligent people.
Our aim is not to breed geniuses, this but I think that if the population is Aryanised the proportion of creative geniuses will increase anyway. In the present population, only a small proportion of people with ‘genius’ IQs are actual geniuses because they lack the other traits needed. In an Aryan population, a much greater proportion would be actual geniuses because some of the other traits required, which are currently rare (such as sensitivity and qualitative thinking) will be common.
Further analysis
Let’s examine some of the claims the narrator makes:
—-‘the world’s greatest novelists, philosophers and orators have tended to be white’
I strongly disagree with this statement. I admit that there are some areas in which whites have been far superior. Music is the best example (especially for Germans, who obviously have an extremely high aptitude in music), but Western philosophy is extremely poor compared to Indian and (to some extent) Islamic philosophy.
Remember though that I agreed that they have made more scientific and mathematical discoveries. This is again about non-Aryan and Aryan intelligence. This does not mean that I think all whites are Gentiles, only that this sort of knowledge is valued more highly in the West and is hence able to flourish.
This does not mean that Europeans are innately inferior in these areas, only that the direction their civilization has taken has made high-quality philosophical enquiry difficult. The last great European philosopher was probably Plotinus, and all after that were of low quality, with some such as Descartes and Berkeley rediscovering basic truths.
In fact, I propose that the reason for European excellence in music is that they have been forced for many centuries to follow a religion that does not make sense and is generally unsatisfying, so had to find other outlets for their spirituality. The arts provided this outlet. There are few great European artists left, so we cannot ascribe this only to genetic factors.
Now, back to the quote in question. Let us ask why the narrator has chosen to point out that so many great thinkers are white when he admits that most whites are not great thinkers.
If we wanted to breed a race of people who are fast runners, we could simply have everyone run 100 metres and breed the people who get the highest score. Even if one race does tend to have faster runners, there would be no point in excluding the race that tends to have slower runners, because a standardised test could test everyone on an individual basis. But creative genius is something that, though we may recognise it when we see it, cannot be tested. If we want to breed a creative genius, we have to either breed together people we already know are creative geniuses (rather than discovering they are geniuses through a standardised test, which is impossible) or correlate with other traits. The latter is what the narrator is suggesting. He claims that most creative geniuses are white, so the best chance we have at producing a creative genius is to breed white people.
I disagree with this approach. If he wants to breed creative geniuses by trait correlation, he should not be demanding that action is taken based on the small amount of information we have. He should be demanding that more research is undertaken. Perhaps we could find out what percentage of great writers or composers had a certain blood type, or were left- or right-handed, or were vegetarian (Leonardo da Vinci comes to mind as a particularly great vegetarian creative genius) or had many other traits from which we could find patterns further increasing our chances of breeding a genius. Incidentally, highly creative people tend to be left-handed, but nowhere does he advocate breeding left-handed people with each other or preventing right- and left-handed people from breeding together.
Buddhists understand trait correlation:
Consider this animal:
If we look only at the most superficial characteristic (its wool), we would classify this animal as a sheep. But any competent taxonomist would classify it as a pig. They would tell us that although it has wool like a sheep, it is the same shape as a pig, it has the same skeletal structure as a pig, its genetic code is more similar to a pig than a sheep, its behaviour is more similar to a pig than a sheep etc. These things are comparable to the results of the aforementioned detailed analysis, and to our Aryan race theory. Classifying it as a sheep is comparable to the current white/ black/ Asian racial classification, which is based on only the most superficial features, or to those people who think that whales and dolphins are fish because they live in the water. It would be quite interesting to do a survey to find out what percentage of white Nationalists think whales and dolphins are fish compared to the general population.
If these animals were classed with sheep rather than with pigs in all studies undertaken, we would certainly still get different results (e.g. average intelligence) for the two groups. But the point is that the groups themselves would be a poor classification.
—-Whites are more heterogeneous
This may be true, but the narrator does not ask why it is true. It could be explained by Europe being more genetically mixed than other areas. i.e. Europe having blood from several different root races, whereas other regions may tend more strongly in an Aryan/ Gentile direction.
If the narrator thinks they are heterogeneous, why does he not seek a different racial classification, subdividing Europeans into different groups that are more homogenous, or resolving the European population into elements from which other populations are built too? This is what our site offers.
He goes on to talk about the greater spread of intelligence resulting in more individuals of exceptional intelligence, but once again does not ask why there is a greater spread of intelligence. This could be explained by whites being more mixed than other races.
— In a more heterogeneous population, there is more innovation
Again, the narrator raises a good point but does not take it to its logical conclusion. Has there been exceptional innovation/ creativity in Europe because of heterogeneity or because they are superior? If innovation is a result of heterogeneity, then why not allow whites, Asians and other groups to interbreed? I have already stated that the heterogeneity of the white race is likely to be a result of them being a highly mixed race. If they mix further, this will only lead to increased heterogeneity and increased innovation, which the narrator values. If a heterogeneous population is mixed with a homogenous one, then this may make the group as a whole more homogenous, but the extreme individuals will be more heterogeneous because there will be more traits to combine.
The second part of the video
I was extremely disappointed with the second part of the video. Before this, he had raised a few reasonable points that, though I disagreed with them, I found far better than the arguments of the average white nationalist. But the second part focuses on how blacks commit more crime than whites. I definitely do not think the differing crime rate is solely due to genetics. It is a complex socio-economic issue with many factors at play. But even if it were, it is obvious that there are a huge number of non-aggressive blacks. As I said before in my analogy about the runners, there is no point in discriminating against groups when a trait can easily be measured on an individual basis. Criminality is an example of such a trait. Instead of saying that someone should be excluded from society because they belong to a group with a higher crime rate, just look at their own criminal record.
—It is easier to convince blacks that white nations should be preserved than whites
Actually, racial identity is a Western concept. (Ethnic identity is not, but racial identity is.) Muslims, for example, believe in the Ummah – a community of Muslims that transcends race. Before Western civilization, the Romans believed in Roman civilization, not the Roman race. The civilization-based view, not the race-based view, is in my opinion the most sophisticated and rational way of dividing people.
Even a few centuries ago in the West, conflict was based on religion and ideology. Conflict is not ideal, but if we must have conflict, I would rather have conflict based on something that matters. People fighting in the religious wars of Europe were able to transcend national and language differences because they were united by common belief. Now, people are saying we should fight over identity. We have degenerated from fighting about ideological and moral issues to fighting just because we are different, even if these differences do not matter. Catholics from two different countries fighting on the same side in the Thirty Years War would laugh at this.
—No black models in Japan
An interesting topic, and one we have dealt with on the site before. The narrator talks about how black models are aesthetically inferior, and the Japanese, who have not been indoctrinated by Political Correctness, realise this. In fact, the indoctrination is more subtle. Jews say that blacks are as good as whites, but then choose to promote inferior black models. The purpose of this is to lower the self-esteem of blacks (it makes them think that since the black models are unattractive, even the most attractive blacks must be unattractive), and also to make people think that blacks are inferior to whites, and the attempts to make them look superior are futile and insincere. This is why we use pictures of attractive black people throughout the site, who are seldom the sort promoted by Hollywood.
Great piece, Anthony. Especially this point:
“Actually, racial identity is a Western concept. (Ethnic identity is not, but racial identity is.) Muslims, for example, believe in the Ummah – a community of Muslims that transcends race. Before Western civilization, the Romans believed in Roman civilization, not the Roman race. The civilization-based view, not the race-based view, is in my opinion the most sophisticated and rational way of dividing people.”
The term “Aryan Civilization” could be used in conjunction with “Aryan Race” to bring forth the notion that distilling superior genetics is only part of our goal, but crafting a great civilization is the other part.
I see a future of multiple Aryan civilizations. This is what the ‘Folk and Nation’ page is about, I think.
Race is by no means artificial.
Its evident in the behavior of newborn babies. For example, when the nasal passage of infants is blocked or obstructed, white and black babies respond with a swatting reflex. Asiatic babies just breathe through their mouth. When the newborn is lifted vertically so that the legs dangle just over a table, white babies respond with a walking reflex. Blacks and Asians lack this reflex. When the surface they rest on is dropped, white babies exhibit marked defensive reflexes like swatting and turning about for upwards of ten seconds. Asian babies recover in under one or two seconds.
You can draw conclusions. Whites are quicker to respond and interact externally with the environment, Asians naturally adapt and accept changes to the environment.
You still don’t answer the question of why people ought to be separated or why that sample statistic could be irrepresentative of a conclusive study.
Still, Jews rely on breaking people apart in order to conquer us ‘Goys’, which is why I’m guessing they have 450 nuclear warheads in Israel to eventually threaten or kill us all with. We are nothing but vermin to these sadistic ‘people’ and they must be the first to deal with, not any other race or civilization. Who do you think hates everyone but their tribe? Their belief system shows inbred intelligence of hostile beginnings. The enemy we should all realize is foremost this Judeo ideology.
@John Taylor - Where are you getting this information?
@Schuster04306 I don’t think the Samson Option is a real threat. It seems more like a bluff, the survival obsessed mindset they have would not allow them to sacrifice themselves in a manner like that. The Russians, maybe, I read they computerised the Dead Man’s Hand so it wouldn’t require a human order. Not the jews though, they won’t risk their own lives to end their enemy’s. They’ll threaten it though, imagine they were surrounded by foes, waist deep in petrol, holding a box of matches. They will not burn themselves to kill the others no matter how much they scream they will. This is why as you say a united opposition of all races opposing the zionists is the only viable option.
The Jews may have the means but never the wherewithal to do anything dangerous to themselves, my Arabic History Professor says. I don’t know where he (John) got that information, but eventually we must remind ourselves that Hitler never said the German race he wanted to keep pure (or at least with all their bunk making Social Autocracy look bad) but the German people and anyone else who opposed the real threat to humanity. At all costs, this is just the physical world.
It would be silly to hate a religion or people just because of their past; I never considered hating anyone else but those who hated me with their last untrustworthy breath.
It must be taken into account the way the ‘west’ perceives the ‘east’, as well as the distractions the ‘west’ left the ‘east’ (i.e., Asia and/or most notably China.) Every European Imperial power wanted a part of China. On the other hand, China surely had its internal problems, including the end of traditional Confucius Qing Dynasty retaining civil order among the states aside from the capital (Beijing.)
Something that confounds me is how everything we see is from a decrepit European tradition, exclusively lily-white, presence. No one takes the time to see Asia, and thus the Asians, as far more advanced than Europe at the time due to accounts being exclusively from an alien culture. I am German, Swedish and Finnish with all the features that matter to what nescient White Nationlists exalt. Furthermore, if anyone here took the time, unlike the White Racialists of screwy logic-which Aryanists have delved into about Confucianism, we would see the most clear similarity between Social Autocracy and/or National Socialism. Well, it has to begin somewhere, in some land irrespective of history, manifesting is decisive of it.
White Nationalists are also able to value an ugly white person as purer than a better looking black person. They do not care as long as they are white. This is their downfall and biased knowledge.
The Confucius ideology is profound and yet profoundly meddlesome, starting with the importance of the farmer, or soil-tiller, as the backbone of a society without an economy the farmer can understand and go to work on. Confucius makes this clear in the hierarchical standard.
Things we should mold is, for example, this, not destroy it.
We should look into how the very basis of European society is hostile to a civilization of Asiatic peoples because they have opinions without merit. This ultimately leads to faulty logic and science. This is not an achievement (White Europeans created), but more of an oil spill that has massacred the best of cultures. Much of this spurs out of Jewish ideology and the degenerative genes of some people in the formation of, such as, a squirrel having the ability to find nuts in the worst of exterior or outdoor settings. This is no longer required of people.
Did anyone here know that Christopher Columbus was actually a Jew. His last name was really Cobonowitz.
” I definitely do not think the differing crime rate is solely due to genetics.”
It is true that crime is not solely due to genetics, but take a look at this:
The overwhelming majority of crime is indeed committed by a particular group, but “black and white” are the wrong categories. Paleolithic vs. Neolithic are the correct genetic categories!
“People fighting in the religious wars of Europe were able to transcend national and language differences because they were united by common belief. Now, people are saying we should fight over identity.”
But is it really different?
Just as the modern ‘race struggle’ is the new ‘class struggle’, was not the ‘religious struggle’ the class struggle’s predecessor? They weren’t fighting wars in order to have a genuine spiritual revolution, they were fighting wars of religion because that is what the ‘tribes’ were at the time. I think the 30-Years’-War definitely exemplifies this. If they were truly devoted to seeking higher religious principles, they would not have waged such a ruthless and divisive war.
“No black models in Japan”
Japan never colonized Africa. The majority of Africa was still under European colonial control until the 1960s! Can it truly be that hard for Gentiles to figure out why Japan has less ‘black people’?
>The overwhelming majority of crime is indeed committed by a particular group, but “black and white” are the wrong categories. Paleolithic vs. Neolithic are the correct genetic categories!
Agreed. May I ask what book that is?
>But is it really different?
I agree that their motivation was tribal rather than sincere desire for spiritual revolution. However, at least they were making an effort to justify their tribal identity through some higher cause. Now, no effort is made. People admit they are doing it for identity alone.
Having said that, I suppose you could argue that it is better for them to be overtly tribal, since this is more honest.
11 of the people who came to America, and founded it, were Jews, who later took hostage 600 native Americans. Christopher Columbus was really Kristoff Cobonovitz.
Lovely analysis, Anthony. I very much agree with this. The measure of intelligence should never solely based on one’s ability to excel in a particular subject matter, like art or mathematics, but moreso their contribution to it and the content of their philosophical views expressed within their work.
The book is Crime and Human Nature by James Wilson and Richard Herrnstein (co-author of the racist ‘Bell Curve’ book on IQ), but the graphs are taken from William Sheldon (creator of the somatotype theory).
“Having said that, I suppose you could argue that it is better for them to be overtly tribal, since this is more honest.”
It’s interesting that you bring that up. AS has mentioned before that Gentiles are actually learning to act/lie like Jews, because they recognize that Jews have the most effective tribalist strategy. A good example of this is the common rhetoric that White Supremacists use: ‘each ethnicity has the right to have their own homeland,’ when in reality, they would be more than pleased if they could control the Earth’s resources in their entirety (like they attempted to do during the colonial era).
But yes, at least they have made it entirely clear that it’s about racial identity.
1. Hitler sends Jew Jacob Goldschmidt as the 3rd Reich’s representative to New York. (New York Post - May 22, 2024)
2. Hitler sends Jew Otto Jeidels as the 3rd Reich’s Banker between Germany and Britain. (Time Magazine - July 3, 2024)
3. Hitler hires Freemason Hjalmar Schacht to run the Reichsbank who then hires the Hamburg Jew Banker Max Warburg.
Did the International Jew Bankers create the NSDAP/WWII like they created Al Qaeda/War on Terror today? Was puppet Hitler’s Reichstag Destruction the same as puppet Bush’s WTC Destruction? Just another rouse to create/maintain/expand Israel and The New World Order by destroying the Jews enemies (Arabs/Europeans). Puppet Bush blames the Arabs for 9/11 while destroying our Constitution and taking away our Civil Liberties; Puppet Hitler blames the Communists for the Reichstag while destroying the German Constitution and taking away German civil liberties.
Why do the Alex Jones types and the “Neo-Nazis” both hide Hitler’s Jew Bankers?
If Hitler was so honest and not a deceiver, why did he hide Eva Braun (the little 17 year old imbecile he “dated”) from the German populace? What kind of 42 year old man dates a 17 year old imbecile?
Why did Hitler murder Germans during The Night of the Long Knives yet he never killed any Jew Bankers?
Too many coincidences and excuses for me buddy. Even Hitler’s laughable body magically disappears. Or as the Jew Story goes…. his body was “burned with gasoline” and then poof turned to dust and disappeared. Kind of similar to the Jew Holocaust Lies. Not only did the Camps PROTECT Jews but Hitler did not hate Jews at all as he was very upset during the Night of Broken Glass. The Holocaust is not the only lie of WWII. Many lemmings think they have discovered some monumental Lie with the Holocaust and then they start worshiping Hitler because they feel he has been unjustly demonized instead of QUESTIONING his actions.
Hitler even worked with Zionists to arm, fund and train the Zionist sickos he sent to Palestine to create what Hitler said would be a “Crime Syndicate”. Hitler’s rhetoric is very similar to Jew Adam Pearlman’s rhetoric as spokesman for Al Qaeda.
The vast majority of people the NSDAP and Hitler killed were European Men, just as the vast majority of people that Al Qaeda kills are Arab Men. Interesting how neither can seem to kill any Jew Bankers.
Trying to tell brainwashed Al Qaeda members that they are controlled by Jew Bankers/Zionists is like trying to tell brainwashed NSDAP supporters that they are controlled by Jew Bankers/Zionists. If it were not so sad, it would be laughable.
Modern Jewry (Bankers/Zionists) were trying to create Israel since at least the late 1800′s. A controlled opposition force is supposed to pretend to dislike Jews, yet at the same time protect them and work to make the Jew Bankers/Zionists desires come true. Who do people think the “controlled opposition” force was during WWII?
>Puppet Bush blames the Arabs for 9/11 while destroying our Constitution and taking away our Civil Liberties; Puppet Hitler blames the Communists for the Reichstag
It’s hardly comparable. Bush claimed Arabs for 911 when it was actually Jews. Hitler blamed Communists, which is a Jewish movement.
>Puppet Hitler blames the Communists for the Reichstag while destroying the German Constitution and taking away German civil liberties.
Hitler lowered the age required to carry a firearm. Politicians in the USA want to restrict firearm ownership. That is only one example.
>Just another rouse to create/maintain/expand Israel and The New World Order by destroying the Jews enemies (Arabs/Europeans)
I doubt that if Hitler were controlled by the Jews he would have put them into ghettos and confiscated all their property.
>Why do the Alex Jones types and the “Neo-Nazis” both hide Hitler’s Jew Bankers?
On the contrary, I’ve heard lots of Alex Jones types claim that America is now run by Nazis who migrated there after the war and that all the Nazis were self-hating Jews.
>If Hitler was so honest and not a deceiver, why did he hide Eva Braun (the little 17 year old imbecile he “dated”) from the German populace?
Those close to Hitler have testified that his reasoning was that if German women knew he had a mistress, he would lose support, just as a rockstar would lose support if he got married. Seems logical to me.
>What kind of 42 year old man dates a 17 year old imbecile?
It’s normal for men to like younger women. Goethe (probably Germany’s greatest writer and poet) married a woman 16 years younger than himself. Bach (probably Germany’s greatest musician) married a woman 17 years younger than himself. The great mathematician Lagrange married a 24 year-old when he was 66.
>Even Hitler’s laughable body magically disappears. Or as the Jew Story goes…. his body was “burned with gasoline” and then poof turned to dust and disappeared.
>The vast majority of people the NSDAP and Hitler killed were European Men, just as the vast majority of people that Al Qaeda kills are Arab Men. Interesting how neither can seem to kill any Jew Bankers.
Are you denying that Hitler got rid of the Jewish bankers and confiscated the property of many wealthy Jews? Do you really think the German economy could have recovered as well as it did if the Jewish bankers were still at large? It’s claimed that when the Jews migrated from Germany to Palestine, all their property was confiscated but the wealth was transferred to them later. Do you really think the German economy could have survived such a huge amount of money being sent abroad, considering Jews were the wealthiest group in Germany?
>Who do people think the “controlled opposition” force was during WWII?
Communism. Instead of pretending to dislike Jews they shifted attention from Jews to ‘the upper classes’.
According to Speer’s memoirs (at least from jewpedia), Braun and Hitler never slept in the same room.
Who knows? I can think of a few married couples who don’t sleep in the same room because they like their own space, but still have sex when it suits them. Although, if he didn’t have sex with her that wouldn’t matter either. I don’t like sleeping with other people. They keep me awake by snoring or bumping into me (or playing loud music all night because they have tinnitus - damn women.)
You guys are so stupid that’s a pig not a sheep its just not shaved, you are a moron if you think that is a sheep type animal. I regret coming to this site you lost a website-viewer. Peace you bunch of Neo- Nazis.
@taco lover 42: I never said it was a sheep. I used it as an example of why it is wrong to classify something by superficial characteristics. Hence, I was saying it is wrong to classify it as a sheep. Congratulations, you’re a fucking moron.
No need to call someone a moron. That’s evident. He’s also probably Jewish or Goyish, which means that he knows that the word Neo is innacurate here and that Aryans or Real National Socialists do not identify under its suffix, nor does any NS deem Neo-Nazis as any less a threat than a Jew or Gentile.
The term Goyish is anyone who is manipulated easy enough to call an Autuentic National Socilaist Venture Neo.
@ taco lover 42
Thank you for representing the average reader of this website accurately.
“…but then choose to promote inferior black models.”
The mass media promotes inferior phenotypes in general, at least that’s my impression. Take this list as an example:
99 supposedly ‘desirable’ celebrities and not a single beautiful face among them.
A few of them are attractive (maybe 5) for me but so many of them are fugly or average looking.
Well, Alison Brie is number 2, and she’s known mostly for her role in Community, which is pure Zionist propaganda and in which she’s been pushed from day one as some ideal girl (which most people have fallen for, even though she’s not)
I don’t even know 80% of them because I don’t care about celebrities and the ones I know appear on newspapers, radio, Youtube etc. all the time so I know some of these degenerates unfortunately. I guess that without make up they would all look like monsters (a lot of them do look like some already).
Connor, I think your caps lock button is broken, bro.
Nope. Just angry that people keep posting pictures of celebrities as forms of beauty. These people are usually airbrushed liitle f#$@s.
Well most people’s blood memory is raceless or Gentile with some Aryan in it so it is normal that people like that kind of women.
But yeah without makeup they really look like average or ugly people.
I am probably Gentile. I like to box. It is not an Aryan sport, I think.
Adolf Hitler praised boxing, jiujitsu etc. on Mein Kampf. SA-men were no sissies.
Nothing wrong with boxing